Vitrinite Reflectance as Maturity Parameter - ACS Publications

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Chapter 1

Vitrinite Reflectance as Maturity Parameter Petrographic and Molecular Characterization and Its Applications to Basin Modeling P. K. Mukhopadhyay

Downloaded by on December 12, 2015 | Publication Date: November 9, 1994 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1994-0570.ch001

Global Geoenergy Research Limited, 14 Crescent Plateau, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3M 2V6, Canada

Huminite/Vitrinite, primarily derived from the lignin, cellulose, and tannins of vascular plants (especially from the periderm [bark] and xylem [wood] tissues), is the major maceral (1) in coal but also occurs as dispersed organic particles in various sedimentary rocks, some of which are petroleum source rocks. The maceral "huminite" (a low rank counterpart of vitrinite) is formed when the biopolymers of plants are subjected to physical and chemical alteration due to increases in temperature and pressure through geological time. With increasing temperature and pressure within the earth's crust, irreversible chemical reactions take place within the huminite/vitrinite network. This process is termed maturation or coalification with subdivisions like diagenesis, catagenesis, and metagenesis, which eventually merge to low grade metamorphism (2,3). The major physical manifestation of the maturation process is the increase in the reflectance of vitrinite which may include chemical transformations such as decarboxylation, dehydroxylation, demethylation, aromatization, and finally polycondensation of aromatic lamellae (3-6). The reflectance of vitrinite is defined as the proportion of normal incident light reflected by a plane polished surface of vitrinite, which changes according to the level of maturation. Vitrinite reflectance, the major maturity parameter, accurately establishes the effective maximum paleotemperature and its duration at any stage in geological time. Accordingly, vitrinite reflectance is often referred to as a paleogeothermometer (7,8). The determination of maturity is the major building block for the determination of the boundary conditions of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbon generation, coke stability prediction in a coal, identification of various geological phenomena (faulting, thrusting, intrusion, unconformity, etc.) and temperature history in basin evolution (3,9-23). The reasons for choosing vitrinite as the main parameter for the determination of maturity are: (a) ubiquitous presence of vitrinite or vitrinite-like macerals in almost every organic-lean and organic-rich sedimentary or metasedimentary rock; (b) vitrinite or vitrinite-like macerals appear homogenous when viewed under the incident light microscope (in most cases, vitrinite grains are large enough for maturity

0097-6156/94/0570-0001S08.72/0 © 1994 American Chemical Society

In Vitrinite Reflectance as a Maturity Parameter; Mukhopadhyay, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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determination); and (c) vitrinite shows uniform physical and chemical changes under increasing thermal stress and other geological conditions. The objectives of this review are to illustrate the physical and chemical complexity of vitrinite reflectance, its limitations, and its application in various geological situations. In this review, a complete assessment of the petrography and chemistry of vitrinite reflectance will be undertaken in order to establish the implications of various chapters presented in this book. Four aspects of vitrinite reflectance are discussed: (a) standardization of vitrinite reflectance and problems as seen during pétrographie characterization, (b) the molecular characterization of vitrinite reflectance, (c) application of vitrinite reflectance to basin modeling, and (d) other maturation parameters which can substitute for vitrinite reflectance measurement. The chapters of this book were arranged according to their relationship to those four aspects of vitrinite reflectance. Petrography of Vitrinite: Standardization, Diversity and Limitations Vitrinite reflectance evolved from a simple tool to determine the rank of the coal, to extended applications such as calibration criteria for various physical and chemical rank parameters which were developed later. During the 1970's, vitrinite reflectance measurements (especially in the dispersed organic matter) were oversimplified (e.g. auto imaging techniques or measurement on kerogen smear slide) which created major problems in interpreting various geological situations, such as suppression of vitrinite reflectance. Organic petrographers and geochemists, in recent years, have set forth a new research goal to solve those problems. The following section will shed some light on those problems starting with the history of vitrinite reflectance. History and Standardization of Vitrinite Reflectance. Vitrinite reflectance is measured in both coal and dispersed organic matter (DOM) of petroleum source rocks. However, the reflectance measurement was first developed by the coal petrographers as a rank parameter for coal. In 1930, E. Stach from Germany developed the initial idea about the implications of the reflectance of various macérais in coal from the Ruhr Coalfield (24-26). Hoffmann and Jenkner (27) began measuring vitrinite reflectance with a Berek Photometer and oil immersion objective to show its correlation with other rank parameters (16,24-26). In the early days of vitrinite reflectance, some controversies existed over the uniform increase in vitrinite reflectance with the increase in rank (25). In the following years, the works of McCartney (28), Mukherjee (29), Huntjens and van Krevelen (30), and Siever (37) documented the importance of vitrinite reflectance as a tool for rank and coke prediction (16). The beginning of the modern method of vitrinite reflectance measurement is marked by E. Stach who first used a single cell photomultiplier to measure vitrinite reflectance (16). The earliest known reflectance measurement on dispersed vitrinite in other sedimentary rocks is derived from the works of M . and R. Teichmuller in 1951-52 using whole rock polished plugs (Teichmuller, M . , Krefeld, Germany, personal communication, 1993). The present day measurement of vitrinite reflectance on kerogen concentrate began during the middle of the 1960's by organic petrographers simultaneously in various oil company laboratories and other research organizations in Europe and U S A (C. Gutjahr, B. Parks and J. Castano at Shell Development

In Vitrinite Reflectance as a Maturity Parameter; Mukhopadhyay, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

Downloaded by on December 12, 2015 | Publication Date: November 9, 1994 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1994-0570.ch001



Vitrinite Reflectance as Maturity Parameter

Company, Netherlands and USA, J. Burgess at Exxon Production Research and Chevron Oil, USA, P. Robert at Elf Acquitaine, France) (Castano, J., DGSI, The Woodlands, Texas, personal communication, 1993). At the same time, vitrinite reflectance on dispersed organic matter was also done by M . Teichmuller (Gcologishes Landesamt, Germany) and H. Jacob (BGR, Germany), B. Alpern (University of Orleans, France), I. Ammosov (University of Moskow, U. S. S. R.), P. Hacquebard (GSC, Canada) who usually used a polished whole rock or handpicked coal from a sedimentary rock. Extensive reviews of vitrinite reflectance and its applications are well illustrated in the following literatures: (a) for both dispersed organic matter and coal, see Robert (18), Teichmuller (3, 36-38), Durand et al. (19), and Mukhopadhyay (21); (b) for coal, see McCartney and Teichmuller (32), Berry et al. (33), Davis (34), Ting (35), Stach et al (16), and Bustin et al (39); and (c) for only dispersed organic matter, see Dow (13), van Gijzel (15), Whelan and Thompson-Rizer (22), and Senftle et al (23). The reflectance system of today includes an incident light microscope, a photomultiplier, a microprocessor, and a computer. Vitrinite reflectance measurements are made on polished coal, kerogen, and rock fragments using a 25-50 power incident light oil immersion objective, immersion oil (density 1.515 gm/cm ), a 546 nm filter, and a measuring aperture of 2-15 μπι, with or without polarizer, and a standard (usually glass) with known reflectance under oil immersion objective. The standard measuring technique for vitrinite reflectance in coal is illustrated in A S T M (40) and for vitrinite reflectance in dispersed organic matter in Mukhopadhyay (21) and Whelan and Thompson-Rizer (22). The linearity of the microscope is usually calibrated using standards (such as glass, sapphire, etc.) whose refractive index at 546 nm is predetermined. Before beginning vitrinite reflectance measurement, the following five criteria should be critically reviewed (21): (a) the polishing of the vitrinite grains should be scratch-free and relief-free, (b) the standard should be cleaned and kept in a dust-free, temperature controlled place (the standard should be calibrated periodically during the actual measurement), (c) proper and uniform vitrinite grains should be selected, (d) the proper objective and measuring diaphragm should be accurately chosen, and (e) all instrument parts should be checked and calibrated. Usually 25 to 100 vitrinite grains are measured with a mean reflectance value calculated together with a standard deviation of the measured grains. Two types of reflectance measurements are common to petrographers: (1) mean random reflectance which is measured without any polarizer ( R , R„ or R J (16, 21); and (2) mean maximum and minimum reflectance which uses a polarizer in the light path (R or RnùJ (16,34,35,39). The reflectance is either measured by rotating the microscope stage up to 360° (16,34,35,39) or by rotating the polarizer through 360° (16, 34,35,39, 41). One chapter in this volume (DeVanney and Stanton) is devoted to the standardization of vitrinite reflectance. They illustrate the importance of standardization citing the examples of interlaboratory correlation through the A S T M . They suggest that the acceptable level of variation in measured vitrinite between various laboratories should be not more than 0.02% for coal when the laboratories use similar standard procedures. In their experiment, they observed that the variation of mean vitrinite reflectance in most laboratories is around 0.05%. However, some laboratories show a wide variation of up to 0.15%. Their recommendations include 3



In Vitrinite Reflectance as a Maturity Parameter; Mukhopadhyay, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



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a strict guideline of standardization using more interlaboratory round robin studies of various coals. Diversity of Vitrinite Macérais and Limitations of Vitrinite Reflectance. Huminite or vitrinite is not a single homogenous maceral (1,16). It is a group of macérais which have diverse morphological characteristics. The diversity of these macérais is controlled by various factors such as rank, plant types, etc. In coal, the greatest diversity of huminite/vitrinite macérais is seen at low maturities such as the peat or lignite stage. They are eventually homogenized as the rank increases to the medium volatile bituminous stage. The details on the complexity and diagenetic changes related to the transformation of plant biopolymers (lignin, cellulose, and tannin) to huminite and vitrinite macérais were documented in Stach et al. (76), Teichmuller (3), Mukhopadhyay (27), Stout and Spackman (42) and Mukhopadhyay and Hatcher (43). Beyond the low volatile bituminous stage, it is extremely difficult to determine the diversity of various vitrinite macérais petrographically. At the coal rank between lignite to bituminous, huminite/vitrinite is divided into the macérais telinite, collinite, and detrinite on the basis of morphology, diagenetic characteritics, and texture. Table 1 shows the relationship between those macérais and their low rank counterparts. For the definition of various vitrinite macérais, see Teichmuller (3), Stach et al. (76), Mukhopadhyay (27) and Mukhopadhyay and Hatcher (43). Telinite macérais show remnant plant cell structures, whereas collinite macérais have amorphous appearances and the detrinite macérais have fragmented characters which arc sometimes partially gelified. Collinite macérais in the subbituminous and bituminous rank, have four maceral types: telocollinite, gelocollinite, desmocollinite and corpocollinite. Gelocollinite can occur either as pore-filling within other vitrinite submacerals or occur as large individual bands. The large, amorphous individual bands which are totally corroded by etching are called gelinite (44). The reflectance of telocollinite, gelocollinite and corpocollinite are usually higher than desmocollinite, which contains a fine liptinitic matrix. Another gelified vitrinite maceral which shows lower (at least normal steranes (119,123,124), the ratio between C , diasteranes to total C^-steranes (114,119), and apatite fission track annealing (Arne and Zentilli, this volume); and (c) possible zones of hydrocarbon (HC) generation (2,21). For details on these chemical maturation parameters, readers arc referred to the literature. As discussed in various literatures (2,119), the biomarker ratios have limitations as they are highly susceptable to variation in organic facies, kerogen type, contamination, and migration effect (references in Waples and Machihara, 119). Similar to vitrinite reflectance, biomarker ratios should be used with extreme caution for maturity determination. In vitrinite-poor rocks, Thermal Alteration Index (TAI), solid bitumen reflectance and fluorescence parameters (X , Q, and alteration) are the most suitable microscopic maturation parameters and can be complimented with T values from the Rock-Eval pyrolysis. For crude oil and bitumen, aromatic biomarkers (MPI or MDR) are more suitable than aliphatic biomarkers as maturation parameters because they are less affected by biodégradation and migration. Three chapters in this m a x






In Vitrinite Reflectance as a Maturity Parameter; Mukhopadhyay, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

In Vitrinite Reflectance as a Maturity Parameter; Mukhopadhyay, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.



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Figure 5. Correlation of microscopic and chemical maturity parameters (modified after Mukhopadhyay, 21). The symbols are with various stars indicates that the data is taken from the following sources: one star is from Staplin (98); two stars indicate from Jones and Edison (99); three stars indicate from Mukhopadhyay and Rullkotter (106); four stars indicate from Teichmuller (3).






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Downloaded by on December 12, 2015 | Publication Date: November 9, 1994 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1994-0570.ch001

Oil. Wet G Conden

Maturation and Rank



Biogenic Methane. Heavy Oil and Earfy Condensate. Start of Major Thermogenic Gas Generation


Vitrinite Reflectance as Maturity Parameter


volume (Quick, Sackett et al. and Arne and Zentilli) illustrate the correlation of fluorescence, pyrolysis carbon isotope (PCI), and apatite and zircon fission track annealing with vitrinite reflectance. T

Downloaded by on December 12, 2015 | Publication Date: November 9, 1994 | doi: 10.1021/bk-1994-0570.ch001

Conclusion This overview chapter gives the reader a comprehensive outlook on various applications and limitations of vitrinite reflectance when it is used as the prime maturity parameter. In this review, a complete assessment of pétrographie and molecular characterization of vitrinite reflectance, and use of vitrinite reflectance in basin modeling was presented in order to establish the implications of various chapters presented in this book. Four aspects of vitrinite reflectance discussed include: (a) standardization of vitrinite reflectance and problems during pétrographie characterization (especially suppression of reflectance and its possible remedy), (b) the chemical characterization and molecular changes related to the increase in vitrinite reflectance including the changes from lignin biopolymer to vitrinite geopolymer, (c) aspects of vitrinite reflectance to basin modeling (especially using chemical kinetics), and (d) other maturation parameters which can substitute for the vitrinite reflectance in a vitrinite-lean rock.

Acknowledgments The author acknowledges the help of Dr. M . H . Alimi of Global Geochemistry Corporation, California for some biomarker maturity parameter data. The author acknowledge the help of two anonymous reviewers, W. D. Smith of the Nova Scotia Department of Environment, and Dr. John H . Calder of the Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Halifax, Nova Scotia for their critical review and suggestions to improve the manuscript. The author acknowledges Dr. Pat Hatcher, Pennsylvania State University, Dr. Mike Lewan, US Geological Survey, and Dr. H . B. Lo, Marybeth McAlister, Editor, Energia, Center for Energy Resources, Lexington, Kentucky, and Elsevier Science Publication, Amsterdam for their permission to publish some of the figures. The author also acknowledges that Figure 3 is reprinted (modified version) from the publication of H. B. Lo, Organic Geochemistry, vol. 20, no. 6, Copyright (1993), Figure 1, with kind permission from Elsevier Science Ltd, The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington 0 X 5 1GB, U K .

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In Vitrinite Reflectance as a Maturity Parameter; Mukhopadhyay, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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In Vitrinite Reflectance as a Maturity Parameter; Mukhopadhyay, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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1. MUKHOPADHYAY Vitrinite Reflectance as Maturity Parameter


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In Vitrinite Reflectance as a Maturity Parameter; Mukhopadhyay, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.

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RECEIVED August 12, 1994

In Vitrinite Reflectance as a Maturity Parameter; Mukhopadhyay, P., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1994.