Waste management isn't as easy as it used to be, but it's not as tough

environmental consulting firm, we can help you cut through the confusion surrounding hazardous wastes. ... monitoring data, and develop broad-based mo...
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Not with ERTon the job. As the nation's leading environmental consulting firm, we can help you cut through the confusion surrounding hazardous wastes. We can guide you through all permitting stages and assist you in controlling your waste problems by economically formulating cradle-tograve solutions. Members of our engineering team of over 50 process engineers can evaluate your existing facilities and can often eliminate or mitigate your waste problems, with minimal impact to your process. If your situation requires a new facility, we'll obtain accurate and defensible monitoring data, and develop broad-based models and engineering solutions that will avoid costly false starts or delays further down the line. We'll eliminate the volatility associated

with environmental problems and enable you to plan with clear costs and reliable timing schedules. You can depend on our track record. We've managed waste and other capital projects in chemical processing, pulp and paper, mining, metals and power. We have a staff of over 700 ready to commit to you, and with offices in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Denver, Houston, Los Angeles, Pittsburgh and Washington, D.C., we know your territory. For everyone who recognizes the value of doing the job right the first time, ERT is the firm to call. For immediate action or for literature on your waste management problem, contact P. Reston at ERT, 696 Virginia Road, Concord, Massachusetts 01742, (617) 369-8910, Ext. 473.

Waste management isn't as easy as it used to be, but it's not as tough as you'd think.

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