Waste not, want not-1957 style! - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 6, 2010 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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Photo courtesy Curlator Corporation, East Ftochehter. N. Y

Waste not, want not Ρ1·

1S57 style!

Pictured above is one way for today's manufacturers not to be found wanting for a method of turning processing wastes into profitable products. These ingenious machines convert a variety of fibers—animal, vegetable, mineral or synthetic—into versatile, nonwoven fabrics, mats, wadding or felt, efficiently and economically.

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Take cord or yarn wastes. By feeding them through a "webber" and impregnating them with a bonding agent based on C H E M I G U M LATEX, one soon has a strong, smooth, soft, porous, random fiber CHEMIGUHI fabric. C H E M I G U M LAXEX i s a colloidal dispersion of a b u t a d i e n e LATEX acrylonitrile copolymer. It is used in bonding agents to impart wafer-dispersed nitrile rubber permanent adhesion, flexibility and softness. Moreover, C H E M I G U M LATEX is easily handled and compounded. No complicated equipment or proc%^f^!^l^^U:^ essing problems are involved in giving you an unusual product of wide application. Write today for details and the latest Tech Book DIA/ÎSI^Ï* Bulletins on C H E M I G U M LATEX in nonwoven fabric and many other uses. Address : Goodyear, Chemical Division, COATINGS DEPARTMENT Dept.A-9416, Akron 16, Ohio.


Chemigum, Plloflex, Pliollte, Plio-Tuf, Pliovic—T. M.'s The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, Akron, Ohio







High Polymer Resins, Rubbers, Laiices and Related Chemicals for the Process Industries JAN.

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