Vulcanization from a Thermodynamic

Brit. Patent 407,928 (1932). (5) Cadwell, S. M., and Smith, 0. H., Brit. Patents 200,789 and. (6) Dunlop Rubber Co., and Twiss, D. F., Ibid., 215,796 ...
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VOL. 31, NO. 12

( 5 ) Cadwell, S. M., and Smith, 0. H., Brit. Patents 200,789 and

The writer is indebted to F. A. Jones, R. W. Hale, and J. Moore for valuable assistance in the work on which many of the foregoing statements are based, and to the Dunlop Rubber Company, Ltd., for permission to publish.

Literature Cited (1) Bruni, G., Giorn. chim. ind. a p p l . , 3, 196 (1921). (2) Cadwell, 8. M., Brit. Patent 174,915 (1922). (3) Cadwell, S. M., U. S. Patent 1,463,794, Brit. Patent 200,788 (1923). (4) Cadwell, 8. M., U. S. Patent 1,951,392 (1934); Munro, A,, Ibid., 1,940,009 (1933); Jenness, L. G., Ibid., 1,941,691 (1934); Dunlop Rubber Co., Twiss, D. F., and Jones, F. A., Brit. Patent 407,928 (1932).

211,494 (1923). (6) Dunlop Rubber Co., and Twiss, D. F., Ibid., 215,796 (1923). (7) Dunlop Rubber Co., Twiss, D. F., and Jones, F. A., Ibid., 459,464 (1935). (8) Dunlop Rubber Co., Twiss, D. F., and Moore, J., Ibid., 494,043 (1937). (9) Goodyear, Charles, “Gum Elastic”, Vol. 1, pp. 72-3, 1855. (10) Hancock, Thomas, Brit. Patent 9952 (1843). (11) Hancock, Thomas, “Personal Narrative”, p. 105 (1857). (12) India Rubber J . , 84, 99 (1932). (13) Moore, W. A., U. S. Patent 1,958,924 (1934). (14) Morton, H. A., and Harrison, M. M., Ibid., 1,434,892 (1922). (15) Ibid., 1,434,908 (1922). (16) Romani, E., Caoutchouc & gutta-percha, 19, 11,626 (1922). (17) Rowley, T., Brit. Patent 767 (1881). (18) SOC.Geoffroy e t Delore, French Patent 329,519 (1903). (19) Twiss, D. F., Brazier, S. A., and Thomas, F., J. SOC.Chm. Ind., 41, SIT (1922).

Vulcanization from a Thermodynamic Viewpoint IRA WILLIAMS J. M. Huber Corporation, Borger, Texas The study of vulcanization from a thermodynamic viewpoint has not progressed beyond the elementary stages. A study of the polymerization of isoprene shows it to be possible to produce a vulcanized-type polymer by direct polymerization. The relation between this polymer and natural rubber is unknown. The heat liberated during vulcanization bears a direct relation to the amount of combined sulfur and not to the change in physical properties of the rubber. Pigments incorporated in rubber produce vulcanized properties with little measurable energy change. The relatively small amount of experimental evidence indicates that the change in physical properties from unvulcanized to a vulcanized state is accompanied by a relatively small energy change. H E application of thermodynamics to the study of organic processes has only recently been undertaken extensively and has been confined largely to simple substances which can be readily analyzed and purified. The study of reactions involving more complicated substances, such as resins and gums, has seldom been attempted because the more simple methods of attack, such as reaction equilibrium, are not possible. The study of such systems is further complicated by the indefinite nature of the substances and the difficulty of closely identifying either starting materials or end products. The application of thermodynamics to the study of vulcanization has only just begun, and the present discussion must be limited to correlating the small amount of available data and to indicating desirable fields for future investigation.


The most valuable tool of thermodynamics, when applied to chemical reactions, is the free energy AF, which is a measure of the driving potential of the reaction; it indicates the ability of the reaction to proceed spontaneously. The relation AF = RT In K where R = gas constant T = absolute temperature permits the equilibrium constant K of the reaction to be determined, and the way is open for predicting the effect of other variables. Such calculations are not ordinarily concerned with the intermediate processes of the reaction but require definite information in regard to both the starting materials and the final or equilibrium products. It is then necessary before applying thermodynamics to the study of vulcanization to define vulcanization clearly in terms of the final product. At present this is not entirely possible. Certain factors are recognized-for example, the combination of sulfur. However, the amount of combined sulfur cannot be used to define vulcanized rubber because under some conditions sulfur will combine without producing vulcanization (29). Furthermore, it is known that the same amount of combined sulfur does not always produce the same type of vulcanized rubber (16, 27). Vulcanization involving chemical reactions other than combination of sulfur is known. Rubber becomes useful after vulcanization because it has acquired new physical properties. This change is common to all types of vulcanization in varying degrees. It must also be recognized that rubber has a rather narrow temperature range of usefulness, and that the physical properties must be determined within this temperature range. With these factors in mind, we may conclude that vulcanization is a decrease in the plasticity of rubber within its elastic temperature range. Although a physical definition of vulcanization may be important for determining the extent of change, the chemical reactions cannot be disregarded since the energy changes involved in the chemical processes may entirely overshadow those directly responsible for the vulcanized properties.



Vulcanization Reactions Several reactions may be proposed for explaining the process of vulcanization, and a few of the possible ones will be used as a basis for further discussion. I n the following equations R represents raw rubber, V represents vulcanized rubber, 8 represents sulfur or any other element or radical which adds to the rubber, and A represents an accelera.tor of vulcanization. R+V (1) This equation assumes that the mechanism directly responsible for vulcanization does not involve the combinadion of an added material with the rubber.


+ nS




This equation assumes that vulcanized rubber is a chemical derivative of rubber. zR

+ nS


+ (RS),



This equation assumes that part of the rubber reacts chemically to produce a derivative of rubber while the remainder becomes vulcanized. The vulcanization and chemical attack may be in different molecules, or, in the case of extremely large molecules, chemical attack insufficient to destroy the elastic properties would induce the remainder of the molecule to become vulcanized. R S A Zn+ VSAZn (4)

+ + +

This equation assumes that accelerator, a metal, and a chemical reagent all combine with rubber to cause vulcanization. This equation might well be supplemented by showing a separation of the final product VSAZn into VS AZn. These equations by no means represent all of the possibilities suggested, but serve to present the problem in an increasingly complicated aspect and will be presented in this order.


Reaction 1 Both raw and vulcanized rubber may be considered as steps in the evolution of certEtin chemical substances from a high to a low energy level. Although the actual mechanism of the synthesis of rubber by plants is not known, the process is probably photosynthetic and capable of establishing the parent substance of rubber at a high energy level. Regardless of the parent substances, raw rubber is formed as an unsaturated hydrocarbon. Measurements of the free energies of formation show that unsaturated hydrocarbons are thermodynamically unstable with respect to the elements of which they are composed and with respect to other hydrocarbons (%), and under suitable conditions are capable of transformation into more stable substances. The measurements of Bekkedahl and Matheson (1,2)show that the free energy of formation, AF'298.2, of rubber has a value of 22,500 * 1600 calories per mole of C6Hs, the positive value indicating instability with respect to its elements. This compares with a value of 50,840 for acetylene and 12,300 for ethylene, both of which are unstable and can be readily transformed to substances having lower energy levels. Such an indication of thermodynamic instability does not require rapid decomposition or reaction. It rather indicates the possibility of a change which may be extremely slow unless favorable conditions, such as changes of temperature or pressure or the application of a catalyst, are imposed. Such a metastable condition exists in raw rubber which will remain unchanged for years under ordinary conditions. Although Equation 1 does not include the polymerization of such dienes as 1,3-butadiene1 isoprene, and chloroprene, it is necessary to consider them because of the rubberlike polymers which they readily form. This is especially necessary


because under proper conditions certain conjugated dienes can be polymerized into forms which resemble either unvulcanized or vulcanized rubber, and may in the future provide information regarding the relation between the plastic and elastic state. The free energies of isoprene and purified rubber were determined by Bekkedahl (1). Their measurements were made by an application of the third law through the relation: AF = A H


where AH = heat of formatio? T = absolute temp., K. A S = increase in entropy of the system The values for the heat of formation of rubber were determined directly by Jessup and Cumminga (20) and the value for isoprene by Jessup (19). Bekkedahl and Matheson (9) and Bekkedahl and Wood (3) determined the heat capacities of rubber and isoprene over a temperature range extending sufficiently low to permit a determination of AS. The free energies of formation, AF '~98.~. were calculated to be 22,500 * 1600 calories per mole for rubber and 33,110 * 680 for isoprene; the mole in each case is considered t o be the unit CbHa. The value for the free energy change during the reaction CsHs (liquid 1 atm. pressure) - (C6Hs)n (solid)


was then calculated to be -10,700 * 1600 calories per mole. This shows that at 25' C. the change can be spontaneous in the direction of rubber, since rubber exists at a lower energy level and is more stable than isoprene. The admirable work of Bekkedahl and his associates has provided a basis for the application of thermodynamics t o the study of rubber. The measurements made with isoprene and natural rubber show that it is possible for isoprene to polymerize spontaneously into rubber. Determination of the dissociation constant shows that the reaction can proceed toward rubber almost completely at any temperature below about 600" K. Unfortunately for the production of rubber, the data of Bekkedahl and his associates do not require isoprene to polymerize into rubber, and experience has revealed that side reactions produce a variety of other products, sometimes almost to the exclusion of rubberlike polymers. This makes it desirable to determine AF for the more important side reactions, in order that the dissociation constant may be calculated and conditions determined for avoiding such products as terpenelike dimers and high-molecular-weight inelastic polymers. The free energy of the rubberlike polymer (which does not have the properties of unvulcanized natural rubber) should also be determined. Polymerization of isoprene can produce a polymer with vulcanized properties. This is especially true if the polymerization is conducted under pressures of 10,000 to 18,000 atmospheres and a t ordinary temperature as was done by Conant and Tongberg (12). The products of this polymerization were not only almost completely insoluble but were also nonplastic (36). The polymerization of isoprene under these conditions gives a product which closely resembles vulcanized rubber and may be found to be at an energy level somewhat below that of unvulcanized rubber. The formation of a vulcanized type from a liquid diene is illustrated more clearly in the case of chloroprene (2chloro-l,3-butadiene). This material polymerizes rapidly and spontaneously to form a rubberlike product (11). If the polymerization is interrupted in- the early stages and the polymer recovered, it is found to resemble unvulcanized rubber closely in being elastic, soluble, and plastic. This plastic material will proceed to change spontaneously in the course of a few days into an insoluble, nonplastic vulcanized type.



The change from chloroprene directly into the vulcanized type of polymer takes place with considerable evolution of heat. If chloroprene is emulsified in a dilute sodium oleate solution, polymerization is sufficiently rapid so that the heat of the reaction can be easily determined. Measurements conducted by Walker (33) show an evolution of 15,130 calories per mole a t 30" C. with a possible error of * 5 per cent. This is somewhat less than the change from isoprene to unvulcanized rubber, although chloroprene polymerizes much the more readily. No measurements are available for the change chloroprene --+ plastic polymer, and so the energy relation between the plastic and elastic polymers is not known. Since chloroprene diluted with an inert solvent such as carbon tetrachloride does not readily polymerize beyond the plastic stage, it should be possible to determine the heat of polymerization to the plastic polymer which corresponds to the unvulcanized state. Such a study of the polymerization of chloroprene or isoprene may, however, be quite misleading, because it is necessary to assume the identity of the initial and final states in the two reactions :



Diene vulcanized-type polymer Diene -+ plastic polymer vulcanized-type polymer I n each case the vulcanized polymer is elastic and nonplastic. Observations, however, indicate that although both are a vulcanized type, they differ in physical properties. The direct polymer produced from either isoprene or chloroprene appears from hand examination to be deficient in elastic properties, since it is relatively hard and breaks with a glassy fracture a t a low elongation. The change from plastic to elastic chloroprene polymer produces a vulcanized type which is softer and has a much higher tensile strength and elongation at break than the product resulting from direct polymerization to the vulcanized type. The difference appears to be more than could be accounted for by the degree of vulcanization of the plastic polymer. In the case of isoprene the products of the two processes cannot be compared, since as far as is known a truly plastic polymer of isoprene uncontaminated with large volumes of unpolymerized isoprene, added ingredients, or the products of side reactions, has never been obtained. Considerable doubt exists that unvulcanized rubber represents a plastic isoprene polymer. Conant and Tongberg (12) showed that polymerization inhibitors are often of little effect a t high pressures, but in spite of this favorable circumstance the application of high pressure to raw rubber containing dissolved isoprene does not produce a vulcanized rubber (40). Rubber, however, is capable of rapid spontaneous changes into new products under the proper conditions. This is illustrated by the various isomers of rubber which are produced under the influence of catalysts (10, I S ) . These isomers are produced with a decrease in unsaturation and a large evolution of heat. Rubber also changes when heated alone to a temperature of 270" C. (SO) to form a product which is more stable than rubber, and which will no longer yield isoprene on destructive distillation. Although such a change is not vulcanization, it shows the possibility of a spontaneous change from rubber to a product with new properties. Raw rubber can be made to assume a somewhat vulcanized form by the incorporation of a sufficient volume of finely divided pigments. Menadue (24) studied such pigments as carbon black, zinc oxide, magnesium carbonate, and clay, and found that an increasing amount of insoluble rubber was produced as the volume of pigment was increased. The addition of a sufficient volume of carbon black produces an insoluble and nonplastic compound. This effect need not

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be confined to the molecular layer of rubber on the carbon interface, since the effect of a surface-generated force can extend many molecular layers from the surface. This is well illustrated by the study of the effect of interfacial distances on the polymerization of chloroprene (41). Spear (68)and Blake (4) developed the concept of free and bound rubber to explain the reinforcing effect of pigments, and the idea can be extended to explain insolubility and loss of plasticity. Menadue, however, points out that removal of the pigment, which in the case of materials such as zinc oxide or magnesium carbonate can be done with acid, does not restore the rubber to a soluble condition but leaves it permanently altered. Wiegand (35) also suggests an alteration in the type of rubber a t the rubber pigment interface. Attempts have been made to determine the heat effects associated with the incorporation of pigments into rubber. Bostrom (8),Hock (18), Hartner (17), and Blake (7) measured the heat of wetting of carbon black by rubber. This work is discussed by Wiegand (35) who points out the difficulty in determining the source of the heat which was measured. The actual amount of heat evolved, according to Hartner, is only about 3.6 calories per gram of black. If the rubber composition was one third carbon, the heat liberated would be only 122 calories per mole ( C ~ H Rof) rubber. This is even less than the error of measurement of AH for the reaction C ~ H --+ R ( l / n ) (c5H~)n. I n view of these figures the insolubility caused by pigments is probably due to physical rather than to chemical changes.

Reaction 2


The thermochemistry of this reaction, R

+ nS


would seem to offer no particular difficulty. There is difficulty, however, in determining the identity of the end product. This difficulty is immediately apparent when the relation between state of vulcanization and amount of combined sulfur is examined. Shepard and Krall (27) and Hardman and White (16) showed that no relation exists between the amount of sulfur which combines and the resulting physical properties. The end product cannot then be the simple product VS,, but must at least consist of two products which hold the sulfur in a different type of combination or combined in a differentposition in the rubber molecule. Such methods of combination have been proposed ( 5 ) . It appears to be possible, however, to isolate a continuous series of fractions from vulcanized rubber, which are each mixtures and not pure substances and which contain varying amounts of sulfur (38). Under such conditions definite interpretation of simple thermochemical measurements of the combination of sulfur is not possible. If two entirely different types are present as proposed by Blake, the H values for each reaction should also be different. If only one of these reactions is responsible for vulcanization, it should be possible to choose two rubber compoundsone which changes physical properties rapidly with low combined sulfur, and the other which combines much sulfur with little change in physical properties-and find a different value for the heat of combination of sulfur in each case. Combination of rubber with sulfur is accompanied by changes in physical properties not directly associated with vulcanization. Highly purified rubber will combine with sulfur with little vulcanization effect, but the continued reaction will produce a normal ebonite. Pure isoprene or 2,3-dimethyl1,3-butadiene polymers will combine with sulfur without producing a useful soft vulcanized rubber, but these also will produce a product resembling ebonite. McPherson and Bekkedahl (63)showed that combination of sulfur produces



evolution of heat a t a uniform rate until half an atom of sulfur has combined. This is sufficient sulfur to destroy the elastic properties of the rubber and produce an easily recognizable beginning of ebonite formation. This indicates that the heat liberated is directly connected with the formation of ebonite rather than with vulcanization to soft vulcanized rubber.

Reaction 3 Interpretation of thermochemical measurements applied to this equation,


+ nS



+ (RS).

are also difficult, because the end products cannot be defined. If R reacts as a single molecule, it is evident that V must be a smaller unit and can be formed only by a rupture of a carbon bond. This process would absorb heat and tend to mask or even exceed the heat produced by the combination of sulfur. Since the reactions, as indicated, would be in equivalent amount, the change should show a direct relation between combined sulfur and A H . The rubber sR might also be interpreted as being a group of molecules, part of which combine with sulfur and part of which enter into a new physical or chemical arrangement to form vulcanized rubber. A new chemical arrangement might be detectable and produce a different relation between combined sulfur and heat liberated in different compounds. A new physical arrangement would probably involve an energy change beyond the present limits of thermochemical accuracy. Qualitative and quantitative measures of the heat developed during the combination of sulfur have been made by a number of investigators (6, 6, 9, 14, 15, 20-23, 26, 32, 34, 39). An analysis of the various determinations shows that, during the period of vulcanization to form soft rubber, the amount of heat evolved is proportional to the amount of sulfur which combines. Such a picture adds little to our knowledge of the process according to the physical definition of vulcanization. Blake originally believed that the first few per cent of sulfur combines isothermally with the rubber to produce soft vulcanized rubber. Such a process would probably mean that the reaction with the least chemical potential would proceed first. Since most chemical processes are more or less dominated by catalytic influences, it is possible that the reaction with the least free energy change could proceed to completion before another reaction would assume important proportions. However, the heats of formation of organic sulfur compounds show that reactions of sulfur usually involve a considerable heat effect. If the first part of the vulcanization reaction is isothermal, it is more reasonable to assume the presence of an endothermal reaction which essentially balances the exothermal reaction of sulfur with rubber. The latest work of Blake ( 6 ) ,in common with the work of most other investigators, shows that heat is evolved during the entire course of the reaction. The thermodynamics of sulfur compounds have been little investigated. Data presented by Parks and Huffman (26) show that the corresponding oxygen compound is usually much the most stable. Rubber in the presence of both oxygen and sulfur should finally form the oxygen compound rather than the sulfur compound. These reactions, however, are sufficiently slow so that they are readily controlled by means of catalysts.

Reaction 4 KO evidence exists that the formation of a compound composed of rubber, sulfur, accelerator, and zinc is responsible for vulcanization, although sulfur may be combined with the


rubber, the combination of sulfur in the absence of other materials will not produce a useful vulcanization (29). Sulfur and either natural or artificial accelerators when heated in pure rubber hydrocarbon will induce vulcanization. The addition of zinc, either as a rubber soluble salt or in the form of a coordination compound with an amine, to the rubbersulfur-accelerator combination is necessary to produce the greatest change in the rubber. All the materials are necessary to produce the greatest effect, and it is possible that the substance VSAZn is an intermediate in the process of vulcanization and is formed as a coordinate compound after the sulfur has combined with the rubber. So far as is known, the amount of heat liberated by the combination of sulfur in the presence of accelerator is no greater than in its absence, but the rate of the reaction is increased. It is evident that the heat developed by the combination of sulfur and rubber, when various rubber compounds are compared, is not a measure of vulcanization and may be a composite of the heat for several reactions (14). Sulfur combines with the acetone-extractable matter of rubber with evolution of heat (39). Jessup and Cummings suggested (20)that impurities in the rubber alter the heat of combustion. I n the case that both zinc oxide, fatty acids, and accelerators are present, the situation is still further complicated. It might be possible to arrive more nearly a t the determination of energy changes associated with the loss of plasticity of rubber if the combustion was determined on a physically well vulcanized, highly accelerated, low-sulfur compound vulcanized in the presence of zinc and thoroughly extracted after vulcanization. Such data should show that the energy changes, which accompany the loss of plasticity of rubber and which are induced by the presence of accelerator and zinc (31, 379, either are measurable or are of a magnitude usually associated with physical changes.

Conclusion Thermochemical data in regard to vulcanization up to the present time have been concerned largely with the heat of reaction of sulfur. This was a logical first step. The heat liberated is proportional to the sulfur which is combined, and the heat associated with the change in physical properties of the rubber is indicated to be quite small. A study of the free energy change for the reaction isoprene -L natural rubber indicates that such a process is possible if the proper conditions can be found. A study of the thermodynamics of the most important side reactions might help establish conditions for the formation of the rubberlike polymer. A study of the free energy of the rubberlike isoprene polymer should assist in the comparison of this product with natural rubber. The vulcanized properties caused by incorporating a finely divided powder into rubber are associated with a relatively small energy change. A study of the reactions, chloroprene vulcanized polymer and chloroprene plastic polymer vulcanized polymer, appears to be a probable source of information regarding the nature of change from plastic to nonplastic condition.



Literature Cited Bekkedahl, N., Proc. Rubber Tech. Conf., London, 1938, 223-37; Rubber Chem. Tech., 12, 150 (1939). Bekkedahl, N., and Matheson, H . , J. Research Natl. B U T . Standards, 15, 503 (1935); Rubber Chem. Tech., 9, 264 (1936). Bekkedahl, N., and Wood, L. A., J . Research Natl. Bur. Standards. 19. 551 (1937).



(8) Bostrom, Siegfried, Kolloddchem. Beihefte, 26, 439 (1928) ; Rubber Chem. Tech., 2, 259 (1929). (9) BostrBm, Siegfried, Kolloidchem. Beihefte, 26, 467 (1928). (10) Bruson, H. A., Sebrell, L. B . , and Calvert, W. C., IND. ENG. CHEM.,19, 1033 (1927). (11) Carothers, W. H., Williams, Ira, Collins, A. M., and Kirby, J. E., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 53, 4203 (1931). (12) Conant, J. B., and Tongberg, C. O., Ibid., 52, 1659 (1930). (13) Fisher, H. L., IND.ENG.CHEM.,19, 1325 (1927). (14) Hada, Fukaya, and Nakajima, Rubber Chem. Tech., 4, 507 (1931). (16) Hada and Nakajima, Ibid., 3, 56 (1933). (16) Hardman, A . F., and White, F. L., IND. EKG.CHEM.,19, 1037 (1927). (17) Hartner, Fritz, Kolloidchem. Beihefte, 30, 83 (1929) ; Rubber Chem. Tech., 3, 215 (1930). (18) Hock, Lothar, Ibid., 2, 275 (1929). (19) Jessup, J. Research Natl. Bur. Standards, 20, 589 (1938). (20) Jessup and Cummings, Ibid., 13, 357 (1934); Rubber Chem. Tech., 8, 44 (1935). (21) Kirchhof, Gummi-Zfg., 39, 892 (1925). (22) Kirchhof and Wagner, Ibid., 39, 537, 572 (1925). (23) McPherson, A. T., and Bekkedahl, N . , IND. ENG.CHEM.,27 597 (1935). (24) Menadue, F. B., Rubber Chem. Tech., 6, 442 (1933). (25) Parks, G. S.,and Huffman, H. M., “Free Energies of Some Organic Compounds”, New York, Chemical Catalog Co., 1932.

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(26) Perks, A. A, J. SOC.Chem. I n d . , 45, 142T (1926). (27) Shepard, N. A., and Krall, S., J . IND. ENG. CHEM.,14, 951 (1922). (28) Spear, E. B., Colloid Symposium Monograph, 1, 321 (1923). (29) Spence, D . , and Ferry, J. D., J. Am. Chem. SOC.,59,1648 (1927) ; Rubber Chem. Tech., 11, 54 (1938). (30) Staudinger, H., and Geiger, E . , Helv. Chim. Acta, 9, 549 (1926). (31) Stevens and Stevens, J. Soc. Chem. Ind., 51, 44T (1932) ; Rubber Chem. Tech., 5, 645 (1932). (32) Toyabe, Ibid., 3, 384 (1930). (33) Walker, H. W., unpublished data from Jackson Lab., E. I . du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc. (34) Weber, C. O., “Chemistry of India Rubber”, p. 104, London, Griffin and Co., 1902. (35) Wiegand, W. B . , Rubber Chem. Tech., 10, 407 (1937). (36) Williams, Ira, “Polymerisation”, p. 174, New York, Reinhold Pub. Corp., 1937. (37) Williams, Ira, IND.ENG.CHEM.,26, 1190 (1934); Rubber Chem. Tech., 8, 102 (1935). (38) Williams, Ira, Ibid., 12, 191 (1939); Proc. Rubber Tech. Conf., London, 1938, 304. (39) Williams, Ira, and Beaver, D . J., IND. ENG. CHEM.,15, 255 (1923). (40) Williams, Ira, and Starkweather, H. W., in Davis and Blake’s “Chemistry and Technology of Rubber”, A. C. S.Monograph 74, p. 253, New York, Reinhold Pub. Corp., 1937. (41) Williams, Ira, and Walker, H. W., IND. ENG. CHEM.,25, 201 (1933).

Theories of Acceleration L. B. SEBRELL The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio


The various theories that have been advanced over the past thirty-one years to explain the action of organic accelerators and the mechanism of acceleration are given. Wherever consistent, a chronological order of discussion has been adopted, beginning with the work of Erdmann in

1908. Earlier theories were confined for the most part to a purely chemical consideration for an explanation of acceleration. Recently the trend is toward a physical or physicochemical method to investigate and correlate the facts concerning the action of accelerators.

H E use of accelerators in connection with the vulcanization of rubber has been common practice since the beginning of the industry. That Charles Goodyear employed white lead to accelerate the vulcanization of the first sample of rubber is well known. In the manufacture of rubber articles for various uses, it was early recognized that certain powders or fillers showed definite effects in giving desirable properties to the finished product. Tensile strength, elongation, hardness, abrasion resistance, and many other properties could be controlled by the proper compounding of fillers. Accordingly, within a few years many inorganic and some organic substances were mixed into rubber and their effects studied. It was soon found that


certain materials had a marked effect on the rate of vuloanization, and quicker curing stocks with better physical properties were the result. Such materials included various lead compounds other than the basic carbonate. Lead thiosulfate or “Black Hypo”, litharge, red lead, etc., lime, magnesia, and antimony pentasulfide were also used extensively; the sulfides of the alkali and alkaline earth metals were also used but to a lesser extent. These compounds were known as sulfur carriers, the term “accelerator” being introduced some time later. Considerable work on the action of lead compounds as sulfur carriers was disclosed by Weber (20)in his classical treatise on rubber. He contended that only the sulfides of the heavy metals act as sulfur carriers and that they act through the formation of polysulfides. He states: “The action of these sulfides, or sulfur carriers, would appear, therefore, to consist in the acceleration of the splitting up of the complex sulfur molecules. . It is much more probable that the catalytic action of these sulfur carriers rather depends upon the matter of chemical equilibrium, and that their presence tends to render it unstable, thus hastening progress toward a lower potential, which in this case is represented by polyprene sulfide.”


Thiozone Theory The first serious attempt to explain the action of certain inorganics was that of Erdmann (6) who considered an active form of sulfur to be produced in hot vulcanization; this form was designated as thiozone: XaZS 3s NaS /s

