Vitam Chart - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Nov 4, 2010 - Prepared by WILLIAM WESTON, Columbia, S. C., as a Scientific Exhibit American Medical Association, Minneapolis, Minn., June 11 to 15, ...
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Vol. 10, No. 3

Vitana Prepared by WILIJAM "WESTON, Columbia, S. C , as a Scientific Exhi Revised June, 1931, in. collaboration with the author, b y HABOI/J

(Copyright, 1931,feySouth C





lAnti-ophthalmic Prevents infections (notably' of eyes and Lowered resistance t o infections Retardation of growth a n d development respiratory system) Anti-infective Susceptibility t o infections of the: Promotes growth a n d longevity (a) Glands at base of t o n g u e (abscesses) Maintains health a n d vigor ( b ) Sinuses (pus) and ears (otitis m e d i a ) Promotes appetite a n d digestion (c) Eyes (night blindness a n d x e r o p h t h a l m i a ) Essential for normal reproduction, lacta( d ) Tear glands (loss o f po^ver t o produce tears> tion a n d rearing of y o u n g ( e ) Salivary a n d l y m p h glands, l u n g s , nose, skin Maintains the integrity of the epithelial ( f ) Kidney, ureter, bladder (calculi) tissues ( g ) Alimentary canal Diarrhea Physical weakness Failure of appetite and digestion Sterility due t o failure o f ovulation Cornification o f secreting" epithelium VITAMIN B ( B l ) lAnfci-neuritic Impairment or loss o f appetite Promotes the' appetite and digestion Anti-beriberi Promotes growth b y stimulating metabolic Impairment of digestive processes (decreased motility o f tt stomach, atonic intestines, etc.) processes Protects "body from nerve disease (beriberi, Impaired growth of young in. lactation period ( d u e to del ciency i n mother's milk) polyneuritis) Required by the mother f o r normal repro- Sterility due to cessation of oestrus cycle Anhydremia duction, and lactation Loss of weight atfd vigor Promotes tonicity of the digestive tract Subnormal temperature Fatigue Beriberi o r polyneuritis ( n e r v e disease) (a) Loss of co-ordinating powers of muscles (b) Gradual paralysis of lixnbs (c) Alimentary disturbances ( i n d i g e s t i o n , constipatio colitis) (d) Emaciation









VITAMIN G (B2) Amti-pellagric

Scurvy Protects body from scurvy Required for proper metabolism o f t h e (a) Hemorrhages (mucous membrane, s k i n , joints, liml bones and bone marrow) Required for normal tooth formation a n d (b) Spongy a n d bleeding gums (ulcerations) maintenance (c) Bleeding muscles a n d tissues (d) P a i n s a n d swelling in joints and limbs (e) Fragility of bones (spontaneous fractures) Decalcification of bones Decay of teeth Loosening and shedding of teeth Loss of weight Fatigue Loss of appetite Sallow or pallid complexion

1 Regulates t h e absorption and xnetaholism Rickets (bone disease) o f the hone-forming e l e m e n t s — calcium Deformities o f bones (a) Soft and fragile bones and phosphorus (b) Enlargement of wrists and elbows Regulates t h e mineral metabolism o f t h e (e) Enlargement o f r i b junctions ( b e a d i n g ) bones and teeth (d) Bulging forehead Required by pregnant mother to prevent (e) S o f t e n i n g of cranial bones rickets in the y o u n g (f) Delayed closing o f fontaneles (g) Malformation of ehest and o f p e l v i s (h) Bowed l e g s General muscular weakness a n d i n s t a b i l i t y of nervous syste F a u l t y absorption, retention, and deposition of the bon forming e l e m e n t s — c a l c i u m and phosphorus — i n t h e bo< Low content o f calcium and phosphorus i n blood a n d bones Defects i n teeth (caries, poorly calcified t e e t h ) 1 Essential for normal reproductive function Failure i n reproduction (sterility) (a) Required for normal germ cell (a) Degeneration of germinal e p i t h e l i u m in male maturation i n male (b) Failure i n placental f u n c t i o n i n t h e f e m a l e (b) Required f o r normal placental func(c) Disturbance in gestation (death a n d resorption t i o n i n female developing y o u n g ) Prevents pellagra (3)

Pellagra (a) Alimentary disturbances (b) Dermatitis ( 3 ) The most recent experimental work in(c) Pigmentation and thickening of the skin dicates that there are other factors be(d) Soreness and inflammation of t o n g u e a n d m o u t h sides vitamin 6 concerned in the preven( e ) Diarrhea tion o r cure o f pellagra. ( f ) Nervous and mental disorders


February 10, 1932





Chart oaerican Medical Association, Minneapolis, Minn., June 1 1 to 3.5, 1928. JSTE, South Carolina F o o d Research Commission, Ckailesiion, S-. C. F o o d Research Commission.)

ARTIFICIAL | CONCENTRATES m-saponifiable fraction o f jod liver oil rotin (1) (from carrots oi jreen vegetables)

) Carotin is converted into Vitamin A in the b o d y .

t a m i n B from y e a s t tamin B from rice polishings tamin B from wheat germs

camin C from orange juice bamin C from lemon juice

MOST POTENT PLANT 1 ANIMAL Cod l i v e r oil

SOURCES j EXCELLENT j P*JLANT 1 ANIMAL j Alfalfa Butter Cheese Broeeoli Cream Carrot Egg (yolk) Lett race Milk, whole Spinach Tomato Watercress

J GOOD | PLANT j Vegetables Fruits j Artichoke -Apricot j Asparagus Avocado I Cabbage Banana j Celery Orange Chard Peacli Clover Pineapple Corn (yellow) Prune Escarol Kale Pea (green) Pepper (green) Squash String bean Sweet potato (yellow) Yeast Cereals &gg (yolk) Vegetables Fruits (vliole) Asparagus Apple Bean Banana Wraeat Cabbage Cantaloupe Corn Carrot "Dale Riere . Cauliflower Grape Oa^rs, etc. Celery Grapefruit Pea Collard Lemon Wheat bran Lettuce !Nuts Wheat germ Onion Orange Parsnip Peach Polato Pineapple Spinuch Prune Tomato Strawberry Turnip* Turnip green V/atercress Vegetables Vegetables Fruits Vegetables Bean (cooked) Apple Cabbage CcBery Beet Banana Lettuce Bli-aibarb Cabbage (cooked) Grape Onion Tuarnip Carrot Grape juiec Spinach Fruits Cauliflower Grapefruit Tomato (*) An. inia l l Citjon juice Collard Pear Tomato juice sourees, as &\ Liiarie juico Cucumber "Watermelon class, are prae—1 Pesch Fruits Endive devoid j Pineapple Lemon juice tically P e a (eookcd) of vitamin O-f Pineapple Orange Pepper (green) Orange juice jruice Potato Kaspberry Pumpkin Str-awberry Spinach (cooked) Tangerine Sweet corn Turnip green Watercress Cod l i v e r oil Egg (yolk) Sunlight, Salmon direct