VOL. 8. NO. 5 RECENT BOOKS 1011 lished. The resulting book is

Interference caused by other ions is discussed and it is ... This is a laboratory record book pre- pared to ... part of the student: if he is allowed ...
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VOL.8. NO. 5


lished. The resulting book is interesting, instructive, well-mitten, and suitably published. The first part of the book (111 pages) shows the theoretical basis of the work. Werner's valence theory is discussed a t considerable length and its important bearing upon the methods of qualitative analysis is pointed out. Interference caused by other ions is discussed and i t is shown how such interference can be overcome or even utilized in making tests. The effect of the position of certain groups in organic compounds is shown and the way t o develop new reagents pointed out. Induced reactions are explained. I n the practical part of the book. several sensitive tests are given for the ions likely to be present in a solution of inorganic material. The smallest quantity of detectable ion and the greatest permissible dilution are indicated. If a reagent is used which is not likely to be a t hand, directions are given for its preparation. After the individual tests have been described, several schemes for the systematic analysis of solutions are given and finally tests are given showing how very small quantities of material can be detected as impurities in metals, solutions, and minerals. Tests are also given which will serve for the identification of various minerals. One should have a fair knowledge of both physical and organic chemistry t o appreciate fully the value of this text, although the tests are themselves described so clearly that the necessarv technic will be lcarnrd easily. It is interesting to not* that a t lea5t one technical schrwl (at Delft. has already made provision for introducing these methods of analysis into the curriculum. WILLIAMT . HALL

Laboratory Record Book of Qualitative Analysis. CARL J. ENGELDER,Professor of Chemistry, University of Pittsburgh. John Wiley & Sons. Inc., New


York City, 19.31. 103 pp. 15 X 23 cm. $1.00. This is a laboratory record book prepared t o accompany the author's "Elementary Qualitative Analysis." [For review of this book see J. C ~ ME .~ u c . 5. , 9 0 3 4 (July, 1928).] It contains forms for recording laboratory observations, including equations to be completed, and for reporting the results of the analysis of unknowns. The equations called for appear t o be mainly ionic, although frequently in metathetical reactions strong electrolytes are written as molecules. The book will be warmly welcomed by many instructors, since its systematizes and abridges the student's record, and thereby reduces the labor and tedium of checking and correcting notes. It should be remembered, on the other hand, that there is a risk that these made-to-order forms will lead to perfunctoriness on the part of the student: if he is allowed to get the habit of filling in the blanks with a minimum of reflection and eEort. Neither this very promising book nor any other laboratory help, f o r t h a t matter, A n take the place of an alert, conscientious, and ever-present laboratory instructor. Reenforced then by well-directed laboratory teaching, this record book will be found t o be very satisfactory. The book is neatly and inexpensively bound in heavy paper-well suited t o last for a sin& semestee.

Laboratory Record Book of Quantitative Analysis. CARLJ. ENGELDER, Ph.D., Professor of Analytical Chemistry, University of Pittshurgl~. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York City. 1931. 90 pages (paper c o w ) . 15 X 23 cm. $1.00. This Laboratory Record Book is intended t o be used in connection w(th the author's "Textbook of Elementary Quantitative Analysis" [for review of this book see J. CHEM.EDUC..7, 9 5 3 4 (April. 1930)1, and is intended t o serve the