Warm Welcome On A Frigid Day WIL L IAM SCHU L Z/C& EN
Nominations should consist of a letter containing biographical details and a brief account of the nominee’s technical accomplishments, curriculum vitae, publication and patent list, list of ACS activities, and two seconding letters from persons not at the nominee’s place of employment. E-mail pdf files of nominations and supporting materials by July 31 to analice.
[email protected]. Alternatively, send six copies of all materials to Analice Sowell at Memphis University School, 6191 Park Ave., Memphis, TN 38119. Materials must be postmarked by July 31.
ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY NAMES AWARDEES The ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry has announced the 2013 recipients of its awards, which recognize important contributions to the major scientific aspects of the discipline. Ryan C. Bailey, associate professor of chemistry at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, is the winner of the Arthur F. Findeis Award for Achievements by a Young Analytical Scientist. Peter W. Carr, associate director of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Biological Process Technology at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, is the recipient of the J. Calvin Giddings Award for Excellence in Education. Andrew Ewing, professor of analytical chemistry at Chalmers University of Technology and the University of Gothenburg, is the recipient of the Award in Electrochemistry. David R. Walt, Robinson Professor of Chemistry at Tufts University, is the winner of the Award in Spectrochemical Analysis. Charles L. Wilkins, Distinguished Professor of Chemistry & Biochemistry at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, is the winner of the Award in Chemical Instrumentation.
Professor of Engineering at Stanford University, is the recipient of the 2013 Michel Boudart Award for the Advancement of Catalysis, sponsored by Haldor Topsøe and administered jointly by the North American Catalysis Society and the Euro-
The American Chemical Society welcomed its new officers during a reception on a bitterly cold evening in Washington, D.C. During the Jan. 22 event, ACS governance and key staff members mingled with guests from the Washington science establishment and funding agencies. ACS President Thomas J. Barton spoke about his enthusiasm for his new role and his plans for the year ahead. “I will be focusing on a number of areas including energy, environment, and the public’s view of chemistry,” he said. “I have many passions, perhaps too many,” he added, but he noted that improving the quality of K–12 science education in the U.S. tops his list. Pictured from left are ACS Secretary Flint H. Lewis, ACS Executive Director and CEO Madeleine Jacobs, ACS Immediate Past-President Marinda Li Wu, Barton, ACS President-Elect Diane Grob Schmidt, ACS Board Chair William F. Carroll Jr., and ACS Treasurer Brian A. Bernstein.—SLR
pean Federation of Catalysis Societies. The award recognizes Nørskov for his pioneering work on understanding trends in catalyst activity and developing catalyst design principles based on reactivity descriptors.
LINUS PAULING AWARD SEEKS NOMINATIONS Nominations are being sought for the 2014 Linus Pauling Medal Award. Sponsored jointly by the Oregon, Puget Sound, and Portland ACS local sections, the award is presented annually in recognition of outstanding achievement in chemistry in the spirit of and in honor of Linus Pauling, a native of the Pacific Northwest. Nominations should consist of a concise curriculum vitae that includes significant publications and a list of honors and awards, along with a summary (400–1,000 words) of scientific achievements, including explanations that clearly outline the importance of the nominee’s work. Letters seconding the nomination are encouraged. The award will not be given for work for which the nominee has already received a C E N. ACS.ORG
FE BRUARY 10, 20 14
Nobel Prize. Nominations from previous years will be automatically carried over for up to two years only, after which new nomination materials will be required. E-mail a single pdf of all nomination documents by March 15 to David Patrick, Pauling Medal Award chair, at david.
[email protected].
PRF NAMES GRANTEES The ACS Petroleum Research Fund has announced the recipients of its 2013 grants. The ACS Board of Directors approved 198 research grants with a total value of $18.4 million for advanced scientific education and fundamental research related to petroleum and other fossil fuels. The list of grantees is available online at by clicking on “About ACS PRF.” Additional information on grant programs and upcoming submission dates is also available on the website. LINDA WANG compiles this section.
Announcements of awards may be sent to
[email protected].