Water oxygen-17 and deuterium spin relaxation in alkylammonium

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J . Phys. Chem. 1985, 89, 3590-3591




2H Spin Relaxation in Alkylammonlum Chloride Mlcellar Solutions

Lennart Piculell

Physical Chemistry 1, Unioersity of Lund. Chemical Center, S-221 00 Lund, Sweden (Received: May 29, 1985)

Water I7O and 2H longitudinal and transverse spin relaxation rates in aqueous (100% D20) micellar solutions of dodecylammonium chloride (CI2ND3Cl)are reported. Both 2H relaxation rates contain significant contributions from ammonium head group deuterons exchanging with bulk water deuterons. On addition of acid, these contributions, which may be interpreted in terms of the residence time and the intrinsic relaxation rates of the ammonium deuterons, disappear. A comparison of the I7O and 2H rates in the absence of head group contributions shows that the intrinsic relaxation rates of hydration water are governed mainly by the local water dynamics.

Introduction Recent years have seen a rapid increase in the number of reports on water spin relaxation rates in surfactant systems.'-5 In such studies, the 2H and I7Onuclei are generally preferred, since these nuclei relax by intramolecular quadrupolar interactions, yielding information directly related to single water molecule motion. However, care has to be exercised in the interpretation of 2H data from systems containing prototropic residues, since these may exchange deuterons rapidly with bulk water and thus give significant (or even dominant) contributions to the measured relaxation Such contributions can be evaluated in a straightforward way by comparison of the pH dependence of the I7Oand 2H rates.10," By this method we will, in the present Letter, demonstrate-in conflict with the conclusion of a recent study5-that the water 2H relaxation rates in aqueous solutions of alkylammonium chloride contain significant contributions from deuterons residing in the surfactant head groups. (Exchange effects on the 2H quadrupolar line splittings in the lamellar phase of octylammonium chloride have been demonstrated previously.I2) Our study will exemplify that the combined I7Oand 2H data, in the presence and in the absence of deuteron exchange effects, may provide rather detailed information on water and surfactant head group dynamics in aqueous solutions of prototropic surfactants. Experimental Section Dodecylammonium chloride (CI2NH3C1) was prepared as described by N&ryet al.I3 The sample at pH 3.32 (cf. Table I) was obtained by dissolving the pure salt in D20, enriched to 0.5% in I7O,and will be referred to as pure CI2ND3Clsolution. The sample at pH 0.94 was obtained by adding a small amount of DCl to the pure sample, and will be referred to as acidified C12ND3Cl solution. Relaxation rates were measured at 34.6 MHz (I7O)and 39.1 MHz t2H). Longitudinal rates ( R , ) were measured by -I_.

(1) J. Charvolin and P. Rigny, Chem. Phys. Lett., 18, 515 (1973).

(2) B. Halle and G . Carlstrom, J . Phys. Chem., 85,2142 (1981). (3)C. Chachaty and J. P. Quagebeur, J . Phys. Chem., 87,4341(1983). (4) C. Chachaty and J. P. Quagebeur, Mol. Phys., 52, 1081 (1984). (5) M.-P. Frenot, H. NEry, and D. Canet, J. Phys. Chem., 88,2884(1984). ( 6 ) J. J. v.d. Klink, J. Schriever, and J. C. Leyte, Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem., 78,369 (1974). (7)J. Schriever and J. C. Leyte, Chem. Phys., 21, 265 (1977). (8) B. Halle and L. Piculell, J . Chem. SOC.,Faraday Trans. I . 78,255 (1982). (9) D. Lankhorst and J. C. Leyte, Macromolecules, 17,93 (1984). (10)L. Piculell, J . Chem. SOC.,Faraday Trans. 1 , in press. (1 1) L. Piculell and B. Halle, J . Chem. SOC.,Faraday Trans. I , in press. (12)A, Johansson and T.Drakenberg, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 14, 23 ( 1971).

(13)H.NZry, D. Canet, J. P. Marchal, and J. M. Cases, J . Colloid Interface Sei., 77, 174 (1980). (14) J. R. Zimmerman and W. E. Brittin, J . Phys. Chem., 61,1328 (1957). (15) B. Halle and H. Wennerstrom, J . Chem. Phys., 75, 1928 (1981). (16)H.Winkler and A. Gutsze, Adv Mol. Relax. Interact. Processes, 21, 159 (1981).


TABLE I: Water 170and *HRelaxation Rates CI2ND3CI/D2Wat 43 OC

sample pH D20 2.1 C12ND3CI 3.32 Cl2ND3CI0.94

R1(170) 115 f 3 134 f 3 129 f 3



R,(I7O) R1('H) RAW 115 f 2 1.61 f 0.07 1.47 f 0.08 134 f 2 2.05 f 0.09 4.58 f 0.20 133 2 1.76 0.08 1.78f 0.10



Surfactant-to-water weight ratio = 0.295.

TABLE II: Normalized (See Text) "0 and *HExcess Relaxation Rates in CI2ND3CISolutions at 43 OC

3.32 0.94

6fl 5fl

6fl 6fl

10f3 4f2

73f15 7f3

inversion recovery. Transverse rates ( R 2 )were obtained from line widths (corrected for 4-s-' inhomogeneity broadening) of absorption spectra (170)or measured by the Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill pulse sequence (2H). The measurements were performed at 43 f 0.5 "C to permit direct comparison with previously published R 1 ( 2 H )data from CI2ND3C1/D20m i x t ~ r e s . ~

Results and Discussion Table I lists I7Oand 2H longitudinal and transverse relaxation rates at 43 "C in pure and acidified dodecylammonium chloride micellari3 solutions. It is seen that while the 170rates are unaffected by the addition of acid, both 2H rates change substantially. Furthermore, in pure C12ND3Clsolution, R2t2H)is much larger than R1t2H),whereas, in the acidified sample, the two 2H rates are equal-as are the I7O rates in both samples. These results demonstrate that, in pure Cl2ND3C1solution, there are significant contributions to both 2H rates from surfactant head group deuterons, exchanging with the water deuterons. The deuteron exchange is catalyzed by a very small fraction (10-3-104 as estimated from the measured pH) of deprotonated head groups. In the acidified sample, however, effectively all head groups are in the acid form, and the deuteron exchange is sufficiently slow (cf. eq 4) so as to make the head group contributions to the observed 2H relaxation rates vanish. In order to assess to what extent quantitative conclusions on hydration water dynamics from 2H data may be affected by the ammonium contributions, we make the usual analysis of our data in terms of a two-state discrete exchange model in the rapid exchange limit.I4J5 Thus, if the measured relaxation rates are entirely due to water molecules exchanging rapidly between the "bound" (B) and "free" (F) states, the conventionally defined excess relaxation rates may be written as where RiBand RFare the intrinsic relaxation rates in the respective states, and PB is the fraction of water molecules in the B state. To facilitate comparison of data from different water nuclei, we 0 1985 American Chemical Society

The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 89, No. 17, 1985 3591

Letters will normalize the excess rates with respect to the bulk water (or "free" water) rate:

Finally, the fraction of bound water molecules may be expressed as (3) where n is the number of bound water molecules per surfactant molecule, ws/ww is the surfactant-to-water weight ratio, and Mw and M s are the molar masses. Using eq 1-3, we may obtain the quantities n[(RiB/RF)- 11 from the data of Table I. The results are listed in Table 11. It is seen that the normalized 2H rates from the acidified CI2ND3Cl sample are in good agreement with the normalized 170rates from both samples, and from the mean value of these data we obtain n[(RB/RF) - 11 = 5.7 for water in a C12ND3Clsolution. This value should be compared with the 2Hdata from pure CI2ND3Cl solution, given in Table I1 and in ref 5. The latter work reports measurements of Rl(2H) as a function of the surfactant-to-water weight ratio in C12ND3C1/D20mixtures at 43 OC, and from the linear dependence obtained we deduce n[(RIB/RF)- 13 = 11 f 3, in quantitative agreement with the corresponding value in Table 11. Thus, we conclude that the water and ammonium contributions to the 2H longitudinal excess relaxation rates in solutions of pure CI2ND3C1are of similar magnitude. In ref 5, results of isotopic dilution experiments were taken to demonstrate the absence of significant contributions to R,(2H) from ammonium deuterons. However, as long a s the fraction of deuteroqs residing in ammonium groups is reasonably independent of the isotopic composition of the solvent, it is expected (cf. eq 2) that the ratio Rie,/RF should be insensitive to isotopic dilution, in the presence as well as in the absence of head group contributions to the measured rates. The ''0 data and the 2H data from the acidified sample of Table I1 show that the water contributions to the normalized transverse and longitudinal excess relaxation rates of 170and 2H in CI2ND3Clsolution are equal. This need not always be the case in solutions of colloids or surfactant aggregates. When slow processes such as micelle reorientation or water diffusion within or out of the B state contribute significantly to the water relaxation, the normalized I7O and ZH rates will differ, sipce normalized contributions from slow processes will be roughly a factor of 3 larger for I7O than for 2H (cf. ref 15). (Depending on the time scale of the slow processes, and on the resonance frequency of the experiment, R, and Rz may also differ.) The results of Table I1

thus indicate that only rapid, local reorientation of water molecules contributes significantly to the intrinsic relaxation rate in the B state. The ratio RB/RFthen equals TB/TF, where T~ and rFare the effective correlation times describing reorientation of water molecules in the respective states. Lastly, we will turn to the dynamic information contained in the contributions from exchanging head group deuterons to the 2H relaxation rates in C12ND3Clsolutions. The observed 2H relaxation rates may be expressed as16 Ri = Riw

+ Ris-]PS+ rS

( i = 1, 2 )


where Riw and Rls are the relaxation rates, in the absence of exchange, of the water and the surfactant head group deuterons, respectively, and Ps is the fraction of deuterons residing, with an average residence time sS, in the head groups. Equation 4 is valid if Ps