Walden Division of A bcor Inc. - American Chemical Society

economic studies. Ability to generate new business a prerequisite. ENVIRONMENTAL. SCIENTIST/ENGINEER. Challenging opportunity to participate in on-goi...
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Interim Performance Criteria for Solar Heating and Cooling Systems in Commercial Buildings, NBSIR 76-1187. National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Va. 22161. 1976. $5. These criteria are intended primarily for the solar demonstration program. They are aimed at providing a basis for more definitive performance criteria at a later date. However, they do have the objective of establishing technical performance levels of the commercial heating/cooling demonstration program, and for the procurement of systems, subsystems, and components for that group. The criteria, to be updated periodically by the National Bureau of Standards as more data become available, were developed with ERDA funding. Stormwater Modeling. Donald E. Overton, Michael E. Meadows. xii 358 pages. Academic Press, Inc., 111 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10003. 1976. $22.50, hard cover. Perhaps the biggest problem in water pollution abatement will be non-point sources, including stormwater. But before anything can be done about it, some idea of how stormwater travels, and what its fate is, must be known. This book presents predictive models of excess rainfall, open-channel flow, quality, and other related parameters.


Environment and the Industrial Society. Nicholas Homes, Ed. 247 pages. Westview Press, 1898 Flatiron Court, Boulder, Colo. 80301. 1977. $15, hard cover. The book analyzes the structure of industrial societies vis-a-vis the environmental crisis to identify potential routes to environmental stability-toward less consumption and better waste management practices. The several chapters deal with industrial and urban pollution, economics of pollution control, population growth, city design and transportation systems and resource depletion, among other topics. Air Pollution Control and Design Handbook, Part I. Paul N. Cheremisinoff and Richard A. Young, Eds. x 704 pages.


Marcel Dekker, Inc., 270 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016. 1977. $39.50, hard cover. Air pollution was brought on by our technological wizardry and exacerbated by the twentieth-century lifestyle. But the problem is now being attacked with legal and economic dedication. This book was especially written for those managers faced with pollution problems from stationary sources; it offers analyses and recommendations of experts in several problem areas. The stress is always on

the pratical aspects of pollution abatement.

adsorption and coagulation, and flocculation.

Biological Responses of Marine Biota to Pollutants. F. John Vernberg et al., Eds. xiii 462 pages. Academic Press, Inc., 1'11 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10003. 1977. $21.50, hard cover. With pollution of marine waters continuing, witness the rash of oil tanker accidents recently, this volume fulfills a valid need. Chapters cover the influence of petroleum products, pesticides, heavy metals and PCBs-acting alone or synergistically or interacting with normal environmental factors-on marine organisms.

Synthetic Fuels Processing. Arnold H. Pelofsky, Ed. xi 473 pages. Marcel Dekker, Inc. 270 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 1977. $35, hard cover. The papers in this volume were presented at a 1976 symposium sponsored by the Division of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry of the American Chemical Society. Together these papers provide a fairly exhaustive analysis of the economics of several types of fuel processing.


Water and Wastewater Treatmenf: Calculations for Chemical and Physlcal Processes. Michael J. Humenick, Ed. 236 pages. Marcel Dekker, Inc., 270 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016. 1977. $19.75, hard cover. This book is devoted entirely to problem solving, with references accompanying each chapter. Topics covered include ion exchange, activated carbon


Social, Economic and Envir.onmental Implications in Transportation Planning. 95 pages. Transportation Research Board, 2101 Constitution Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20418. 1977. $4, paper. This Transportation Research Record No. 583, comprised of nine reports, includes papers on "Issue-Oriented Approach to Environmental Impact Analysis," and "Incorporating Economic Considerations in the Preparation of Environmental Impact Statements."

Walden Division of A bcor Inc. Our Walden Division is a leader in environmental research and consulting f o r government and industry. A significant portion of our research is devoted to air pollution studies.

ENVIRONMENTAL R&D PRINCIPAL SCIENTIST Outstanding opportunity for a dynamic, innovative, environmental scientist with a Ph.D. (preferably in Chemical Engineering or Meteorology) and 3-5 years of experience to direct scientists in diverse assignments. Studies will include evaluation of environmental problems from various industrial and energy consumption sources, environmental impact statements, policy studies, land use planning a n d energy economic studies. Ability t o generate new business a prerequisite.

ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENTIST/ENGINEER Challenging opportunity t o participate in on-going air pollution study programs. Broad responsibilities will include environmental impact statements, control strategy evaluations, emission inventories, diffusion modeling and related statistical analyses. The ability to execute assignments with minimum supervision is essential. Basic requirements include a BS or M S degree and 1-3 years' experience in air pollution and/or transportation studies, strong programming capability, applied m a t h and diffusion modeling background. We offer an excellent salary and comprehensive company benefits. If you qualify, send your resume with complete salary history and requirements, to Mr. Richard A. Knight, Personnel Manager Abcor, Inc., 850 Main Street, Wilmington, Mass. 01887. An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F

Volume 11, Number 6, June 1977