water analysis - ACS Publications

cling Network. 125 ... water and air emissions monitoring, and large area environmental inves- tigations. Intergraph. 127. Professional PC reference/W...
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Analytical applications magazine. VIA, a 16-page magazine, has articles about chromatography and spectroscopy products. Variant 119 Supercritical fluid chromatography. Paper entitled "Determination of the Aromatic Content of Diesel Fuels by Supercritical Fluid Chromatography with Flame Ionization Detection (Downstream Mode)" is available. Hewlett Packard 120

SERVICES Steam probe. A truck-mounted instrument provides steam-heated soil vapor analysis. TVG Environmental 121 Soil gas analysis. Vapor Trace Express minicanisters and other materials are useful for off-site soil gas analysis. Tracer Research 122 INSTRUMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL PRODUCTS RENTAL CATALOG • 1994



heavy metals, recycles water, and produces no sludge. The two-step process uses granular activated carbon and electrolytic metal recovery. The heavy metals include Cr, Zn, Pb, Hg, Ni, and Ag. Lewis Environmental Services 126

SOFTWARE Environmental software. ERMA Data Manager is useful for impact studies, risk assessments, groundwater and air emissions monitoring, and large area environmental investigations. Intergraph 127 Professional PC reference/Windows Series. Members of this electronics publication series use Microsoft Windows as the publication platform. Instant EPA's IRIS is a large electronic database containing toxicological, health risk, and regulatory information on hundreds of chemicals. Instant Reference Sources 128 Environmental compliance. E-Trac Version 3.01 helps waste generators comply with EPA disposal and documentation regulations. Next Generation Software 129

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WATER ANALYSIS Filters. Syringe filters with polytetrafluoroethylene membranes are good for filtering aggressive chemicals including acids and nonaqueous solvents, such as those used in GC, HPLC, or chemical etching. Nalge 133 Biological oxygen demand probe. The YSI 6000 monitors water quality in lakes, rivers, wetlands, and coastal waters. Its Rapid Pulse dissolved oxygen measurement needs no stirring, responds quickly, and reduces passive fouling. YSI 134 Solid-phase extraction. Brochure outlines SPE uses in monitoring water for trace contamination. There are advantages over liquid—liquid extraction techniques. Axys Environmental Systems 135

WATER TREATMENT Oxygenator. The In-Situ Oxygenator for wastewater treatment increases the treatment rate and reduces emissions. It uses oxygen, not air. Praxair 137

Fluid recovery. For industrial firms that are generating small quantities of hazardous waste, a company representative picks up d r u m s of waste; the drums are transferred to one of the company's 13 recycle centers. Safety-Kleen 124

Metal recovery and recycling. The Enviro-Clean Process recovers

Compliance information. FieldSmart cuts through regulations with built-in branching logic. It skips over regulatory areas that do not apply to the operation being reviewed. Utilicom 132

Stormwater samplers. No programming is necessary for these samplers; adjust and install the float switches and hoses. The sampler takes a first flush grab sample during the first 20 min of the storm in one bottle and takes a flowweighted composite sample in another bottle. Global Water 136

Rental supplier. Rent on a weekly or monthly basis in situ data loggers; instrument rental, sales, and repair in 13 locations in the United States and Canada. HAZCO 123

Global recycling network. An Internet-linked system of exchanges for the recycling of resources, surplus manufactured goods, and outdated or used machinery. For a nominal fee, the database makes contact with an arena of buyer and sellers throughout the world. Global Recycling Network 125

rules is available. SOLUTIONS Software 131

Electronic notebook. The pm-7900 gas monitor/electronic notebook is good for instantaneous sampling or long-term monitoring. Interchangeable sensors measure and record the concentration of various gases. Metrosonics 130 Complete environmental regulations on CD-ROM. The complete U.S. Code of Federal Regulations covering environment, OSHA, and hazardous materials transportation

Environ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 28, No. 9, 1994

Capturing water pollutants. The InLine Netting TRASHTRAP system eliminates certain incidents of water pollution and associated expenses. It can be used on combined sewer overflows. Fresh Creek Technologies 138 Sludge collector. The ClariShear is a new approach to sludge removal. It exceeds rake-type clarifiers in performance and eliminates overloading, shutdowns, and process interruption. It has been used at a number of wastewater treatment sites. 139