Waiting To Be Called! - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 4, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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WartinqTo Be C a l l e d /

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HPODAY . . . millions of young men in all walks of life . . . awaic the call to the **• service of their country. Today . . . in the Victor Research Laboratory . . . scores of phosphorus compounds similarly awair the call to service of industry. Phosphorus unites readily with other elements . . . producing countless unusual compounds such as that briefly described above. For many, no practical use has yet been discovered . . . yet the same was true of others which long since have been "drafted* * for important tasks in industry. Perhaps one of these laboratory compounds may solve an important problem for you. If not . . . tell us your requirements and perhaps we can produce one that will. Our research staff will gladly cooperate with you.




E A D Q U A R T E R S F O R OSPHATES · F O R M A T E S · OXALATES 141 W e s t Jackson Boulevard Chicago, Illinois Open for Pub/ic Inspection. Exhibit of the Victor Chemical Works at the Museum of Science 6* Industry, Jackson Park, Chicago . . . showing the manufacture of phosphorus and phosphoric acid and many of tbeir industrial applications. A unique miniature plant complete with action models.





(In Commercial Production) Phosphoric A d d Pyrophosphoric Acid Polypbosphoric Acid Phosphorus Phosphorus Oxychloride Phosphorus Trichloride Phosphoric Anhydride Alkyl Acid Orthophosphates Ammonium Phosphates Alkyl Ammonium Phosphates Fireproofing Compounds Calcium Phosphates Magnesium Phosphates Potassium Phosphates Sodium Phosphates Sodium Pyrophosphates Potassium Pyrophosphate Alkyl Acid Pyrophosphates Formic Acid Aluminum Formate Sodium Formate Sodium Boro formate Oxalic Acid Calcium Oxalate Sodium Oxalate Magnesium Sulphate Sodium Aluminum Sulphate Ferrophosphorus Triple Superphosphate