The plumbing is also made of poly- ethylene. Spouts at the front of the ... Ideal For obtaining the pH of unbuf- fered or slightly buffered liquids. T...
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Tech Notes on Gas Chromatography

by EROGRAPH A n a l y s i s off Methyl Esters from Rosin

NEW PRODUCTS splash, and apron are made of 3 / 1 8 - i n . polyethylene sheet welded at the corners. The backsplash wall forms the front p a r t of a fume hood, and rec­ tangular entrance ports just above the sinks lead into the fume hood at the rear.



Has G u a r a n t e e d Color Standards That Give DEPENDABLE Data

The plumbing is also made of poly­ ethylene. Spouts at the front of the sink direct the running water away from the operator, and valves to the left of the operator permit flow con­ trol in a steady stream or intermit­ tently. Polyethylene sink traps are used in the disposal lines. The entire unit rests on a plywood table with four posts and crossbars for rigid support of the unit. P-6 U l t r a m i c r o Sampling Accessories

Complete separation of rosin methyl esters took only 54 minutes using the Aerograph 110-C and the new stabil­ ized Craig packing. The new column packing has been developed especially for fat analysis. Other polyester packings break down far below the 245° C t e m p e r a t u r e necessary to reach C-26. N o t e the marked difference in retention be­ tween C-20 aliphatic η-fatty acid methyl ester and the methyl abietate (also C-20), 13.5 vs. 49.0 minutes. Fat analysis of microgram quantities is one more application for the versa­ tile Aerograph. This unique labora­ tory tool uncovers subtle differences such as branch chain and unsaturates. Other uses for the sensitive, accurate, and economical Aerograph include food, flavor, and medical research, separation of perfume components, and petroleum analysis. The sensible new A e r o g r a p h was designed by a working chemist. It features more m o s t - w a n t e d features including a heated efficient sample collector, tem­ perature range of 20° C to 300° C and exceptional base line stability. Send for free notebook. Techniques and equip­ ment are described in the Aerograph Gas Chro­ matography Notebook. Yours for the asking; please address

Wilkens I N S T R U M E N T & RESEARCH, Inc. P.O. Box 313 - YEllowstone 5-1469 WALNUT CREEK. CALIFORNIA Circle No. 106 on Readers' Service Card 82 A



Three new ultramicro K B r sampling accessories for use with its Model 21 infrared spectrophotometer have been developed by Perkin-Elmer Corp. The ultramicro all-reflecting sam­ pling system of optics condenses six times the infrared sample beam, main­ taining high energy levels when an­ alyzing samples as small as 0.5 mm.

For fast, yet completely accurate tests of color, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, chlorine, total iron, manganese, silica, copper, fluoride, bromine, aluminum, nickel and low chromate, use a Taylor Water Analyzer. One basic, low-cost unit is adaptable for use with 18 guaranteed color slides. Allows you to make practically any determina­ tion required in plant operations. Ideal for obtaining the p H of unbuf­ fered or slightly buffered liquids. Tests are made in only minutes. No fragile glass standards to handle. Complete instructions included with every set.

New MIDGET IRON TESTER Contains color standards covering the 0-10 ppm range which can be extended by diluting the sample. Sealed-inplastic color standards virtually elim­ inate mechanical error. Also a v a i l a b l e —

TAYLOR COMPARATORS for testing p H , phosphate Be sure to use o n l y T a y l o r r e a g e n t s a n d accessories w i t h T a y l o r C o m ­ p a r a t o r s t o assure accurate results. T a y l o r color s t a n d a r d s a r e g u a r a n ­ t e e d against f a d i n g .

in diameter. I t is said to be capable of providing good full-scale spectra with samples weighing 1 to 2 jug. With ordinate scale expansion, the ultimate limit is reduced to about 0.1 ^g. A reference beam attenuator gives continuously variable attenuation of the reference beam for proper position.

SEE YOUR DEALER for Taylor sets or im­ mediate replacement of sup­ plies. Write direct for FREE HANDBOOK, "Modern pH and Chlorine Control". Gives theory and application of pK control. Illustrates and describes full line. CO. W.A. TAYLOR AND 7306 YORK RD. · BALTIMORE-4, MD. Circle Nos. 18-1, 18-2, 18-3 an Readers' Service Card