WA TAYLOR AND CO. - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

May 18, 2012 - W. A. TAYLOR AND CO. Anal. Chem. , 1963, 35 (10), pp 100A–100A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60203a792. Publication Date: September 1963...
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FAIL-PROOF SAYS 21-YEAR TEST* Taylor Comparators Proven Accurate for Easy, On-The-Spot Boiler Water Tests

MODEL W Boiler Water Comparator for pH and phosphate control. Also available: pH and Chlorine Comparators, Taylor Water Analyzer.

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Circle No. 13 an Readers' Service Card 100 A



1962 Proceedings. Vol. 62. 13.'f6 pages. American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race St.. Philadelphia 3, Pa. $12. To AST M members, $8. This volume is the official record of the proceedings of the society for the entire year. It records the technical accomplishments, including reports and papers, together with discussions. There are 79 reports of technical committees with supplementary appendixes, and 46 technical papers on subjects pertaining to research and standards for materials. An important addition is the Subject and Author Index to all papers published in any form by the societv in 1962. The Association of Public Analysts. Special Report. No. 1 , The Detection and Determination of Antioxidants in Food. 27 pages. Hon. Treasurer of the Association of Public Analysts, County Hall. Maidstone, Kent, England. 1.963. Paperbound. 10/-, post free.

This publication is an outgrowth of the passing of the Antioxidants in Food Regulations in 1958, in England. The basis of the report is the work of the members of the Antioxidants in Food Sub-Committee of the Association of Public Analysts. A straightforward account is given of the methods involved and analytical tips and the results of collaborative trials are included. The appendixes contain chromatographic schemes for the detection of antioxidants in fixed oils and fats and in butter, and for the detection of non-permitted antioxidants in fixed oils and fats and in butter. Line Interference in Emission Spectrographs Analysis. J. Kroonen, D. Vader. viii + 213 pages. American Elsevier Publishing Co., Inc., 52 Vanderbilt Ave.. New York 17, N. Y. 1963. $11. The material in this book is the result of work carried out at the Koninklijke/Shell-Laboratorium, Amsterdam. The data collected on 3S elements are presented. Tabulated are 521 analytical lines and some 8500 interfering lines. In addition, the tables contain weaker lines which are often troublesome, and a large number of hitherto unknown lines. Mass Spectral Correlations. Advances in Chemistry Series No. /0. Fred W. McLafferty. v + 117 pages.

American Chemical Society, Special Issues Sales, 1155 Sixteenth St., N.W., Washington 6, D. C. 1963. Paperbound. $/h75. This table was designed to provide the empirical and structural formulas of ions that might be found at a particular m/e in a mass spectrum, plus an indication of how each such ion might have arisen. The table indicates possible ion structures and precursor molecules for each of the prominent ions in the mass spectrum of an unknown compound. An indication is given also of the general probability of each classifications of ions occurring. A total of 15,746 peaks from the spectra of 4036 compounds was examined, and an assignment of structure and mechanism was attempted for each of these. The most entries are found at m/e 43, 41, 57, and 55.

U. S. Government Publications The following can be obtained from the Superintendent of Documents. U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Testing of Metal Volumetric Standards. J. C. Hughes and B. C.

Keysar. National Bureau of Standards Monograph 62. April 1963. 12 pages. 15 cents. This booklet is intended primarily as a guide in the purchase and use of metal volumetric standards by weights and measures officials, and by others who measure fluid products by volume. Specifications and tolerances are given for the metal measures used for the calibration of instruments for measuring the volumes of fluids. The following can be obtained from the Office of Technical Services, U. S. Dept. of Commerce, Washington 25. D. C. Longitudinal Mixing in Packed GasAbsorption Columns. IF. E. Dunn et al. Lawrence Radiation Laboratory for the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission. July 1962. 6Jf pages. Order UCRL-10391 $1.75. Goal of this research was to ascertain the importance of axial mixing and to provide correlations of dispersion co • efficients in the form of Peclet numbers for both liquid and gas phases. Experiments were performed in a gas absorption column, two feet in diameter, using air and water as carrier streams. Methods are outlined in the report to Circle No. 132 on Readers' Service Card >•