Viewpoint. Pollution problems - in spades - Environmental Science

Pollution problems - in spades. Richard Sullivan. Environ. Sci. Technol. , 1970, 4 (12), pp 1091–1091. DOI: 10.1021/es60047a605. Publication Date: D...
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Pollution praBblems-in spades I’m not so presumptuous as to tell the world how to causing or controlling air pollution. The state also resolve its environmental crises. But I am grateful for quires an industry to file plans showing that its waste the invitation to discuss New Jersey’s pollution-fighting disposal techniques will not create water pollution, activities briefly, in the hope that our experiences may before the industry is granted a construction license. help others. Though we have made some notable strides, our In proportion to its size, New Jersey is the nation’s en>rironment is still sick, and it may get sicker before it most densely populated state as well as having the gets well. But we! are determined that it shall get well, highest vehicular density of any state. Because of its and we have documented evidence that the patient is concentration of population, industry, traffic, and showing signs of responding to treatment. agriculture, there is scarcely any pollution problem The season for making resolutions is approaching. which New Jersey doesn’t have-in spades. Let us who have a personal commitment to environNo wonder that the state has heen a pioneer in mental protection resolve to help develop in others, pollution control. New. Jersey passed water pollution by every possible means, an acute sense of environcontrol laws as far back as 1,899. It enacted the nation’s mental wisdom. In too many cases, the frontier mentalfirst statewide air pollution control law+ne year ity is still with us. We think we can do what we ahead of the first federal act. The updated State Air please with our natural resources because they will Pollution Control Law empowers the Department of always be around. We must disabuse ourselves of this Environmental Protection to promulgate regulatory illusion codes implementing state air pollution control laws. The next generation of Americans must be inculThese codes are very stringent and rigidly enforced. cated with the values of environmental sensitivity. In this, the courts of the state have heen our firm They must he made to realize their place in the ecoallies, upholding the department’s stand in every logical system, and that abuse of the environment is, instance in which enforcement procedure has led to in effect, self-destruction. We must replace the rightcourt action. Since 1967, New Jersey has prosecuted of-exploitation concept with the responsibility-of-stewand won some 200 antipollution cases of all kinds, and ardship c oncept. We mu st learn that it is in our own has collected about $250,000 in penalties. This amount interest to observe the 1rights of others. If this were includes a $20,000 fine, the largl:st air pollution penalty learned umiversally, not (mly would we have a cleaner .. . . . ever levied. physical environment, but we might also develop the action il Vital as rigorous enforcem m -..t.___._._ - ~it,is onlv _._, mental cAmate ultimately enabling us to achieve peace one a: emplo, as we ment technii is saic New 1 state-ii ever, 1 ...__,.l.._l. - . . ~ ., sioner ot the Department of Environmental Protection training, has been at any time if the industry fails to comply with pollnemployed by the State of tion control requirements. New Jersev since 1950 To prevent as much pollution as possible from happening in the first place, regulations require an industry to submit specifications for examination before the state issues the requisite permit to install or alter, and a certificate to operate, equipment either





Volume 4, Number 12, December 1970 1091