May 25, 2012 - W.A. HAMMOND DRIERITE COMPANY. Anal. Chem. , 1963, 35 (3), pp 108A–108A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60196a814. Publication Date: March 1963...
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DRIERITEI^S Siossasvo-soinoroanos-sasvosainonsono " T H E VERSATILE D E S I C C A N T "


REGULAR DRIERITE A low cost, all-purpose drying agent, D R I E R I T E is neutral in reaction, chemically stable, constant in volume, inert except toward water, insoluble in organic liquids and refrigerants, non-disintegrating, nonwetting, non-poisonous, non-corrosive, repeatedly regenerative, and non-channeling. M O D E R N R E S E A R C H - M I N D E D L A B S are quick to recognize how Nalgene® labware meets, and often exceeds, their own critical standards. Take, for example, the new Nalgene beakers and bottles of TEFLON* FEP. Their extreme temperature range (from —270°C to + 205°C) lets them handle or store cryogenic materials, then shrug off the heat of any sterilizing method. They're inert to just about all chemicals. And unbreakable! Now, for the first time, Nalge's advanced technology makes them available at production-run prices. You'll find the same uncompromising quality, and the same economy, in each of the hundreds of items, from pipets to carboys, in the world's most complete line of plastic labware. See your lab supply dealer, or write for your copy of Catalog L-962. Dept. 1127, The Nalge Co., Inc., Rochester 2, New York.





Leader in quality plastic labware since 1947


Circle No. 63 on Readers' Service Card

108 A



INDICATING DRIERITE While possessing all of the properties of regular D R I E R I T E , I N D I C A T I N G D R I E R I T E makes a clearly visible change from blue when dry to pink when exhausted. Order directly from your Laboratory Supply Dealer. Write to us for our new 100-page book

W.A. HAMMOND DRIERITE COMPANY 120 Dayton A v e n u e , X e n i a , Ohio Circle No. 44 on Readers' Service Card