Warns against mercury poisoning from amalgam tooth fillings - Journal

Warns against mercury poisoning from amalgam tooth fillings. J. Chem. Educ. , 1928, 5 (12), p 1570. DOI: 10.1021/ed005p1570. Publication Date: Decembe...
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Warns against Mercury Poisoning from Amalgam Tooth Fillings. Poisoning from mercury used in amalgam tooth fillings has become a serious menace, according to Dr. Alfred Stock, professor in the Technical High School a t Karlsruhe. Dr. Stock has conducted investigations and finds that a large percentage of the mercury from these fillings is absorbed by the system. The worst offenders are the mercury-copper amalgams. Unfortunately, people have become careless about the dangers of mercury poisoning, and in many walks of life this constitutes a severe menace to health and life itself. Dr. Stock urges a return to the earlier caution observed in the handling of this toxic substance, and suggests that science should be able to find a substitute for mercury in amalgam fillings.-Science Service