W. M. WELCH SCIENTIFIC COMPANY - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

May 16, 2012 - W. M. WELCH SCIENTIFIC COMPANY. Anal. Chem. , 1958, 30 (12), pp 59A–59A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60144a755. Publication Date: December ...
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the ANALYST'S \ column •

U.T. H a l l e l t , E d i t o r

CCURATELY guided missiles, rockets, and space-exploring vehicles require instruments and apparatus which operate with accuracies undreamed of even a few years ago. Precision requirements are such that even primary standards must be re-evaluated. A major advance in this area occurred in August when the National Bureau of Standards dedicated its Electronic Cali­ bration Center at Boulder, Colo. T h e new facility, associated with the Radio Standards Laboratory, provides govern­ ment, industry, and the military services with access to t h e nation's primary elec­ trical and electronic standards. The primary standards are used to cali­ brate master working standards which are used, in turn, to calibrate instruments used in research laboratories and on pro­ duction lines. NBS feels that its new $2.5 million calibration facility will help it to meet the ever-increasing need for still greater accuracy of measurement and for more precise electronic standards and instru­ ments. T h e new laboratory expects to calibrate about 3000 pieces of equipment a year for the defense agencies alone. This is expected to increase substantially over the next few years. In the electrical field, where the art has advanced beyond t h e wildest dreams of early research workers, continued prog­ ress in research and development will depend on standardized terminology, ade­ quate basic standards, and standardized measuring devices. Some of the areas requiring attention were outlined in a 3-day Conference on Electronic Standards and Measurements, held in conjunction with the dedication of the calibration center. T h e meeting was sponsored by NBS, the American I n ­ stitute of Electrical Engineers, and the Institute of Radio Engineers. T h e pro­ gram covered such topics as standards and measurement techniques for frequen­ cies from direct current into the micro­ wave region, relation of primary stand­ ards to physical constants, and the most effective methods of organizing and op­ erating a standards laboratory. Research on electronic standards has not kept pace with the rapid develop­ ments of the electronics industry. As a result, individual laboratories have had to set up their own reference standards which differ from those of other labo­ ratories.



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W. M. WELCH SCIENTIFIC COMPANY DIVISION OF W. M. WELCH MANUFACTURING COMPANY ESTABLISHED 1880 1515 Sedgwick Street, Dept. A-1, Chicago 10, Illinois, U. S. A. Manufacturers of Scientific Instruments and Laboratory Apparatus

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