Auto-. Gamma sample changers complete with de- tectors and electronic equipment for gamma spectrometry. Automatic fraction collectors ... ic, dial-con...
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Rugged, inexpensive student balances, featuring Voland's exclusive Micro-Wedge Beam and controlled load suspension, for a completely new concept in balance accuracy! High speed, high capacity, high precision balances originally developed to meet "impossible" Atomic Energy Commission requirements! Voland makes them both . . . and many sizes and types between these two extremes. All reflect the same superb Voland craftsmanship and skill. They represent top flight value both technically and economically.

Ohaus Scale Corp. 1 0 5 0 Commerce St. Union, N . J.

Manufactures a full line of laboratory balances and weights. Products bearing the Ohaus trade mark include the Cent-OGram, Harvard trip, triple-beam, heavyduty solution balances, moisture determina­ tion balances, and Sto-A-Weigh weight sets. Oregon Metallurgical Corp. P. O . Box 4 8 4 A l b a n y , Ore.

In Every Weight Range . . . and Every Price Range

Provides custom electrode melting source for reactive heat-resisting materials and alloys; research and development facilities for work on these alloys and distributes cus­ tom analytical work and physical testing. Makes zirconium fusion crucibles.

Voland Balances

Oxford Laboratories 111 Sutter St. San Francisco, Calif.

are unequalled for accuracy!

Handles laboratory supplies including chromatography paper and glass marking pencils. Packard Instrument Co., Inc. Box 4 2 8 La Grange, III*

Tri-Carb liquid scintillation spectrometers and scintillation chemicals and supplies as well as simple flow counters for counting alpha and beta emitting radioisotopes. AutoGamma sample changers complete with de­ tectors and electronic equipment for gamma spectrometry. Automatic fraction collectors for both time and drop counting column chromatography. Palo Laboratory Supplies, Inc. 81 Reade St. N e w York 7 , Ν . Υ .

Model Î100-N Student Balance. 200 grams capacity on each pan, with readability to 0.0001 gram. Exclusive Micro-Wedge Beam maintains accuracy longer. Load controlled suspension with two intermediate knife edges maintains load at center of knife edge, regardless of its position on pan.

Besides a full line of laboratory equip­ ment and supplies, Palo carries specialties such as Palo stirrers, a complete line of poly­ ethylene laboratory supplies, Impelator stirrers, Corinth finger-tip fluid dispenser, The Palo Pipeiter Nip & Griptone's, PosiGrips, freeze drying apparatus, and water boiler testing equipment. Parr Instrument Co., Inc. 2 1 1 53rd St. Moline, III.

Manufacturer of oxygen and sodium per­ oxide bombs and bomb calorimeters, also apparatus for hydrogénation and other reactions at elevated temperatures and pressures. Other Parr items include a sulfur turbidimeter, melting point apparatus, glass blower's goggles, and hand-operated presses for making small tablets or pellets. Patterson-Kelley Co., Inc. 4 1 0 0 Warren St. East Stroudsburg, Pa.

Manufacturer of storage heaters, coolers, instantaneous heaters, condensers, and special heat exchangers; P-K produces reactors, pilot plants, blenders, and other chemical process equipment. Perkin-Elmer Corp. Main A v e . N o r w a l k , Conn.

Manufactures infrared spectrophotometers, ultraviolet-visible-near infrared spectrophotometers, all-wave-length printing integrators, flame photometers, electrophoresis apparatus, gas chromatographic and infrared pilot plant and process stream analytical instruments, infrared leak detectors, multicomponent/multi-stream analyzers, ultraviolet recorders, and nuclear magnetic resonance equipment. Application laboratories for both laboratory and process instruments provide problem evaluation studies. Branch offices here and abroad. Designs and produces fine optics and special electro-optical instrumentation, military infrared systems.

Send for complete catalog to Oept. 102.


1 Model #2150. Semi-automatic, dial-controlled precision balance of 50 kilograms capacity, at a sensitivity of 10 milligrams. Equal arm, null type balance uses substitution weighing, for high speed, high precision, direct reading weighing .. .so unskilled personnel can quickly be taught its use.


S O N S , INC.

CENTRE A V E N U E , NEW ROCHELLE, N . Y. Circle No. 70 A on Readers' Service Card V O L 3 1 , N O . 4 , APRIL 1 9 5 9
