6 an Readers' Service Card. New Drying Column ... ASSURANCE OF DESICCANT CONDITION. The Laboratory ... gives constant visual assurance of the active ...
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the modern liquid detergent

New Drying Column for Air and Gases... Pressures up to 90 psig INDICATING DRIERITE IN THIS ACRYLIC UNIT DRIES AIR TO A DEW POINT OF - 100°F AND PROVIDES CONSTANT VISUAL ASSURANCE OF DESICCANT CONDITION The Laboratory A i r and Gas Drying Unit w i l l c o m p l e t e l y dry air at atmospheric pressure or pressures up to 90 psig. A connection by rubber t u b i n g f r o m the air line or gas cylinder t o the b o t t o m of the drier provides an immediate f l o w of dry gas. Flow rate may be 200 liters per hour or 0.1 scfm.

mm ι

Indicating DRIERITE is blue. W h e n exhausted it turns to a rose red or pink. The zone between the t w o colors in the c o l u m n may be purple. This zone should be a sharp, narrow color band w h e n the f l o w is at e q u i l i b r i u m . Regene­ ration w i l l restore the blue color.


prevents pollution because it's phosphate free! LIQUI-NOX meets today's highest scientific standards wherever a liquid detergent is preferred: • perfect for error-free tissue culture work • ideal for ULTRASONIC WASHERS • non-interference in critical analytical determinations LIQUI-NOX is specially formulated with a blood and fat solvent .. rinses free, leaves no residues . . . does not etch glass. LIQUI-NOX, the modern phosphate-tree, neutral pH liquid detergent, made by the manufacturers of Alconox, the world's largest selling critical cleaning detergent.

PRICES* 1 Quart Container Case (12 χ 1 Qt.) 1 Gallon Container . . . . Case ( 4 x 1 Gal.) Includes 1-oz. Dispenser FREE 15-Gallon Drum


2.15 19.92 . . . . 7.00 24.00 7430

•Prices Slightly Higher West at Rockies

The Indicating DRIERITE gives constant visual assurance of the active desiccant. The progress of this color change u p w a r d t h r o u g h the c o l u m n is very informative. It shows the d r y i n g zone as a narrow color band w h e n the correct f l o w rates are used. The band widens w h e n o p t i m u m f l o w rates are exceeded. The Laboratory Air and Gas D r y i n g U n i t has many uses. You can dry systems prior to distillation or refluxing, pressurize electronic enclo­ sures w h e r e dry atmospheres are required, or use as a vent drier on storage tanks or instru­ ment compartments. The unit ι has applications in c h r o m a ­ tography and can supply small flows of dry air for instruments. It can be used as a moisture indicator for laboratory gases. O r fill it w i t h Ascarite for CO2 removal, or other physical adsorbents for specific separations. DRIERITE can be easily regenerated for further use. Available f r o m your Laboratory Supply Dealer. For further i n f o r m a t i o n send for Bulletin 68. Of a d d i ­ tional interest is our b o o k DRIERITE And Its Applications. DRIERITE is a product of the W . A. H A M M O N D DRIERITE C O M P A N Y , XENIA, O H I O

Order from your Laboratory-Hospital Supply Dealer NOW, or write:





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