W. G. Pye & Co. Ltd

+350mV measuring range, an output for potentiometric recorders and an integral electrode/thermometer holder. A Pye Ingold E0(7) combined electrode...
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a new pH meter from Pye

high performance at low cost Years ahead in circuit design, the Pye Model 79 gives 0.02pH discrimination with exceptional zero stability. Design features include a robust pivotless meter movement, a calibrated buffer control, full automatic and manual temperature compensation, a —350 to -f350mV measuring range, an output for potentiometric recorders and an integral electrode/thermometer holder. A Pye Ingold E0(7) combined electrode is supplied to complete the system.

W . G. Pye & Co. Ltd., P.O. Box 60, York Street, Cambridge, England. Telephone: 58866 Telex: 81215 Telegrams: Pye-Cambridge



Circle No. 123 on Readers' Service Card VOL. 36, NO. 8, JULY 1964


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