Water Challenges and Solutions on a Global Scale ... - ACS Publications

Dec 6, 2015 - non-centralized drinking water systems, 59 non-centralized sanitation systems, 63 point of use, point of entry technologies, strengthens...
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Downloaded by on March 31, 2016 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date (Web): December 3, 2015 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2015-1206.ix002

A Africa, critical water issues, 95 improving water availability, technologies, 107 introduction, 96 Bondo Sub-county, Kenya, water pan, 96f human waste pollution, Nairobi River, 99f Nyangoma division Bondo Sub-county, Kenya, kowuor water pan, 97f River Yala, 98f settled pond water, 99f shallow well point, 98f millennium development goals (MDG) water challenges improved drinking water purification technologies, 101 sanitation, technological innovations, 104 soil and water conservation, 100 water targets, 99 sand dams, technologies, 108 Sakai, Makueni, Kenya, sand dam under construction, 109f science-policy interface conferences/ workshops, 106 water knowledge, promotion, 110 water security and data acquisition, technologies, 108

B Brazil and South America, water challenges and solutions, 71 South America, energy generation, 75 biodiesel production, 86f biomass, 86 electricity generation (TWh) for Latin America, estimates, 76f electricity generation shares, 77f electricity in South America hydropower plants, water footprint, 79t fossil fuels, 83 highest wind power potential, Argentina, 81

hydropower, 77 large hydropower stations, social and environmental impacts, 78 Latin America, total primary energy demand share, 85f nuclear energy, 82 power sector, 76 primary raw materials production, biofuel production, 88t sugarcane and soybean production, distribution, 87f total primary energy demand (Mtoe), 85f total primary energy demand (TPED), 84 transportation sector, 83 vehicles in South America, estimated production, 88f wind power, 80 water use, 73 average residential water use, 74f water withdrawal, 74f

C Central America, drinking water and sanitation, 53 alternative water treatment and sanitation, 58 non-centralized drinking water systems, 59 non-centralized sanitation systems, 63 point of use, point of entry technologies, strengthens and weakens, 64t point-of-entry/use chlorination, 62 solar water disinfection (SODIS), 61 solar water distillation, 60 Central American countries Belize, 56 Costa Rica, 57 El Salvador, 57 Guatemala, 56 Honduras, 57 Nicaragua, 57 Panama, 58 introduction, 54 population distribution, Central America, 55t

441 Ahuja et al.; Water Challenges and Solutions on a Global Scale ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

Downloaded by on March 31, 2016 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date (Web): December 3, 2015 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2015-1206.ix002

D Developing countries, water treatment challenges and barriers, 245 challenges and barriers, 246 environmental specifics, challenges, 250 impoverished community in Zimbabwe, inadequate water and sanitation infrastructure, 250f knowledge barrier, 248 river Treska, anthropogenic water pollution, 247f socio-cultural implications, 249 supporting infrastructure, 249 water treatment challenge, economics, 248 water treatment challenges, engineering solutions arsenic concentration and temperature of well water, linear relationship, 252f engineering solution, 253 local needs and support capabilities, 252 management platform, development, 253 reiteration, importance, 254 sustainable education, role, 253 water quality gaps, 251

G Global water challenges, nanotechnology solutions, 375 fenton-like processes, 382 heterogeneous fenton processes, advances, 381 ozonation applications, advances, 380 photo-fenton processes, 382 solar disinfection, photocatalytic enhancement, 377 photocatalysis mechanism, schematic representation, 379f SODIS process, 378f water decontamination, nanocatalyst, 379 visible light activity, novel photocatalytic materials, 383 water, solar disinfection, 377 water technologies, nanomaterials based sensors C. parvum, electrochemical detection, 395f

carbon nanotubes and graphene, 397 metal nanoparticles, 392 quantum dots, 396 water technologies, use of graphene, carbon nanotubes, and their composites, 385 desalination, advances, 391 desalination of salt water, schematic representation, 388f GO membranes, fabrication, 390f photo-reduction, TiO2-GO aggregate, 386f subnanometer pores, graphene membrane, 387f ultrafast water permeation membranes, 389 Global water challenges, overview Africa, critical water issues, 17 Brazil and South America, water challenges and solutions, 17 Central America, drinking water and sanitation, 16 developing countries, water treatment challenges and barriers, 20 global imperative, sustaining water resources, 23 immobilized bacteria, fungi, algae, uses for treatment of organic and inorganic pollutants, 21 India, water challenges and their technological solutions, 18 Inland and coastal waters of Japan, perfluorinated chemicals, 19 introduction, 1 arsenic contamination, sources, 12 China’s State Forestry Administration, 3 community-based filters, 14 contamination, sources, 7 developed countries, 6 developing countries, 5 global water resources, 2 monitoring water contaminants, 8 ocean, producing drinking water, 11 poisoned wells, producing drinking water, 12 reclaiming wastewater for drinking, 15 recycling wastewater to groundwater, 14 recycling wastewater to surface water, 15 remediation, 13 rivers, producing drinking water, 10 single family systems, 13

442 Ahuja et al.; Water Challenges and Solutions on a Global Scale ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

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river bank filtration (RBF), 177 river bank filtration (RBF), impact, 178t Sabarkantha District, providing drinking water, 176 Sivagangai, Thirupattur District, Tamil Nadu, 175 South Tripura District, Rupaichari cluster, 179 water quality analysis, 172t water related problems, technology led solutions, 181t generic solutions, technical evaluation and assessment, 169 rural and urban areas, technical details, 54 technical evaluation, collection of site specific conditions, 169 WAR for water, outcomes of technology mission, 182 WAR for water, research, 163 research plan, 164f water challenged hotspots, selection hotspots facing water challenges, percentage distribution, 166f hotspots facing water management related challenges, percentage distribution, 167f hotspots facing water quality related challenges, percentage distribution, 167f hotspots facing water quantity related challenges, percentage distribution, 166f hotspots for pilot trials, selection, 168 water challenged hotspots, geographical distribution, 168f water challenged sites, identification, 165 water challenges, identification water quality, challenges, 165 water quantity, challenges, 165 water use management, challenges, 165

Sonia Vihar plant, water purification process, 11f Stanford University, report, 4 ultratrace levels, monitoring arsenic, 13 water reclamation, 9 worldwide water quality, 5 Kaveri (Cauvery) River, India, organochlorine pesticide contamination, 18 nanotechnology solutions, 23 Northeast Brazil, biochar augmentation, 22 point-of-use household applications, 21 reclaimed water systems, 22 Republic of Serbia, sustainable water management system, 20 review, Ganges River contamination, 18 water issues, raising awareness, 16 water resources of Republic of Macedonia, effects of climate change, 16 water scarcity challenges, 19

I India, water challenges, 161 best revenue models, evaluation of site specific solutions, 171 arsenic removal units (ARUs), 177 Buja Buja, combined waste water quality analysis, 174t Buja Buja, Nellore District, Andhra Pradesh, 172 Buja Buja, waste water treatment plant, 175f Chirawa Block, water scarcity, 176 districts of Rajasthan, water conservation, 176 drinking water treatment plant, 173f hilly region of Aizawl District, Mizoram, water conservation, 180 hilly region of Kohima Distt, Nagaland, rainwater harvesting, 179 Koraput Region of Odisha, shortage of water, 180 Mamsapuram, Virudh Nagar District, Tamil Nadu, 175 Mewat District, Haryana, aquifer recharge, 179 Narippaiyur, Tamil Nadu, 179 pilot trials, improvement in key water parameters, 182t

J Japan, contamination profiles of perfluorinated chemicals in inland and coastal waters materials and methods chemicals and standards, 224 extraction and purification, 225 individual PFAS concentrations, 226t

443 Ahuja et al.; Water Challenges and Solutions on a Global Scale ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

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instrumental analysis, 225 quality assurance, 232 sample collection, 225 results and discussion coastal seawater and lake water, PFAS concentrations and compositions, 233f extractable organic fluorine (EOF) and inorganic fluorine (IF), contribution, 242f FOS/PFHxS, PFOS/PFNA, PFOS/PFOA and PFNA/PFOA in coastal seawater and lake water, ratios, 235f individual PFASs, analysis, 232 mass balance analysis, 239 PFASs, concentrations, 240f PFASs to extractable organic fluorine (EOF), contribution, 241f PFOS/PFHxS, PFOS/PFNA, PFOS/PFOA, and PFNA/PFOA in runoff and pond water, ratios, 236t runoff and snow, PFAS concentrations and compositions, 234f seawater and pond water, PFAS concentrations and compositions, 239f Japan and Inland, contamination profiles of perfluorinated chemicals, 221

O Organic and inorganic pollutants, treatment, 319 immobilization, carriers used natural and synthetic carriers, examples, 325t natural and synthetic polymers, comparison, 326t organic carriers, 324 immobilized microbial cells, suitability, 331 immobilized microbial cell bioreactors, example, 332t immobilized microorganism system, 321 immobilization methods, types and characteristics, 323t immobilization of microbial cells, methods, 321f microorganisms, cross linking, 322 microorganisms, immobilization, 322 pollutant removal from wastewater, mechanism, 327 wastewater treatment, application, 328 immobilized algae, examples, 328t immobilized bacteria, examples, 329t immobilized fungi, examples, 331t

P K Kaveri (Cauvery) River, India, organochlorine pesticide contamination, 115 River Biota, OCPs, 123 river sediment, OCPs, 122 river water, OCPs, 118 OCPs, concentration, 119t OCPs, monitoring, 121

N Northeast Brazil, biochar augmentation, 339 materials and methods, 341 results and discussion, 343 biochar samples, 13C NMR spectra, 344f biochars, values, 345t scanning electron micrographs, 345f water holding capacity (WHC), 346

Perspectives and challenges, water resources and scarcity, 185 trans-boundary water and regional cooperation, 209 regional cooperation, benefits, 209 regional cooperation, examples, 211 regional cooperation, limiting factors, 210 water availability, 189 water demand, 190 water quality and ecosystems, impact of water availability, 191 declined water quality, 192 deteriorating water quantity, 192 water scarcity, drivers and pressures, climatic conditions, 188 water scarcity, responses, 197 agriculture, water conservation, 201 community-based management, 200 decision support systems (DSS), 201 desalination, 207 desalination, current extent, 208 desalination, environmental impact, 209

444 Ahuja et al.; Water Challenges and Solutions on a Global Scale ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

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domestic water conservation, 202 environmental impacts, 206 integrated water resources management (IWRM), 199 nonconventional water resources (NCWR), development, 203 rainwater harvesting, 203 sea water desalination technologies, 208 wastewater composition, 205 wastewater reuse schemes, 206 water conservation, 201 water demand management (WDM), 199 water governance and institutional arrangements, 198 water reuse, 204 water reuse, current extent, 206 water-stressed regions, examples of deteriorating water resources, 193 California, 196 India, 195 Middle East, 194

R Reclaimed water systems, 355 health risks, 357 macroinvertebrate assemblages, 360 mosquitoes, health risks, 358 vectoring mosquito species, Australian wetlands, 359t water quality parameters, effects, 360 organic pollutants, 364 salinity tolerance, summary, 362t suspended particles, effects, 361t toxic metals, 363 Republic of Macedonia, effects of climate change on water resources, 37 Macedonian water resources, implications of climate changes, 47 methodology data collection, 39 hypotheses testing, 41 regression analysis matrix, 41t watershed map, 40f results average national temperatures, temporal changes, 42 average precipitation changes, increasing magnitudes, 47f correlation between average flow rates and precipitation, 45f

decreased national average flow rates, 44f decreased national average precipitation, 44f increased national average temperature, 42f linear models, summary, 45t national average flow rates, period 1961-2012, 43f national surface water resources, temporal changes, 42 precipitation intensity, effects of climate change, 46 surface water resources, increased with growth in population, 46f Republic of Serbia, sustainable water management system development, 257 existing water management system, overview collected sewage, treatment, 272f engineered water and sanitation infrastructure, overview, 268 environmental data management, concept, 277f environmental professionals, 277 EU membership, 276 generated and collected wastewater in 2013, 272f maximum allowable discharge BOD5, 275f population, regional comparison, 269f population connected to at least secondary wastewater treatment, percent, 274f population connected to sewage system, regional comparison, 271f Serbian education system, role, 277 treated wastewater in 2013, 273f wastewater collection, Serbia, 270 water management in Serbia, overview, 275 overview and water resources country overview, 259 public consumption, water withdrawal, 264f Republic of Serbia, geographical map, 260f Serbia, watersheds, 267f Serbian water resources, overview, 261 surface waters, classification, 265t territory of the Republic of Serbia, water balance, 262f water resources distribution, mean SWQI classification, 266f water withdrawal in 2013, 263f

445 Ahuja et al.; Water Challenges and Solutions on a Global Scale ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

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Review, Ganges River contamination, 129 characteristics, 130 contamination, sources, 132 Ganges River basin, map, 131f Ganges River, emerging contaminants, pharmaceuticals, 150 Ganges River, heavy metals/ trace metals, 147 metals, average concentrations, 148t Ganges River water, POPs, 134 Ganges River, POPs average concentration, 135t Ganges River, sediments average concentrations, 139t Ganges River organisms, POPs, 141 Ganges River sediments, POPs, 138 organochlorine pesticide residues, average concentration, 145t organochlorine pesticides, concentrations, 142t organotin compounds, 145 perfluorinated compounds (PFCs), 146 POPs in the Ganges River, distribution, 133

S Sustainable water cleaning system in developing countries, 285 introduction, 286 heavy metals, 286 pathogens, 287 persistant organic pollutants, 286 several common water pathogens, characteristics, 287t suspended solids, 287 sustainable solution, need, 288 materials and methods, 288 adsorbent, characterization, 289 experiment screening test, factorial design, 290t organic pollutants, 291 persistent organic pollutants study, experimental design, 292t results Adams-Bohart model, 303f Adams-Bohart model coefficients, 304t adsorbent type, effect, 301f adsorption mechanism, 311 adsorption mechanism studies, 311f adsorption of Cu2+, effects of initial concentration, 306f

adsorption of Cu2+, kinetic behavior, 300f adsorption of Cu2+, model coefficients, 306t adsorption of Cu2+, rate constants, 300t BET surface area and pore width, 295t chlordane, removal efficiency, 310f dried and pyrolyzed banana peel, FTIRspectra, 298f effluent stream relative concentration, 307f feed conctrations of Cu2+, continuous adsorption studies, 302f feed conctrations of Pb2+, continuous adsorption studies, 302f heavy metal studies, 298 heptachlor, removal efficiency, 310f leaching tests, 307 legionella pneomophilia, breakthrough, 309f organochlorines, adsorptive removal, 309 PBP, surface charge electrophoresis, 294 PBP600, PBP500, and BP, SEM images, 297f pH of water, surface charges, 295f pore volume analysis, 296f ζ-potential, adsorption mechanism studies, 312f regression model, contour plot, 299f SEM/EDX analysis, 312f sun-dried BP powder, weight changes, 293f surface chemical and physical properties, characterization, 292 suspended solids, removal, 307 thomas model coefficients, 305t total suspended solids, reduction, 308f Sustaining water resources agriculture, freshwater availability, 417 brackish water in the Negev desert, Israel, desalination, 423f drip irrigation, India, 419f flood irrigation, rice cultivation in India, 418f largest rice producers, 418t seawater desalination, energy consumption, 421 selected desalination facilities, cost efficiency, 422t wastewater treatment, Israel, 420 climate change, impact, 414

446 Ahuja et al.; Water Challenges and Solutions on a Global Scale ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.

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comprehensive report, UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 416 land and ocean temperature changes, 415f dams and reservoirs, energy and agricultural needs, 425 reservoir storage per capita, 428f selected countries, electric power consumption, 427t Storm water catchment facility, Israel, 426f global public health, water, 428 water and energy, 424 water sector management strategies, 429

W Water issues, raising awareness curriculum, incorporation general chemistry, 33 industrial and environmental chemistry, 34 organic chemistry, 34 environmental chemistry content, 31 general chemistry, water in contents, 30 industrial chemistry content, 32 water treatment technologies, issues desalination, 28 organics, remaining materials, 30 sewage-waste treatment, 28 water conservation, 29

447 Ahuja et al.; Water Challenges and Solutions on a Global Scale ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2015.