was hard-put in making a decision. ALL the kids deserved prizes. Now

EL CAMINO COLLEGE, CALIFORNIA. To the Editor: I was interested to read the mention of Professor. Porter Miller's communication in the last December...
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JUNE, 1954


was hard-put in making a decision. ALL the kids so nobly demonstrated by these kids, will prevail and deserved prizes. produce in spite of our neglect. Energy like this is Now there resides in all of this a point of view which not easily put down. Trne enough, i t would blossom we should consider. I would ask the question: how sooner if nurtured and bear better frnit. But as long does this performance by the kids stand in the larger as it resides, even in only a small fragment of our scheme of our way of life? I look a t i t this way: total population, we need have no fear for the destiny It is generally agreed that Hitler might have con- of this land. quered the world had he considered his scientific talent JULIUS SWNERMILLER EL CAMINO COLLEGE a bit more wisely. As it turned out he did surprisingly EL CAMINO COLLEGE, CALIFORNIA well by the efforts of those who labored under duress and compulsion. Many of his scientific people presumably saved their lives by adopting the Nazi ideology. Here in our land this action is unthinkable hut it seems t o To the Editor: I was interested to read the mention of Professor me that we are neglecting an important segment of our population. These young kids who showed such prom- Porter Miller's communication in the last December that in the perchromic acid test ise should be provided with special instruction and issue of THIS JOURNAL their imagination should be given freer rein. I am for hydrogen peroxide, ethyl acetate can be substituted mindful that, democratic-wise, we have a responsi- for ether or amyl alcohol to extract the blue compound. I have found that ethyl acetate can be similarly used bility to the many thousands who need the basic instruction. This we provide quite nobly. Indeed, we in the place of the other solvents to extract the blue provide it generously. But we do not, in my opinion, complex formed when a solution of cobalt is treated provide generously enough for the gifted. Every one of with saturated ammonium thiocyanate. The test can be further simplified by adding a drop of these youngsters who put his stuff on display is gifted. The mere fact that he had the spirit and the drive points the cobalt solution to a small heap of potassium or this up. And this temper and imagination sets aside ammonium thiocyanate crystals kept on a white porthe thinker and the d o e ~ H o m ocogitans, Homa faber. celain tile when the entire mass becomes deep blue. And who knows but what among these stauds another GIREESAN SANKARANARAYANA Faraday, another Pasteur, another Steinmetz. LOYOLA COLLEGE Finally I come to another reflection. This talent, MADEAS, SOUTH INDIA