Water, Carboset resin and melamine crosslinkers. Key to tough

Nov 7, 2010 - Key to tough, permanent coatings. Chem. Eng. News , 1973, 51 (12), p 2. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v051n012.p002. Publication Date: March 19, 1973...
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Water, Carboset®resin and melamine crosslinkers* Key to tough, permanent coatings* Looking for a durable, protective coating for metals ? Try using a water system based on Carboset resins cured with melamine formaldehyde crosslinking agents Carboset film-forming resins give your coating excellent resistance to corrosion, chemicals, weather and abrasion. Outstanding adhesion to a variety of substrates. Coatings can be clear and glossy, or pigment can be blended directly into the system. Carboset resins act as dispersants, eliminating the need for soaps and wetting agents that might reduce water resistance. These crosslinked Carboset systems have cure ranges of 3 hours at 200°F to 30 seconds at 425°F. Pot life is excellent.

Use these Carboset resins for thermosetting coating systems on metal, wood or plastics — even treated polyolefins. We also have self-curing Carboset resins for water systems and thermoplastic resins for temporary coatings, too. Get the full story, write us today. B.F.Goodrich Chemical Company, Dept. CN-46, 6100 Oak Tree Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio 44131.

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C&EN March 19, 1973