Water Diffusion in Drug Delivery Systems Made of High-Amylose

Jun 22, 2006 - Water Diffusion in Drug Delivery Systems Made of High-Amylose Starch as Studied by NMR Imaging. Héloïse Thérien-Aubin and Xiao Xia Zhu...
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Water Diffusion in Drug Delivery Systems Made of High-Amylose Starch as Studied by N M R Imaging Héloïse Thérien-Aubin and Xiao Xia Zhu Département de Chimie, Université de Montréal, C.P. 6128, Succ. Centre-ville, Montréal, Québec H3C 3J7, Canada

Polysaccharides such as high-amylose starch are used as excipients in controlled released devices for drug. The swelling of the compressed polymer and water penetration in the polymer matrix can be studied quantitatively by NMR imaging. The effects of formulation, size, compression force, and temperature on the diffusion behavior of water in tablets of crosslinked amylose starch have been studied by NMR imaging.

© 2006 American Chemical Society


In Polysaccharides for Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Applications; Marchessault, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.

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106 A better understanding of the process of controlled release of drugs is essential for the design and preparation of more efficient drug delivery systems. Therefore the study of the diffusion of small molecules, especially water, the swelling of polymer matrix, and the dissolution/erosion of the drug carrier is crucial. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) imaging can be used to study solvent diffusion in polymeric matrixes (7-5). More recently, it has been adapted to characterize various drug delivery systems (6-14). The mechanism of drug release is based on either diffusion of drugs through the polymer matrix, or polymer degradation. It is important to study parameters related to water penetration in the polymer, swelling of polymer matrix, and the interactions in the system to improve the desing of drug release system. The diffusion process in such systems is usually studied by gravimetric methods for solvent uptake (15) or by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) for the kinetics of drug released (16). These techniques and other such as optical methods (15,17,18) allows for a global characterization of the system, while N M R imaging provides localized information of the spatial distribution of the compounds of interest inside and outside the polymeric matrix.

Diffusion in polymer matrixes Fick (19) provided the first mathematical description of diffusion. Fick's second laws of diffusion relate the diffusive flux to the concentration gradient of the diffusing species: d



D i


C i ( h )

( 1 )

ot where C the concentration of the diffusing species, D the diffusion coefficient, / the time, r the position and / the diffusing specie. While Fick's laws of diffusion adequately describe the diffusion of small molecules in a solvent, diffusion in glassy polymers sometimes shows deviation from Fick's laws and the diffusion is there anomalous or non-Fickian. Diffusion in polymers is related to the properties of the polymer network and to the interactions between the polymer and the diffusing species. Alfrey (20) classified the diffusive behavior occurring in polymer matrixes according to the relation between the quantity of matter which has diffused and time :


d = kt


where d is either the amount of matter having diffused or the distance covered by the diffusing front after an immersion time t, and k a parameter related to the velocity or to the diffusion. The parameter η is representative of the penetration kinetics (n is equal to 0.5 for Fickian diffusion and to 1 in the case of Case II

In Polysaccharides for Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Applications; Marchessault, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.

107 diffusion). Intermediate values indicate an anomalous process of diffusion. According to Alfrey (20), Case II diffusion is relaxation-controlled whereby the relaxation of the polymer chains largely affects diffusion, the rate of relaxation being much slower than the rate of diffusion. For Fickian diffusion the relaxation of the polymer matrix does not interfere with the diffusion process since the rate of relaxation is faster than that of diffusion. Anomalous diffusion is observed when the rates of relaxation and of diffusion are rather similar. Anomalous diffusion is regarded as the superposition of Fickian and Case II diffusions (eq. Downloaded by UNIV OF MISSOURI COLUMBIA on February 21, 2013 | http://pubs.acs.org Publication Date: June 22, 2006 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2006-0934.ch005


d^k 4t^k t x



For the same polymer-diffusant pair, different diffusion behavior can potentially be observed (21) by changing either the temperature or the concentration of the diffusant.

N M R imaging N M R imaging is widely used in medical diagnostics, providing normally the spatial mapping of proton signals. The contrast of the images can be adjusted by the difference in concentration, relaxation times, self-diffusion coefficients or flow rates. It is a non-destructive and non-invasive method since no physical slicing of the sample is required to observe the interior. In the study of drug delivery systems, N M R imaging has been mainly used to detect the signal of the protons on mobile water molecules inside the system (/). N M R imaging allows for the observation at different times of the changes in the system caused by hydration and water uptake. The diffusion of drugs (77) may also be mapped in a water-based dissolution medium.

High-Amylose Starch Excipient Chemically-modified high-amylose starch (CHAS) is an excipient used in the formulation of tablets and implants. When hydrated, the tablets made of modified high-amylose starch form a highly porous environment (22) and are very effective in the sustained release of drugs (23). Water uptake in high-amylose starch excipients has been the subject of multiple studies by N M R imaging (12-14). The effects of temperature (12,14), size (73), compression force, and preparation method of modified starch have been investigated. The starch used in C H A S I, II and III formulations (preparation method 1) was modified (24) by the gelatinization of a starch suspension in 4% NaOH, followed by crosslinking of starch by the addition of 3.25% Sodium trimeta phosphate (STMP). Starch used in C H A S IV (preparation method 2), trademark

In Polysaccharides for Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Applications; Marchessault, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.

108 as Contramid by Labopharm Inc. (Laval, Q C , Canada), was prepared (25) by the crosslinking of starch with 0.075% of phosphorus oxychloride in an alkaline medium, followed by the functionalization of the crosslinked starch with 6% of propylene oxide and then gelatinization. Both preparations were then spray-dried and compressed into tablets.

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Table 1: CHAS tablets used in NMR imaging studies Tablet I* II* III* IV"

Weight Diameter Thickness (mg) (mm) (mm) 200 24 200 210

8.6 4.8 8.6 9.1

Surface area (mm )

Compr. force (±lkN)

191 54

13 11 )

Smax (%)


56 ± 3 180 ± 5

18 ± 5 32 ± 1

44 ± 1

15 ± 2

Water penetration Typically,



in such polymeric systems is characterized

gravimetrically. In some cases, such as for C H A S tablets, gravimetric studies does not yield useful information because tablet degradation or disintegration is common (13,14) when the tablets are manipulated. In the N M R analysis, there is no agitation or abrasion of the tablet. Since the echo time used in these N M R

In Polysaccharides for Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Applications; Marchessault, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.

In Polysaccharides for Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Applications; Marchessault, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.



Time (min)





0 250


Time (min)





Figure 2: Swelling kinetics of CHAS I (m) and CHAS II (Φ) at 37°C, and CHAS IV at 37° C (U) and (O ) 6(fC (A) in diameter and (B) in thickness. Lines are fits of the data to equation 5.


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112 experiments is low in comparison to the T of the polymer, only the mobile water molecules are observed. Figure 3 shows the water concentration in a slice of a the C H A S tablet. These profiles are extracted from a thin slice taken in the middle of the cylinder, after a short immersion time (edges effects can be ignored as the tablet can be considered as an infinitely long cylinder). These profiles show a decrease in water concentration toward the center of

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the cylinder. This type of profile is typical of Fickian diffusion; for Case II diffusion the concentration of water in the wet part would be uniform followed by a sharp decrease. However, the water penetration profile is not an absolute tool for for the description of the diffusional behavior. Other information can be obtained from these profiles for a better understanding of the mechanism of diffusion.





0,0 Position (cm)




Figure 3: Water concentration profiles inside a CHAS IV tablet at 37°C after an immersion time of (A) 5 min (B) lh30 and (C) 3h30

These profiles can be used to determine the location of the interface between the dry and wet parts of the tablet and to follow the advancing of the solvent into the tablet as depicted in Figure 4A. Diffusion behavior in C H A S IV is Fickian between 25 and 45°C and Case II at 60°C. The penetration kinetics at 37 and 45°C show Fickian behavior at the beginning followed by "non-Fickian" behavior after ca. 3h30 due to the influence of the tablet edges. The same behavior is observed at 25°C for longer immersion times. The Fickian behavior is also confirmed by N M R relative weight gain, measured by the integration over space of the N M R signals of water in the concentration profile plotted as a function of time. The results in Figure 4B clearly show that the diffusion is Fickian between 25 and 45°C and Case II at 60°C.

In Polysaccharides for Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Applications; Marchessault, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.

In Polysaccharides for Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Applications; Marchessault, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006. Time (min)

Figure 4 : Water penetration kinetics in CHAS IV (A) as solvent front advances and (B) NMR relative weight gain at • 25°C, · 37°C, A 45°C and * 60°C. Fits to equation 3 are shown, (adaptedfrom reference 14)

Time (min)

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114 Temperature effect Temperature has an effect on both swelling and water penetration in the C H A S tablets. For C H A S IV, it has been observed (14) that the swelling capacity is not affected by changes in temperature between 25 and 45°C. In the case of C H A S I, the swelling is more extensive when the temperature is raised from 25 to 37°C (12). In both C H A S I and C H A S IV case, swelling becomes faster when the temperature was raised. A n Arrhenius activation energy of 40 ±

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10 kJ/mol for the swelling process was calculated from the swelling rates and can be related to the breaking of hydrogen bonds. At 60°C, the swelling capacity is more than two times higher than at lower temperatures. When a starch-water mixture is heated, gelatinization of starch occurs The gelatinization temperature is defined as the temperature where hydrogen bonds stabilizing the double helices present in the starch are broken which induces a loss of crystallinity and a leaching of amylose out of the starch grain. This leads to the obtention of a highly viscous gel (29). For the chemically-modified starch such as the C H A S powder, gelatinization occurs over a broad temperature range of about 60 to 100°C (28). The limited extent of swelling is due to the change from amorphous to Β double helixes in the crystalline domains. At 60°C, the partial loss of crystallinity leads to the formation of fewer Β double helixes. Consequently, at 60°C, the 3D network restricting the swelling of the tablet is weaker and swelling is more extensive. The diffusivity of water in the tablet increased when the temperature was raised as observed in Figure 5. In this figure the equilibrium of water penetration is reach faster at higher temperatures. To compare the rate of diffusion at different temperature, the diffusion coefficients are calculated either from mass uptake measurements or by curve fitting of the water concentration profile. For Fickian diffusion the concentration profile inside the tablet can be described by Fick's law (equation 1). For an ideal geometry it is possible to solve equation 1. The idealized geometry of the tablet is considered as either an infinitely long cylinder or an infinitely large plane neglecting the edge effect. When the real geometry is considered, it is not possible to analytically solve equation 1. Concentration of diffusive species in an infinitely long cylinder is given by (30)


and in an infinitely large plane by (30) -D(2M+1)V/ 2



(2K+ l); 21


In Polysaccharides for Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Applications; Marchessault, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.

115 14000 12000 10000 •§

8000 -I

ω Ε



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4000 2000 ^ 020










Temperature (°C)

Figure 5: Immersion time to which the equilibrium is reachedfor · CHAS I and Μ CHAS IV.

where C the concentration of the diffusive species after an immersion time t at position χ inside the tablet, C the initial concentration of the diffusive species in the tablet, CO, the concentration of the diffusive species once equilibrium is obtained, / the thickness of the tablet, r the radii of the tablet, J„ the Bessel function of the first kind of order η and a the n root of J . The diffusion coefficient obtained by curve fitting are coherent with the higher diffusivity observed at higher temperatures as described by the Arrhenius equation. The activation energy obtained for the diffusion process is lower than the one obtained for the swelling process (14) this is mainly due to the fact that water 0




diffusion involves few, if any, movements of the polymer matrix while swelling involves large polymer displacements. While tablet swelling is observed, the diffusion coefficients decrease. In the starch tablets, as in the case of certain HPMC tablets (6), when the polymer matrix is immersed in water there is a rapid hydration followed chain relaxation to form a gel membrane at the water-tablet interface. This gel layer is held responsible for the sustained release characteristics of the starch tablets (23). It is mainly this gel layer that controls both water uptake and drug diffusion by the tablet (6). The formation of this membrane reduces the diffusion coefficient of water. Once swelling is complete and the gel layer is totally formed, there is no more decrease in the overall diffusion coefficient.

In Polysaccharides for Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Applications; Marchessault, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.

In Polysaccharides for Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Applications; Marchessault, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.









Position (m)

0,004 -0,003 -0,002 -0,001





Figure 6: (A) Radial water concentration profile ( ) withfitto equation 6 (---) and (Β) axial water concentration profile ( -) withfitto equation 7 (---) at 37°C after an immersion of 5 min.

0,0 Η 0,2


0,6 -j



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117 Table 3: Diffusion coefficients of water in the CHAS tablets calculated by different means Sample

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Initial profile

Water signal Profile fit after swelling integration (10-"m s') (W" m s')


fit aa"m s')


3.9 ± 0 . 5

1.6 ± 0 . 3

1.95 ± 0 . 0 7


5.4 ± 0 . 3

1.8 ± 0 . 3

2.66 ± 0.05


3.9 ± 0.6

0.30 ± 0.02

1.1 ± 0 . 1


7± 1

0.56 ± 0.06

2.11 ± 0 . 0 6


8± 1

0.9 ± 0 . 1

2.60 ± 0.04


16± 1

3± 1





Effect of preparation method The main difference between the two types of crosslinked high-amylose starch tablets used here lies in the degree and type of crosslinking. The degree of crosslinker is much higher in C H A S I than in C H A S IV. The degree of crosslinking has an important influence on the swelling properties of the tablet; the more crosslinked starch actually swells more than the less crosslinked one (75). When starch is heavily crosslinked, it has less chain mobility and conversion from amorphous to the Β double helix is difficult (75). Since the formation of the Β crystalline form is held responsible for the limited swelling, fewer Β helixes formed mean greater degrees of swelling. Thus, swelling of C H A S I tablets is more extensive than for C H A S IV tablets (Figure 2). In C H A S IV tablets, water penetration is Fickian between 25 and 45°C, and non-Fickian at 60°C. For C H A S I tablets the diffusive behavior is Fickian at 25 and 3 7 ° C but the solvent front is not well defined (75) due to faster water penetration and more swelling which could lead to misinterpretation. Equilibrium in water uptake is reached faster for C H A S I than for C H A S IV tablets (Figure 5). Therefore, the diffusivity in C H A S I should be higher. A short time after immersion, the diffusion coefficient of water is almost the same for C H A S I and for C H A S IV at the same temperature (Table 3). However, once the swelling is finished, the diffusion coefficient of water in C H A S IV decreases more than in C H A S I tablets this is related to the organization in the gel layer formed at the water-tablet interface. The efficiency of the gel layer could be related to the mobility of starch chains: in C H A S I tablets polymer mobility is larger than in C H A S IV tablets (there is formation of fewer entanglements in the gel membrane due to the higher crosslinking degree) and consequently the diffusion coefficient of water in the outer membrane of C H A S I is larger than in the gel layer of C H A S IV.

In Polysaccharides for Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Applications; Marchessault, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.

118 Effect of tablet size

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A n important factor affecting water penetration is the size of the tablet, in particular the thickness, since the compression force is applied along this direction during tablet preparation. Experiments show that a decrease of the tablet thickness leads to a larger percentage of swelling along the axial direction of the tablet (corresponding to the thickness). Swelling of C H A S II tablets, the smallest tablets, is much larger than that of the C H A S I tablets. In both cases the compression force used is almost the same but the hardness of C H A S II tablet is lower than that of C H A S I. The greater extent of swelling can be ascribed to the lower hardness (73). The rate of swelling (Table 2) is higher for C H A S II tablets than for C H A S I tablets due to the larger surface/volume ratio of the C H A S II tablet. In this case, water penetration is easier in the smaller tablet since it possesses a greater relative water-tablet interface per unit volume. Tablet size has little influence on the diffusional behavior of water in the tablet. Obviously, water uptake equilibrium is reached faster for the smaller tablets, but the diffusion coefficient of water is almost the same in both C H A S I and II once the swelling equilibrium is reached.

Effect of compression force Different compression forces were applied during the preparation of the tablet (CHAS I and III), which results in the different hardness values (the peak force need to break the sample) of the sample. C H A S tablets produce with a lower compression force lead to weaker tablets with a lower hardness. Upon hydration, breakup of the sample is observed. Before the disintegration, a faster water penetration is observed at a mechanically weaker point in the tablet. This anisotropy of water penetration leads to an anisotropy of the swelling process, causing mechanical stress and hence possible fracture of the sample.

Conclusion Crosslinked high-amylose starch is an innovative excipient and a better understanding of its behavior will provide ways to design more effective controlled release systems. Anisotropic swelling of the starch tablet is observed, due to the release of stress in the starch grains caused by compression forces applied along the axial direction. N M R Imaging is a useful tool to study the behavior of controlled release systems such as the starch tablets. Swelling and water uptake of the polymer have a crucial influence on the release profile. A

In Polysaccharides for Drug Delivery and Pharmaceutical Applications; Marchessault, R., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2006.

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119 better understanding of these processes is essential to fully characterize the diffusion process in the starch tablets. N M R imaging can provide more quantitative data on swelling and diffusion kinetics than other techniques. N M R imaging probe the interior of the tablet and therefore allows for the characterization of the diffusion behavior of small molecules within the matrix. N M R imaging studies indicate that the sustained release of drug molecules with these tablets could be ascribed to the formation of a gel layer at the water-tablet interface. This membrane reduces the rate of diffusion in the tablet. Temperature has a large effect on water uptake in the tablets due to the phase transition of starch at certain temperatures. The diffusive behavior of water dramatically changes when the tablet is heated above the gelatinization temperature. Tablet size affects swelling since the surface/volume ratio increases when the tablet size is reduced. Formulation and fabrication of the tablets will modulate the release behavior of C H A S tablets. The N M R imaging studies provide insight into the characteristics of the polymer matrix.

Acknowledgments The authors acknowledge the financial support from N S E R C , the Canada Research Chair program and Labopharm Inc.

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