Water Content of Meats, Determination of Water-Holding Capacity of

Esters Present in Pre-ferments. The only esters detected in the Fleisch- mann pre-ferment were those of acetic acid. The ethyl cster was presumably pr...
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Esters Present in Pre-ferments. T h e only esters detected in the Fleischmann pre-ferment were those of acetic acid. The ethyl cster was presumably produced because of the high concentration of ethyl alcohol in the fermentation mixture. U’iseblatt (26) found only ethyl esters in bread crumb. The change in ethyl acetate concentration in the pre-ferment with time is shown in Figure 2 . The ester reached its maximum concentration after 6 to 8 hours of fermentation and decreased to zero after 48 hours. The concentration of ethyl acetate in American Dry Milk Institute pre-ferments was not determined because it \L as necessary to adjust the p H of that pre-ferment to 10.0 to precipitate a part of the nonfat dry milk. The ester was hydrolyzed at this pH.

(5) (6) (7) (8) (9)


(1 1) (la)



Financial assistance from the Corn Products Sales Co. is gratefully acknowledged.


Literature Cited

(1) Baker, J. C.. Food Engzneeling 25, 60, 183 (1953). 12) Baker. J. C.. Mize. M. D.. Cereal C h e m . 16, 295-7 (1939). ’ (3) Baker, J. C.. Mize, M. D., I b i d . , 18, 19-34 (1941). (4) Baker, J. C.. Parker, H. K., \


(15) (16) (17) (18)

Fortmann, K . L., Ibid., 30, 22-30 (1953). Barnard, T. H., Baker’s Dig.28, 61-4, 79 (1954). Barnard, T. H., T r a n s . Am. Assoc. Cereal Chemists 13, 43-53 (1955). Butterworth, S . W.,Bakers’ ‘Vatl. -4ssoc. Ret’. 211 No. 27, 1-7 (1935). Carroll, L. P., Miller, B. S . , Johnson, J. A,: Cereal C h e m . 33, 303-10 (1956). Choi, R . P., Koncus, A. F., and Staff, A D M I Stable Ferment Process (Chemical Study--A Progress Report), American Dry hlilk Institute, Chicago, April 3, 1954. Corcoran, G. B.? i l n a l . Chem. 28, 168-71 (1956). Denison, F. TV., Phares, E. F., I b i d . , 24, 1628-9 (1952). Food Processing 16 (lo)? 23-5, 32 (1 955). Johnson, A. H., Cereal C h e m . 2 , 345-64 (1925). Johnson, J. A,, Miller? B. S.? Refai, F. Y., Miller, D., J. AGR. FOODCHEM.4,82-4 (1 956). Magasanik, B.. Umbarger, H . E.. J . Am. C h e m . Soc. 72, 2308-9 (19 50). Miller, B. S., Johnson, J. A., K a n s a s A g r . Expt. S t a . , B u l l . No. 76 (1954). Pirrie, P., Bakers’ IVeeklj 164 (2), 26-9 (1954). Pirrie? P.. Glabau, C . A., I b i d . , 163 (5. 6, 7), 25-8; 163 (9)> 25-8; 163 (10). 29-31 (1954).


(19) McLaren, L. H.. Baker’s Dig. 28, 41-2, 48 (1954). (20) Manewal, R., B a k i n g I n d . 104 (1310), 43-5 (1955). (21) Pence, E. A., Master’s thesis, Kansas State College, Manhattan, Kan., 1952. (22) Randall, H. H.. Fowler. R . G., Fuson. N., Dangl, J. R.. “Infrared Determination of Organic Structures.” Van Nostrand, S e w York, 1949. (23) Shriner, R. L., Fuson, R . C., “Identification of Organic Compounds,” 3rd ed., Eilev, New York, 1948. (24) Stark, J. B., Goodban. A . E., Owens, H. S.? A n a l . Chem. 23, 413-5 (1951). (25) Enderkoffler? L. A , , Hickey, R . J., Industrial Fermentations, 1.01. 1, Chemical Publishing Co., New York, 1954. (26) JViseblatt. L., “Identities of Substances Which Contribute to the Flavor of Bread,” American Association of Cereal Chemists, 41st Annual Meetin?. Yew York, N. Y., 1956. Receirsed for rtwiew M a r c h 22. 7957. Accepted December 77, 1957. Cooperatioe inGestigation between Crops Research Dioision, Agricultural Research Serr,ice, C. S. Department of dgriculture, and the Department o j Flour and Feed .Milling Industries. Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station. Manhattan, K a n . Contribution ‘Yo. 278, Department of Flour and Feed .Willing Industries. Kansas ‘4gricuiturai Experiment Station, .Wanhattan, Kan.

EUGEN WlERBlCKl Research and Development Department, Rath Packing Co., Waterloo,


Determination of Water-Holding Capacity of Fresh Meats

Iowa F. E. DEATHERAGE Department of Agricultural Biochemistry, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio

The watter-holding capacity of nondisintegrated muscles and ground and comminuted fresh lean meats was determined on fresh and heated meat. By pressing a 400-to 600mg. fresh muscle sample on No. 1 Whatman filter paper of constant humidity in a specially made prless operating under 500 p.s.i., the area of the paper wetted in 1 minute b y the expressed juice is directly proportional to the weight of water in the press juice. The method gives the reproducible results within 2 to 5%. The amount of free water in beef, porrk, veal, and lamb varies from 30 to 5070 of the total moisture content, depending on the kind of meat and period of aging.


‘on consumer qualities of meats, such as tenderness, texture, drip on freezing and thawing, and shrinkage on cooking indicate that these qualities depend on the degree of hydration of muscle proteins (7, 77, 36-40). The highly polar water moleECENT STUDIES

cules are attracted to the muscle proteins by ionizable basic and acidic groups as in arginine, histidine. lysine, glutamic acid, and aspartic acid or by polar nonionic groups such as in cystine, cysteine, serine, methionine, threonine, tyrosine, and tryptophan. The mechanism of the

protein hydration is not well understood. Some pioneering work on hydration of various proteins, other than muscle proteins, and polypeptides has been done by Bull ( Z ) , Pauling (33)) Mellon and Hoover ( B )and , others (4,5. 26). Lean meat contains about 3.5 grams

VOL. 6, NO. 5 , M A Y 1 9 5 8


of water per gram of protein, about 10 times as much as the water of hydration of commonly known proteins (26). Consequently, muscle like other biological material contains water of hydration, or electrostatically bound water, and physically absorbed water, held on the proteins by the secondary forces, such as water dipole-dipole induction, hydrogen bonds, and capillary and surface attractions. I n this paper, free water is considered to be that portion of the total moisture which has been released by pressing or heating the meat under specified laboratory conditions which are presented here. The remaining portion of the total mixture of meat is then the bound water, consisting of the water of hydration and that portion of the physically absorbed water which has not been so released. The exact amount of bound or free water cannot be determined in meat, for it contains different protein components and the water of hydration of each is not known. Furthermore, the amount of the physically absorbed water is changed by various laboratory and processing techniques. However, by considering the various muscle proteins as a single protein component and by using the same method under the Bame experimental conditions, relative changes in the waterholding properties of meat can be measured. A simple centrifugal method far measuring the water-holding capacity during heating, freezing, and thawing of meat has been recently published by Wierbicki, Kunkle, and Deatherage (40). The method is very useful for measuring relative shrinkage of meat under different experimental conditions (36). However, when this is applied

to the meat samples heated below 1OO'F.

or not heated a t all (fresh meats), the amount of juice, if any, collected in the centrifuge tubes was within the range of the experimental errnr (0.1 to 0.3 d.). I n 1953 Grau and Hamm, a t the Bundesforschungsanstalt fijr Fleischwirtschaft in Kulmbach, reported a simple filter paper method for the determination of water-holding capacity of fresh meats (72). Since that time, while, using this method, Grau and Hamm and their associates have published several papers dealing with the theory ofprotein of hydration (77, 18,22) and the effects of p H (74, 77, 18, 20), adenosine triphosphate (ATP) (76, 20), meat aging (70, ZO), sodium chloride (7-9, 12, 77-79), calcium, magnesium, zinc, and potassium ions (75, 78, 79,27, 22), various phosphates (6, 73, 75, 17, 78, 23), and various organic and inorganic anions (22) on the hydration of meat proteins. The usefulness of this method for meat research has been reported also from Finland (30-32, 3 4 , Poland (24, 25), and Hungary (27, 2 8 , but it has not been used in the study of cooked meats. This paper presents a modification of the Grau and Hamm's original method for the determination of the waterholding capacity of fresh meats. The pressing by hand has been replaced by a pressing device which controls the pressure and assures a greater accuracy of the determination. Inasmuch as the centrifugal method (40) is useful in studying heated, frozen, and defrosted meats, and the German method (72) is particularly adapted to fresh meats, the two methods have been applied to the same meat. The limitations of each method appear to be complemented by the usefulness of the other method.



Experimentd Apparatus. This method of Grau and Hamm involves pressing a freshly cut 400- to GOO-mg. sample of muscle or well-minced lean meat onto filter paper under constant pressure and for a fixed time and measuring the area occupied by the water, which diffused from the meat sample into the filter paper. The amount of the free or "loose" (72) water expressed is then calculated from the area by using an appropriate conversion factor. In the original version of the method (IZ), two Plexiglas plates screwed together as firmly as possible by hand were used. The pressure thus developed is about 60 to 70 kg. per sq. cm. (853 to 996 p s i . ) and the variation in pressure, 30 to 70 kg. per sq. cm. (427 to 996 p.s.i,), has no effect on the wetted area. However, Figure 2 indicates that this is not strictly so. Pohja and Niinivaara (34) in their modification of the method (pressing by the balance weights) showed also that the area varies with the pressure, particularly a t the acid side of the meat, p H 5.0. An apparatus has been built for pressing the meat samples under constant pressure. The apparatus, shown by Figure 1, consists of an 8-ton capacity hydraulic jack (Model CG-9, Blackhawk Manufacturing Co., Milwaukee, Wis.), which is built into the '/Vaturwissenschaften 42,

(1) Arnold, (2) (3) (4)


(61 ~, (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) , , 113) \


(14) (15) (16)

(19) (20) (21)


394 (1955). (22) Hamm, R., Z. Lebensm. Untersuch. u. Forsch. 106, 281 (1957). (23) Hamm, R., Grau, R., Deut. Lebensm. Rundschau 51, 106 (1955). (24) Janicki, M. A,, Walczak! Z., Przemjsl Spoijwcz~8, 197 (1954). (25) Ibid., p. 404. (26) Katchman, B., McLaren, A. D . ) J . A m . Chem. Soc. 73, 2124 (1951). (27) Koermendy, L., l&elmerdsi Ipar 9, 283; 345 (1955); 10, 7 (1956); Food Sei. Abstr. 29, KO.1, 20-1 (1 957). (28) Koermendy, L., Gantner, G., khlmetdsi Ipar 8, 172 (1954); Food Sei. Abstr. 29, No. 1, 20 (1957). (29) Mellon, E. F., Hoover, Sam R . , Ibid., 73, 3879 (1951). (30) Niinivaara, F. P.: Fleischwirtschaft 6, 357 (1954). 131) Niinivaara, F. P.. Pohia. _ ,M... Ibid., 6, 192 (1954). (32) Niinivaara, F. P., Ryynaenen? T., Ibid.. 5.261 (1953). (33) Pauling, ‘L.: J. Am: Chem. Soc. 67, 555 (1945). (34) Pohja, M . S., Niinivaara, F. P., Fleischwirtschaft 9, 193 (1957). (35) Szent-Gyorgyi, A., “Chemistry of Muscular Contraction,” Academic Press, New York, 1951. (36) Wierbicki, E., Cahill, V. R . , Deatherage, F. E., Food Technol. 11,74 (1957). (37) Wierbicki, E., Cahill, V. R . , Kunkle, L. E., Klosterman, E. W., Deatherage, F. E., J. AGR. FOODCHEM.3, 244 (1955). (38) Wierbicki, E., Kunkle, L. E., Cahill, V. R.?Deatherage, F. E.? Food Technol. 8, 506 (1954). (39) W’ierbicki, E., Kunkle, L. E.: Cahill. \‘. R.. Deatheraae. - , F. E., Ibid., 10, 80 (1956). (40) Wierbicki, E., Kunkle, L. E., Deatherage, F. E., Ibid., 11, 69 (1957). ~I


Receiced for reaiew September 5, 1957. Accepted January 6, 7958. Division of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 132nd Meeting, ACS? hhw York, ‘V.Y., September 1957.