Viscoelasticity of Biomaterials - American Chemical Society

Roger H. Newman. Chemistry Division, Department of ... The NMR experiments described here were all run on a Varian XL-200. NMR spectrometer with a Dot...
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Chapter 20

Solid-State C N M R Spectroscopy of Multiphase Biomaterials Downloaded by STANFORD UNIV GREEN LIBR on October 12, 2012 | Publication Date: May 8, 1992 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1992-0489.ch020


Roger H. Newman Chemistry Division, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Private Bag, Petone, New Zealand Proton spin relaxation parameters can be determined for particular phases in multiphase materials through indi­ rect measurements on signals in carbon-13 NMR spectra. The results can be used to explore spatial relationships between phases or to edit spectra so that carbon-13 spin relaxation parameters can be determined for overlapping signals from different phases. These methods have been used to show that adding moisture to wood softens the hemicelluloses, with weaker effects on the lignin and cel­ lulose. Nuclear spin relaxation time constants can provide information about struc­ ture and molecular dynamics in polymers. Proton spin relaxation parame­ ters can not be measured for individual functional groups because spin-spin "flip-flop" transitions result in proton spins diffusing over path lengths of a few nanometers during measurement of the rotating-frame relaxation time constant T{* , or even a few tens of nanometers during the longer timescale required for measurement of the spin-lattice relaxation time constant T j * (1) . The observation of a single time constant for a mixture of polymers has become established as an indicator of compatibility (1). Only 1.1% of carbon atoms contain C nuclei, so the distances between C nuclei i n ­ hibit spin diffusion and distinct time constants can be observed for different N M R signals provided the experiments are completed within a few seconds (2) · Proton spin relaxation time constants Τ{*, T ^ , , and T ^ can all be measured indirectly by C N M R experiments with cross polarization ( C P ) and magic-angle spinning ( M A S ) . This approach has the advantage of using the much larger dispersion of chemical shifts for C compared with protons, increasing the probability of resolving N M R signals that can be assigned to each phase of a multi-phase sample. Experiments described in this paper 1 3

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In Viscoelasticity of Biomaterials; Glasser, W., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.



go one step further by using proton spin relaxation processes to edit C N M R spectra, separating sub-spectra for different phases so that values of the C spin-lattice relaxation time constant T f can be measured for similar functional groups in different phases. The new procedure was tested on samples of wood. Possible extensions to other multiphase biomaterials will be discussed at the end of the paper. 1 3

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Methods The N M R experiments described here were all run on a Varian X L - 2 0 0 N M R spectrometer with a Doty Scientific M A S probe. Samples were packed in 7 m m diameter sapphire rotors and sealed with K e l - F caps. Poly(trifluorochloroethylene) grease was used to ensure watertight seals. Rotors were spun at 4 k H z . Values of Τχ were measured by the "delayed contact" pulse sequence in which the protons are spin-locked for a variable delay t , before the con­ tact time begins (3). The spin-locking field strength was maintained at 0.95 m T by adjusting the transmitter power after each sample change, compensating for variations in radiofrequency absorption due to variations in moisture contents. The procedure for editing spectra has been described in detail else­ where (4). The delayed-contact pulse sequence was used to generate a pair of spectra with t , = 0 and T . If the sample contains just two phases labelled A and B , then it can be shown that the subspectrum of phase A can be isolated by multiplying the first spectrum by Κ and the second by K\ then adding the spectra together with: ρ

Κ = 1/ {1 - exp [ ( T / 3 f , ) - Γ / 7 Ϊ » ) ] } Κ' =

-Καφ[Τ/Ί^ ] β

Values of T = 6 or 8 ms were used, and transients from at least 5000 contacts were averaged. A similar method was used by VanderHart and Perez (5) to separate subspectra of crystalline and non-crystalline phases i n polyethy­ lene. If T f is much less than a typical contact time of 1 or 2 ms then signals from phase Β would be suppressed by inefficient cross polarization, but that was not the case i n the present work where typical values of Τ were in the range 4 to 10 ms and values for different phases differed by no more than a factor of 2. Integrals over the two subspectra do not give an accurate estimate of the relative amounts of carbon associated with each phase unless allowance is made for differences in rotating-frame relaxation during the contact time. Values of T f were measured by the method of Torchia (6) i n which cross-polarization is followed by two π/2 pulses separated by a variable relaxation interval t . In some experiments the delayed-contact pulse se­ quence was combined with Torchia's pulse sequence as i n Figure 1. Pairs of spectra were generated by averaging 3000 transients for t , = 0 and 9000 transients for t , = 6 ms, and subspectra were separated for each value of t . p



In Viscoelasticity of Biomaterials; Glasser, W., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.



C NMR Spectroscopy of MuUiphase Biomaterials



Proton Spin Relaxation Figure 2 shows subspectra separated from the C C P / M A S NMR spectrum of Pinus radiaia wood moistened to 35% by weight water. A subspectrum associated with Τζ, = 7ms (Figure 2a) displayed signals that can be as­ signed to cellulose in both crystalline and non-crystalline domains (7), while a subspectrum associated with T ^ = 4 ms (Figure 2b) displayed signals that can be assigned to lignin and hemicelluloses (8). The clean separation of two such subspectra forms the basis of a new method for estimating the degree of crystallinity of cellulose in wood (4). Such a clean separation is made possible by close similarities in the values of TfJ, for lignin and for hemicellulose (4). This point was explored further by measuring values of Tf^ for a collection of eight samples of eucalypt woods, using the signals at δ = 56 and 22 ppm as representative of lignin and hemicellulose, respectively. The results are shown in Figure 3, along with published results for six assorted hardwood species (4). Values of Tf^ for wood are sensitive to the strength of the spin-locking field (9). The NMR instrument was modified to improve control of transmitter power in between the two sets of experiments, so the range of values of Tf^ for the eucalypts at least can be attributed primarily to differences in molecular motion in different samples rather than to variations in instrument performance. The points plotted in Figure 3 are scattered around a line of unit slope, with no deviations greater than the experimental uncertainty. Such close similarities in Tf* indicate mixing of the molecules on a scale of a few nanometers or less (1). This is consistent with the model of Fengel (10), in which lignin molecules are linked to hemicellulose fibrils in wound and coiled structures. Tf values were not measured for hemicelluloses in softwoods because the signal at δ = 22 ppm was too weak. Mean values of T ^ , for lignin were 5.1 ms for five softwoods and 5.4 ms for six hardwoods, with standard deviations of 0.9 and 1.2 ms, respectively (4). New data for eight eucalypts provided a mean of 6.8 ms and a standard deviation of 1.3 ms. The scatter is too large for any clear distinction between molecular motion in softwoods and hardwoods.

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Carbon-13 Spin Relaxation The pulse sequence of Figure 1 was used to estimate values of T f for chemical functional groups in wood from P. radiaia as an example of a softwood and Eucalyptus delegatensis as an example of a hardwood. Both samples were moistened to 31% moisture content. The values of T f for both crystalline and non-crystalline cellulose were > 15 s and therefore too long for reliable estimation without extending the experiments beyond three days of data averaging. Results for the non-cellulosic material are given in Table I. Shortest values of T f were observed for — C H 2 O H and — O C H 3 groups (δ = 62 and 56, respectively), as might be expected for groups that are not part of the polymeric backbones. Signals at 6 = 106 and 114 ppm were assigned to C H groups in lignin syringyl and guaiacyl

In Viscoelasticity of Biomaterials; Glasser, W., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.



π/2 1

H «*








π/2 1 3


c t

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Figure 1. Pulse sequence for measuring T f . Phases of the π/2 pulses have been omitted for clarity.






0 6 / ppm

Figure 2. Subspectra separated from a C C P / M A S N M R spectrum of P . radiaia wood, selected for domains with (a) T ^ , = 7 ms; (b) T ^ = 4 ms. 1 3

In Viscoelasticity of Biomaterials; Glasser, W., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.

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C NMR Spectroscopy of Multiphase Biomaterials















for lignin (ms) Figure 3. Values of T? for lignin and hemicellulose in wood from eucalypts ( O ) and assorted hardwoods (•). P

In Viscoelasticity of Biomaterials; Glasser, W., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.



units, respectively. The signal at δ = 84 was assigned primarily to C H groups in hemicellulose (8), with a minor contribution from C H groups in lignin. Table I. Values of T f (s) for specific signals in subspectra of non-cellulosic material

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6/ppm P. radiaia E. delegaiensis









3 3

0.3 0.6

1.5 1.5

When Torchia's pulse sequence was used without spectral editing, the relaxation curve for the signal at δ = 84 was distinctly non-exponential. The spectral editing experiment showed that this was the result of over­ lapping signals from non-crystalline cellulose and hemicellulose, that the shorter time constant should be assigned to the latter, and that the ratios of contributing strengths were 59 : 41 for P. radiaia and 54 : 46 for E. delegaiensis. This information was used to analyze non-exponential relaxation curves from experiments without spectral editing. The results are shown in Figure 4, along with results obtained at other chemical shifts for which spectral editing was unnecessary. The curves of Figure 4 show evidence for increasing motion involving polymeric backbones as the moisture content is raised to about 25%, with little further change beyond. The effects of added moisture were most pronounced for hemicellulose (square symbols) and least pronounced for cellulose (triangular symbols). Values of T f for cellulose were so long that spin diffusion between crystalline and non-crystalline domains may have provided an important relaxation mechanism for the crystalline material (2)· Figure 4b shows no information about C H groups in lignin because the signal at δ = 106 ppm was swamped by much stronger overlapping signals assigned to C - l of cellulose in both crystalline and non-crystalline domains. Glass transition temperatures have been published for isolated non­ crystalline cellulose and hemicelluloses (11,12). Water acts as a plasticizer, lowering T^ to room temperature at about 20% moisture content for both substances. The N M R results for wood can be explained by water interact­ ing with hemicelluloses, softening them beyond the glass transition. The relatively small effect on T^ for non-crystalline cellulose in wood provides evidence for this component being less accessible to water. Winandy and Rowell (13) have suggested that: "Lignin is the most hydrophobic compo­ nent of the wood cell wall. Its ability to act as an encrusting agent on and around the carbohydrate fraction, and thereby limit water's influence on that carbohydrate fraction, is the cornerstone of wood's ability to retain its strength and stiffness as moisture is introduced to the system." Recent experiments on spruce wood have provided evidence for two distinct glass transitions (14). The lower-temperature transition occurs at

In Viscoelasticity of Biomaterials; Glasser, W., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.



C NMR Spectroscopy of Multiphase Biomaterials



Downloaded by STANFORD UNIV GREEN LIBR on October 12, 2012 | Publication Date: May 8, 1992 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1992-0489.ch020

room temperature for a moisture content of about 10%, and can therefore be identified with the softening of hemicellulose as observed in the NMR experiments. The higher-temperature transition does not drop below 50° C even at high moisture contents. The latter transition has been attributed to softening of lignin. The NMR results show some evidence for lignin being softened by water at room temperature, but this observation can be explained in terms of Fengel's model for interactions between lignin and hemicellulose, i.e., the NMR results for lignin may reflect softening of hemicellulose fibrils allowing greater freedom of movement of the lignin molecules in the interconnected structure.

Spin Diffusion and Spatial Relationships Similarities and differences in proton spin relaxation time constants have been used in studies of spatial relationships between the chemical CQmponents of wood and pulp (15-18). Similarities could be the result of rapid spin diffusion between domains with very different relaxation time constants, or they could be the result of coincidental similarities in molecular motion in well-separated domains. This ambiguity can be resolved by measuring the time constants for spin diffusion between domains, e.g., using pulse sequences described by Zumbulyadis (19) or the pulse sequence "MOPS" (Mixing of Proton Spins) (20). MOPS has been used to estimate a time constant of 14 ms for mixing between the protons of lignin and crystalline cellulose in Eucalyptus regnans wood (20). The averaging effect of such mixing on relaxation time constants was explored with a highly simplified model for a cell-wall microfibril. A cylin­ der of cellulose was surrounded by a mixture of lignin and hemicelluloses. A spin diffusion coefficient of 9.7 χ 1 0 " m s"" was used (20). Computer simulations matched the experimental observations when the trial diame­ ter of the cellulose microfibril was 24 nm. This is within the range of 9 to 29 nm previously estimated by electron microscopic examination of cellulose microfibrils from wood (21). Two versions of the model were tested; one with crystalline cellulose confined to a central core, and one with crystalline cellulose distributed in a non-crystalline matrix. The former model gave slightly less convincing results, because simulations predicted a difference of about 11% between apparent values of TfJ, for crystalline and non-crys­ talline cellulose. This difference would be large enough to upset the clean separation of cellulosic and non-cellulosic material that was demonstrated earlier. Simulations for both models predicted that apparent values of Tf^ for lignin are distorted by no more than 10% by proton spin diffusion be­ tween domains. 16



Other Biomaterials Figure 5 shows a pair of subspectra separated from the C P / M A S NMR spectrum of ryegrass. The subspectrum associated with longer values of Tip (Figure 5a) shows signals assigned to crystalline and non-crystalline cellulose, while the subspectrum associated with shorter values of Τζ, is

In Viscoelasticity of Biomaterials; Glasser, W., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.

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Moisture content






Moisture content



Figure 4. Values of T f for (a) P. radiaia and (b) E. delegaiensis. chemical shift is shown beside each curve.




100 6 / ppm

Figure 5. Subspectra separated from a C C P / M A S N M R spectrum of ryegrass, selected for domains with (a) T? = 4.6 and (b) Ύ% = 3.6 ms. 1 3



In Viscoelasticity of Biomaterials; Glasser, W., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.



C NMR Spectroscopy of Multiphase Biomaterials



dominated by signals assigned to proteins and hemicelluloses; signals at δ = 173 and 10-40 are assigned to protein amide groups and sidechains, respectively. Wool is thought to contain microfibrils of crystalline and non-crystal­ line protein, but attempts at separation of N M R subspectra failed.

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December 16, 1991

In Viscoelasticity of Biomaterials; Glasser, W., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1992.