Water molecules form clumps

Hawk, Ind. Eng. Chem., 20, 462, 1341 (1928). (56) Bergius, Can. Chem. Met., 10 ... Nelson, Ind. Eng. Chem., 15, 521 (1923). (75) Jaeger, ibid., 20, 13...
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JONES,3. Phys. Chem., 33, 1415 (1920). FISCHER, Ind. Eng. C h m . , 17, 574 (1925). SMITH,ibid., 19, 801 (1927). FRANCIS. ibid.. 20, 293 (1928). MORGAN, TAYLOR,AND HRDLEY,3. SOC.Chem. I d . , 47T, 117 (1928). DERSIN, Chem. Abstr., 23, 3661 (1929). FROLICHAND LEWIS.Ind. Eng. Chm., 20, 354 (1928). AUDIEERT AND RAINEAU, ibid., 21, 880 (1929). FROLIC3 AND CRYDER. ibid.. 22, 1051 (1930). E~vnus,3.Sac. Chem. I d . , 46, 473T (1927). ERDELYAND NASH,ibid., 47, 219T (1928). SMITH.REYNOLDS, DAVIS, AND HAWK,I d . Eng. Chem., 20, 462, 1341 (1928) BERGIUS,Can. Chew. Met., 10, 275 (1926); G n ~ e nAND ZEREE,2. angeu. Chem., 39, 1138 (1926). TRopsca, Chem. Rmienus, 6, 63 (1929). F r s c a s ~AND SCHRADER. Chem. Abstr., 15, 3900 (1921). GRAHAM AND SKINNER. 3. SOC.C h m . I d . . 48, 129T (1929). HLAYICA,C h m . Abstr., 23, 2806 (1929). VARGA, ibid., 23, 4796 (1929). HUGEL,Can. Chem. Met., 13, 5 (1929). DWSTAN,Chem. Abstr., 24, 712 (1930). REICHENBA~H, ibid.. 24, 1957 (1930). HASLAMAND RUSSELL.I d . Eng. C h m . . 22, 1030 (1930). EDIT., ibid., 20, 342 (1928). WALTER,3. p a k t . Chem., 51, 107 (1895). W ~ r s AND s DOWNS, I d . Eng. Chem., 12,228 (1920); Chem. Abstr., 14,70 (1920); DOWNSAND STUPP,Chcm. Abstr., 19, 78 (1925); W ~ r s s .DOWNS,AND B u a ~ s . Ifld. Eng. Chem., 15, 965 (1923); D a m s . 3. Soc. Chem. I d . , 45, 188T (1926); 46, 383T (1927). *DOWNS,Chem. Abstr., 15, 2641 (1921); 3. S O ~ Chem. . I d . , 45, 188T (1926); 46, 383T (1927). GIBES,Ifld. Eng. Chem., 11,1031 (1919); CONOVER AND GIBES,ihid., 14,120 (1922). KUSAMA, Chem. Abstr., 23, 3621 (1929). MAXTED. 3.SOL.C h . I d . . 47,66R, l 0 l T (1928). Wslss AND DOWNS,Chem. Abstr., 15, 538 (1921); DOWNS,3. Soc. Chem. I d . , 45, IWT (1926); 46, 3 8 3 ~ (1927). SENSEMANAND NELSON,I d . Eflg. Chem.. 15, 521 (192.3). JAEGER.ibid., 20, 1330 (1928).

Water molecules form clumps. New evidence that liquid water molecules form in clumps of two or more has been presented by Prof. Joseph W. Ellis of the University of California a t Los Angeles. The new evidence comes from the way in which infra-red or heat rays are absorbed by water. Certain new bands or dark patches observed in the infra-red spectrum favor the theory that the simple chemical units of two hydrogen and one oxygen molecules are probably linked in groups or even farm a lattice-like structure. This theory has not been in favor with chemists recently. However, some phenomena observed during the formation of ice lend considerable weight to the idea.Science Service