VOL. 8, No. 3 RECENTBOOKS 607 fact, general trends of data are

fact, general trends of data are used as a basis for conclusions. Except for this l i i - tation the author mainly accomplishes his purpose. Where he ...
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VOL. 8, No. 3


fact, general trends of data are used as a basis for conclusions. Except for this l i i tation the author mainly accomplishes his purpose. Where he fails, he so states. In this subject, which is of great interest to teachers of college chemistry, Dr. Noll has made definite progress. Although the problems outlined are not yet solved, they should encourage further work. It is unfortunate that the problem could not be considered also from the viewpoint of the chemist, as to actual professional accomplishments. This, of course, is the final test of the value of laboratory requirements in chemistry and a chemist wonders if even the most skilful of written examinations can replace it. The book might well have included a list of definitions for abbreviations. The frequent occurrence in the text of abbreviations which most teachen of chemistry will not understand limits considerably the value of the book. Although i t is a research in education, a style better adapted t o chemistry teachers would have resulted in the derivation of the maximum benefit for the teaching of chemistry. On line 11, page 87, there is apparently a misprint. The expression, "Group 111 a, which had only three hours of laboratory-" presumably should be "Group 111h, which had only three hours of laboratory-.'' W. E. BRADT


leave an imprint on the mind of the young experimenter as to the significance of formula and when he reaches the end of the book he most certainly will have retained some of them. The use of certain terminology is not to he ~ m m e n d e d ;thus "Old Man Chlorine," "Sweet Mamma Iodine," "Miss Bromine." and "Little Sister Fluorine" are endearing terms which the reviewer feels should not have heenincluded. The book is easy to read and should go far in helping to popularize chemistry. E. G. VANDEN BOSCHE UNIVBPSITY OIl M * . n * N D B*LT~MO.B. M*RYL*ND

Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry. A. A. BLANCUARD, Ph.D., Associate Professor Inorganic Chemistry, and J. W. PAELAN, Profes~orInorganic Chemistry, both of Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Fourth edition. John WiIey and Sons, Inc., New York City, 322 pp. 22 figures. 1930. xii 15 X 23 cm. 8.00. "Synthetic Inorganic Chemistry" is a combined text and laboratory manual for students who have had a good cotuse in high-school chemistry. It is used in the freshman class a t M. I . T. where all the students are required t o have passed entrance requirements in chemistry. The book is designed chiefly from a laboratory standpoint. Each chapter is divided into two parts, the first containing TH&STAT*COLL&OB olr WASB~NCTON PULLMAN, WASH. experiments and the second a discussion of the theory involved. An excellent Experimental Chemistry. FREDERICK series of problems and questions is found COLLINS. F.R.A.S. D. Appleton and a t the end of each unit. 276 pp. Co.. New York, 1930. xvii This arrangement of material is such a 108 illustrations. 12.5 X 19 cm. $2.00. departure from the usual elementary text, The book is intended to cover a home that a student need experience no borecourse in chemistry. A complete series of dom because of having had a course in experiments is included, clearly demihed, the secondary schools. together with a discussion of the cause of The first four chapters are devoted t o their reactions. the following topics: (1) Quantitative The illustrations (by the author) are Aspects, (2) Water and Solution, (3) crudely drawn, but this should not detract Theory of Ionization, and (4) Nanfrom the value of the experiments. Each Metallic Elements in Binary Compounds. t i e an element or compound is men- The last sin chapters are taken up with tioned, the symbol or formula is given in the preparation of compounds in the order parenthesis. This repetition will surely of the periodic system.

