Vitamin advertising may mislead public, says chemist - Journal of

Vitamin advertising may mislead public, says chemist. J. Chem. Educ. , 1932, 9 (1), p 167. DOI: 10.1021/ed009p167. Publication Date: January 1932. Not...
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VOL. 9, No. 1



to nge they can be amnged as follows: under 25 years: 1176 (ll.ICb); 25-30 years: 2419 (229%); 30-41 years: 3098 (29.3%); 40-50 yvars: 2218 (21 Dl%); 30 60 yean: 11OO 111 29',\: over 60 wars: 473 1.4 S q ) . hlon. than half of thc women chemi~ts were inder'soyears of age. 3584 (3i'.l%yof the men and 842 (91.4%) of the women were single. 5858 (60.7%) of the men and 57 (6.2y0) of the women were married. 211 (2.2%) of the men and 22 (2.4%) of the women were widowed or divorced. L.S. ~p~~ ~

GENERAL Hum and b u ~ . A. B. NLCIIUI.AS. Am. J. Phorm , 103, 430-07 (Allg., 1931):I