Volumetric Analysis. By I. M. Kolthoff and V. A. Stenger - The Journal of

Volumetric Analysis. By I. M. Kolthoff and V. A. Stenger. Hobart H. Willard. J. Phys. Chem. , 1944, 48 (2), pp 97–97. DOI: 10.1021/j150434a009. Publ...
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Suppleniented hy niiiiierous uiipul~lishedcspcrimcnts froni t h e writer‘s laboratory, E. d. Guzman Barron has contriliuted a n escellent article on t h e niechanisnis of carbohydrate metabolism. Reversible processes t h a t take place diiring fermentation antl oxidation have been investigated in a coiiiparative s t u d y on aninials, molds, plants, a n d lxicteria. Phosphorylative feriiieiitation represents a n advanced stage in t h e evo1iitinn:iry process of carboh y d r a t e ii;etai)olieiii~ Tvliile non-i?lloFpiiorylativc fermentation occiirs ::s the cells descend . Pyriivate is postu1:ited t o be t h e most iiiipor:aiit iriterniedinte pathn.:iy of c:irbohyc!mte n;etnlmlisin. f ~ r i i i e t l:is the ohligntory end product of fernicntrtion niid utilized during the ositiation and synthesis of carbohydrates. T1.e revie\!- (,:I i h c l~iologic:~l osidation of rarlioliytlrates by H . :I, l\rebs is Cnsed on work on niusclc tissue. Detailed n:ethotis of esprrin;entation :ire given :1nd Iiiociieinieal reactions nf substances are listed i ~ ~ h i con l i :iccount of tile rapid osithtioi: i i i iiiuscle m a y he espected t o t,e intcrniediates i i i c:irl,cjliytirate ositlation. The :ii:i,i!~r reactions which nt p reeen t a re I. n onii t o oc c i ir in :in i ni :i 1 ti ssucs for iii t he f ou ii c k i t i i i:i I”(ir t I it)o re t i en1 c onsitle :i tioiis on t h e nicciinnisiii of calboliytllnte osidatioii. For t h e niotlifir-d : i i ! ~ lestendet! sclienie describing t h e intermediate stages o f c n hydrate osida t i 011 the ~::inie’ ,t ricarl~osylicacid e is I I R ~ mainly C~ oil cxperiii:cntal observations cJ-cle!’ is proposed. T h e theory of tllc o n pigcoil hreast niusc.le; iiiicroorijnnis like yeast anti lmctcrin iiiiploy a mcchanisin different from the tricarl~osylieacitl cycle. Roger J . Williams. t h e discoverer of pantotliciiic acid, has contrihuted a n article dealing i\-itIi t h e chemistry a n d l>ioclieiiiistryof this vitamin. Isolation procedures and methods of synthesis developed iii t h e w i r e r ‘ s aiid i i i other 1abor:itories are ti and distributiori of pantotheriic acid ant1 i t s q u m t i t a t i v c deter111in:iti iiiaterials are reviewed. ;\lthougli liiioivletlge regarding the f‘undaiiierital rdle of pantothenic acid is still scan?> he iiuiiicroiis pathological changes observed in pantothenic acid deficiency indiratc strongly its iiiiportaiice in cellular physiology. T h e chemistry and bioclieinistry of biotin, one of the iiiost potent growth factors known, is reviexed t;y l i l a u s HofnianS\\-hc 113s contrihiited so riiuch t o t h c elacidation of the struct u r e of hiotin a n d t o its synthesis. llicrol~iologicnlaiid nnimrl assay procedures are conipared arid methods for t h e iso1:itiun of the crystalliiie ester from egg yolk, liver, a n d milk are given. T h e occurrence of hiotin in nature. its rBle i n anim:d nutrition! and its possible relationship t o cancer :ire discussed. In a n article entitled “Recent Progress i I i Tumor Enzyiiiology” .Jrsue 1’. Greenstein coinpares t h e activity of enzymes in tuiiiors with t h a t of t h e 1iorn:al tissue. In further studies eflerts occurring in tumor-hearing animals relatively fnr from t h e site of t h e tumor are invesligatetl. S o simple gener:ilizatioii Eeeiiis possihle a t t h e present time which would cover t h e erizyni:itic behavior wlieii normal tissiie hecoiiies neoplastic. T h e outstanding r61e of niicroiirg:misiiis and enzymes in wine niaking is brought out in t h e revierv by IT. 1-.Cruess. 17iitlesiratle niicrobrgmisnis are eliriiinnted or inhibited and selccted strains of yeast are supplied to assure sound fermentnrions a i ~ dwines of good quality. Consitlerable space is given t o t h e description of bacterial :ind other diseases of wine anti t o t!ie control and prevention of these diseases. ERWINH..~.is.

T’olunietric A 7 i a l y s i s . By 1 . 11. I