Victory ENGINEERING CORPORATION. Anal. Chem. , 1958, 30 (6), pp 44A–44A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60138a742. Publication Date: June 1958. ACS Legacy ...
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For special atmospheres; instrument calibration; stimulated process gases; leak detection; sterilization; nuclear counter mixtures a n d m a n y other special applications.

Gas Mixtures Our complete stock of 76 gases assures you of the ready availability of a n y type of gas mixture, compounded t o your exact spécifications. Five cylinder sizes. Participants in the combined session for manufacturers and distributors at the SAMA meeting include (left to right) Ο . Β. Wilson, general sales manager, Brown Instruments Division; Richard E. Welch, SAMA president and vice president, W . M. Welch Manufacturing Co., and A . O. Beckman, president, Beckman Instruments

Is there a j o b in your plant t h a t Matheson Gas Mixtures can do better? Our Sales Engineering D e p a r t m e n t will be glad t o offer suggestions. Write for our Gas Catalog listing Gas Mixture Services, Regulators, Valves, Flowmeters a n d Accessories.

The Matheson Company, Inc.

East Rutherford, N . J.; Joliet. II].; Newark, Calif.

Compressed Gases and Regulators


What's behind this quality? — i t ' s VECO's ever-constant research, development and engineering program, designed to keep abreast of today's fast-changing industry. Backed by o n e of t h e c o u n t r y ' s l a r g e s t a n d f i n e s t equipped plants, VECO works hand-in-hand with customers to improve existing products and develop new applications utilizing Thermistors and Varistors. VECO also publishes technical and educational literature to tell customers of the uses and characteristics of Thermistors and Varistors. A new Technical Catalog, covering over 250 VECO stock items, and an educational series entitled " M e e t The VECO Thermistor" are available. Write or call for your free copy today!


Also Manufacturers



Descriptive literature covering each item available on request




Gas Analysis and Chromatography Cells Combustion Analyzers Temperature-Sensing Devices Low Temperature (Lax Probes) 'Pat. Applied For) Tap-A-Therm (Multi-Tapped Thermistors) (Pat. Applied For) Custom-Built, Constant Temperature Baths and Controls Compactrol (Electronic Controls) (Pat. Applied For)


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CORPORATION 68 Springfield Road, Union, N. J. Telephone MUrdock 8-7150

For further information, circle number 44 A on Readers' Service Card, page 89 A 44 A



Instrument M a k e r s H a v e High R&D Budgets PALM SPRINGS, CALIF.

Research and

development budgets, more than three times greater than the national average per sales dollar, is one reason that ap­ paratus makers have fared better than industry, in general, during the cur­ rent recession. Richard E. Welch, president of the Scientific Apparatus Makers Association, made this state­ ment before 400 association members gathered here for their 40th annual meeting. "Business slumps may very well re­ flect lags in pure research," he said. "In the past, ovir economic growth came largely from expansion into new lands or through discovery of rich deposits of natural resources. Such opportunities are relatively limited now. "Only a little more than 8% of the country's $4 billion yearly investments in R&D goes for basic research today. Yet, basic research is a thorough eco­ nomic practicality." SAMA officers re-elected include Welch, president and G. A. Downsbrough, Boonton Radio Corp., presi­ dent pro tempore. T. M. Mints, Ε. Η. Sargent & Co., Aiken W. Fisher, presi­ dent, Fisher Scientific Co., and Edward B. Patterson, president, Arthur Thomas Co., were elected directors at large. Charles S. Redding, board chairman, Leeds & Northrup Co., was awarded the Scientific Apparatus Makers Award for "highest achievement in developing the industry's capacity for serving the nation in the fields of industry, re­ search, education, health, and defense."