VWR Scientific Inc. - American Chemical Society

but only ONE magazine devoted to chemists —. CHEMTECH. This stimulating monthly magazine re ports on world concerns and personal ones —tech nology...
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VWR presents: The new VWR® Chemical Catalog... and a coffee mug. They're both free.


because a chemist leads so many lives There are dozens of journals devoted to chemistry, but only ONE magazine devoted to chemists — CHEMTECH. This stimulating monthly magazine re­ ports on world concerns and personal ones — t e c h ­ nology, economics, energy, environment, and much more — as they concern chemists. And It covers the field of chemistry itself with insight, perspective and a unique flair for selecting what's important and packaging it in authoritative yet readable form. For a clear-eyed view of ail the facets of a chemist's life —subscribe to CHEMTECH now! CALL TOLL FREE: 800-424-8747

CHEMTECH 1981 American Chemical Society 1155 16th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Sign me up for a one-year subscription to CHEMTECH magazine as indicated below. U.S. Foreign

This new catalog is brimming with the most frequently used A.C.S. reagent and histology grade chemicals and fea­ tures a specially selected group of chemical safety products to help make your laboratory a safer place to work. The VWR name on the label is your assurance of the highest quality chemi­ cals for laboratory and industrial use. Strict quality control insures that all VWR chemicals meet or exceed specified purity standards. If purity, availability and economy are your criteria when choosing a chemi­ cal supplier.. .then VWR is your choice. Let's discuss your chemical require­ ments over coffee—we'll even supply the mug. Send for your VWR chemical catalog today and we'll include a VWR coffee mug—FREE! VWR delivers.

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