WATER FILTRATION AND ITS RELATION TO MUNICIPAL HEALTH AND PROSPERITY. S. W. Parr ... Journal of the American Chemical Society. Parr. 1907 29 ...
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fortunate topic illustrative of that subject had heen chosen. It can hardly be taken seriously as an elucidation of the facts pertaining to water softening, except in those parts where elaborate quotations (Thirteen pages) are made from Hand\-> Cairns, Fresenius, liennicott. Campbell, etc.

S.I\’’.PARR. FILTRATIOX AND ITS KEI,.4TION TO > I C S I C I l ’ A L HEALTH AND F. B. LEOPOI,D. 29 pp. Pittsburgli Filter Mfg. Co.



?’his pamphlet well illustrates the quotation made in the iiitroductioil that “It is better to fence the precipice at the top than wait with an ainbulance at the bottoin.” X brief review of the principal typhoid epidemics is given. Plyiiiouth. Pa., Graiid Forks, S.D., Ithaca, N.Y., Eutler, Pa., atid Columbus, 0.. together with very convincing evidence as to the efficiency of properly devised and conducted filtration plants. T h e increasing necessity for safe-guarding water supplies makes this brief disciission timely and valuable. s. M‘. P A R R . RECENT PUBLICATIONS. OF CHEMISTRY, being Lectures delivered at t h e ARRHEKIUS, SVANTE.THEORIES r n i w r s i t y of California, Edited hy T. Slater Price, Lonrlon : Longmans, Green 8r Co. 1907. 203 p. Svo. 5s.6tl. BERSCH, J. DIE ESSIGF.~DRIK.ATIOS. 5 , erweit. Xuflage. IT-ein ; 1907. gr. S 227 ss. 31. 3. B U T r E R F I E L D , \V. J . .A. CHE:1\IISTKY O F GAS h‘IAXUF.4CTvRE. 24th edition. YO]. I. London; 1907. Svo. 27s p. Ss. CORBIN, H. E. ASD STEWART, A. JI. HANDBOOK O F PHYSICS ASD CHE31ISTRY. 3rd edition. London ; 1907. 7s. FRITSCH. J . FARRICATIOS DES COLLESET GKLATINES. P a r i s ; 1907. h l . 3. GEORGIEVICS, G. V. L E H R B ~ CDER H F A R B E X C H E M I E j, -1uflage. \Vein ; 1907. gr. S. 4 1 4 ss. M. IO. HEKRICK, K. F. DESATUREDO R IXDUSTRIAL ALCOHOL. S e w York ; J. Wi!ey & Son. 1907. Svo. 512 p. $4.00. How-:, Jas. LXWIS. INORGASXC CHEMISTRY FOR SCHOOLS A X D COLLEGES. A second edition of “Inorganic Chemistry According to the Periodic Law,” by F. P. Venable and J . L. Howe. Easton, Pa. ; The Chemical Publishing Co., 1907. Sro. 309 p. $;,oo, KAI:FI.’MAS?(,H. ANOXGAKISCHE CHEXIE. Volkshochschulvortrage. Stuttgart : 1907. gr. S. 179 ss. M. 3,60. K O T H K E R , P. Atis D E R CHEMIE DHS C S G R E I F B A K E N . Ein Blick in die Werkstatten moderner Forschung. Osterwieck ; 190;. gr. 8 . 145 ss. hI. 2 . KRATZER,H. \ ~ . ~ S S E K G L A US N D IXFUSORIENERDE. deren Natur und Bedeutung f u r Industrie, Technik, und Gewerbe. 2, Auflage, neubearbeitet von I,.E. Andes. Wein ; 1907. gr. 8. 215 ss. hf. 3. LADESBCRG, . I . VORTRAGE CBER D I E ENTWICKLUSGSGESCHICHTE D E R CHEMIE V o x LAVOISIER BIS ZUR GEGENWART. 4 , vermehrte .4uflage. Braunschweig ; 1907. gr. S. 417 ss. Jf. 12. MEYER, T. DIE F A B R l n a T I o N vox S U L F A T U S D SALZSAURE. Halle ; 1907. gr. 8. 31. 3%40.