VOL. 8, NO. 7 CORRESPONDENCE THE ... - ACS Publications

DEAR EDITOR: In the last issue of the JOURNAL I enjoyed the article entitled "The ... "He who is not able to be his own will be another's." This misse...
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VOL.8, NO. 7


DEAR EDITOR: In the last issue of the JOURNAL I enjoyed the article entitled "The Iconoclast," by FREDERIC WALKER;but I wish to bring to your attention a slight but unfortunate error made by the author in the translation of the motto of Paracelsus, "Alterius non sit, p i suus esse potest," which was rendered, "He who is not able to be his own will be another's." This misses the point of experimental science, the motto of which, as expressed by Paracelsus, is "Whoever can be his own, let him not be another's.'' JOHN E. RICCI NEWYORK UNIVERSIW UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS, N. Y.

DEAREDITOR: Like Paracelsus I find myself questioned on the subject of my Latin. Mr. Ricci is quite right and his translation is better and more accurate than my own version of the motto. There is also another correction to which I should like to call the attention of the readers of my paper. Twice in the article (pp. 890 and 893) a statement appears to the effect that Galen was probably driven in exile from Pergamum by the doctors of his time. The statement should be corrected t o read that he was driven from Rome. This correction was made before the publication of the article but i t was received too late to have i t included in the May JOURNAL. FREDERIC WALKER 217 HAMILTON AYE. NEWBRIGHTON STATEN ISLAND, N. Y.

A COURSE IN ELEMENTARY BLOWPIPE ANALYSIS AS A FUNDAMENTAL LABORATORY PROJECT IN HIGH-SCHOOL CHEMISTRY The chemistry course used in Orange Union High School, Orange, California, features an elementary course in blowpipe analysis. This supplementary course, which is somewhat of an innovation in high-school chemistry, was introduced as an experiment by our chemistty instructor, Mr. Vernon C. Shippee. The students have enjoyed their work with "unknowns" to such an extent that this feature of the course has been retained permanently.