Vital Coverage of the Newest Biotechnology Concepts - C&EN Global

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Vital Coverage of the Newest Biotechnoiogy Concepts

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Basic science . . . and the applications

For chemists, life scientists, and engineers, Biotechnoiogy Progress is your complète source for significant findings affecting the biotechnoiogy/ bioprocess industries. A timely bimonthly journal, Biotechnoiogy Progress is edited for practitioners of applied R&D and is co-published by the American Chemical Society and the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Inside you'll find basic science and applied research papers, primary research articles, notes, state-of-the-art reviews, and expert commentaries that put you at the forefront of the newest developments. Biotechnoiogy Progress provides bimonthly coverage on concepts and trends in thèse areas: Product delivery Biocatalytic processes Applied Biochemistry Bioinstrumentation Cell culture Tissue engineering

Bioseparations Bioconversion Bioreactor technology Applied molecular biology Bioanalysis Formulation

Editor Jérôme S. Schultz Center for Biotechnoiogy & Bioengineering University of Pittsburgh 300 Technology Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15219 (412) 383-9712 Associate Editor, Reviews M.C Flickinger University of Minnesota

ACSIII PUBLICATIONS t.ssential Resources for the (..hemical Sciences


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