Water Resources - Industrial & Engineering ... - ACS Publications

Water Resources. W. W. Wheeler. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1953, 45 (11), pp 2459–2466. DOI: 10.1021/ie50527a031. Publication Date: November 1953. ACS Legacy...
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Water Resources w.w.wHmm R 1. =ON




since the &anding of tha West, the continuovll growth of citiu, industry. and d c u l t u m hen p l d . ~ a - i n c d n q dannndm u p o n the water romurcm; and it L -0-tic that the ultimoto economicdevelopmat in the u i d urd mmiarid statm rill be limited by the feeaiL&ty and cost of providing adquato water s u p p h . Becaw water L so v i t d to the Wrt. and h a u w of the limited w~tity availeblo. t h hem nocruuily d m 1 o p . d over



ATER available from surface and ground-water sourcea vmes greatly in amount throughout the United States. In general, the eaatern, midweatern, and portions of the weatem part of the nation receive precipitation in su5cient m o u n t s to sustain agricultural plant growth. Excess precipitation a p p r ing aa run05 in the water c o r n s and aa ground water in t h w regions, wbere annual precipitation ranges fmm an average of about 25 to 100 inches, is generally adequate for domestic and induntrial w. In the Rocky Mountsin states and parts of the Far West, precipitation ranges from an annual average of about 25 to less than 5 inches over most of the region, and the water available for beneficial uea ia coneequently less than in other parts of the nation. In some areas in the Rocky Mountain states at high elevations, annual precipitation may range up to 50 inches, nctably in northern Idaho and western Montana. Part of this mountain precipitation is in the form of mow, which pmducea extended runoff during the early spring and m e r months 88 it melte. It is axiomatic that the growing of farm products, the existence of towns and cities, and the development of stable industries are dependent upon reliable murcea of water. The remaining water avaikble for t h w purposes from aurface and gmund-water sources in the states of Montana, Wyoming, New Mexico, and Idaho becomes leas 88 new pmjecta are wnstructed, and the facilities required to make the water available become more d y , especially in area8 where the remaining surplus is small and ita oocurmnce is erratic. When the Rocky Mountain region waa find settled by the white m,there waa, in general, adequate water for all comers, and the works required to utilize the water resources were relatively Bimple. The rapid settlement of the region gave ria? to an increase in irrigated agriculture, the growth of towns and cities, and greater w of water for mining and other industries. T h e i n c d uae of water and the competition for it, especially during low nmo5 periods, resulted in the development of &ea and regulations governing its w. In each of the four states the comtitutions established the appropriation doctrine which can be simply atated 88: “He who is firat in time to put water to beneficial we is 6rat in right.” Statutes and judicial decisions in theas states have since further developed the laws pertsining to the appropriation and me of the watem within their boundaries. At present most of the simple and inexpensive projects using water have been developed. In m y areas the requirements of existing pmjecta, during yeara of low runoff,exceed the water

the YNV a c o m p l w body of rater law d.anino the right. of public end priest. w and rtabli.hinp pnfurnthl UU. At p n r n t tha w n t Q ~ y m in m a n y w i n th.s t a t r of Idaho,Montuu, Wyoominp, urd N.a M.dco. u d as uws in other stat- in the Wrt. hen bun fully utillwd: but other UIU hop. surplus wntu that can b. I.p.lly appropriated and dmlop.d for industrid urd other h e -

kial YI. supply and ahortagea are experienced. Other areas have surplus water reaourcea. These surpluses, when large, generally require coetly work8 of great magnitude for their full utilination. Be caw of this, most large water projects are now h a n d and constructed by various agencim of the Federal G o v m e n t . Eowever, there are many lveaa where part or all of the surplus water can be and is being developed by private industry.

INDWSTRUL WATER BUPPLY In the aelection of an induatrial plant site, where moderate to large quuntitiea of pmcenajng and other water are required, it is necessary to evaluate many factors. Some of these, without re spect to importance, are: the amount and distribution of the water requirements tbmughout the year for the plant and possibly for the community sssociated with it, the quality of the water needed and the treatment necasssyy, the distance fmm the raw water supply to its point of use, the location of transportation facilities and labor centera, the availability of schools for the children of plant employees, the marketing point9 for the hiahed products, and freight ratee to these points. As there are many combinntiom of the itemn listed above involved in selecting a plant site,only those relating to the develop ment of a water wpply are discussed for the four states. Theae factors include the state lawa relating to the development of a water supply, the physical availability of surface and ground-water suppliea and their quality, the lawa relating to the disposal of industrial and other wmtes in surfsee waters, and other related itema. Industrial water in the four states may be obtained from one of the following aourcea: (1) purchase fmm a city or water utility; (2) development of a d a c e water supply; (3)development of a ground water s ~ p p l y ;and (4) a combination of one or more of the above three BOW. Induatries requiring small amounts of water c ~ l lgenerally best be supplied from municipalities or utilities which sell water. The utility clarvlification may be expanded to include multiple purpoae projects of the FederalGovernment. when larger quaetities of water are required, the cities and utilities often do not have su5eient reservecapacity to supply the dditiml demand. Thia luck of m e capacity in frequently due to the ahortagea of material and labor during World War I1 and to the high labor and construction costa since that war. When water cannot be purehaesd from existing facilities became of lack of capacity or e x d v e cost,m becaw the selected


2460 Table I.

Runoff Characteristics of Selected Streams Mean Flow Drainage Area, Cu. Fe& Sq. Miles Sea.

Milk River at Alberta, Canada ;\larias River near Brinkman, Mont. Musselshell River at Harlowtown. Mont. Missouri River at Fort Benton, hlont. Yellowstone River near Sidney, htont. Clark Fork at Chance, Mont. Tongue River near Decker, h4ont. Kootenai River at Libby, Mont. Clark Fork at Heron, Mont.

Minimum Flow Cu. Feet/Sec. ' Annual Monthly Daily














































plant location is too far removed from an existing source, an independent supply must be developed. The first step is to determine whether there is sufficient ground or surface water in excess of existing or prior uses. Even though adequate surface water may be available on an annual basis, the seasonal distribution of this surplus may vary to such an extent that storage is necessary to supply the plant requirements during periods of low flow. Should the quality of water be an important or limiting factor, it should be investigated prior to or concurrently with the quantity investigations. When utilization of surplus flom requires storage, the feasibility of providing it must be determined. Of prime importance in such an investigation is the storage capacity required to supply the project's needs during periods of no surplus or periods x hen the surplus is less than the requirements. Also, when main stream storage is considered, the capacity necessary for sediment encroachnient and the most economical facilities required to pass flood flows safely must be determined. The provision of sediment storage and/or flood-control facilities may be a limiting factor in the feasibility of the project. If the water supply is to be developed from ground water, adequate test drilling and pumping should be carried out, together with recharge investigations to assure an adequate supply throughout the intended life of the industrial plant or project. If these investigations indicate possible interference with existing uses, competent legal advice should be obtained. When it has been determined that an adequate water supply can be developed economically, the next step is to perfect a water right for the beneficial use of the water. Each of the four states has laws which differ in regard to the procedure to be followed and the manner in which water rights are initiated and perfected. However, in general, a filing is made with the State Engineer or other legal officer of the proposed water use, the amount, the point of use, and plans of the facilities for putting the water to use. After acceptance of the plans and the actual use of the water for beneficial purposes, a court decree adjudicates to the user a permanent decree for the use by the applicant. I n the following sections is a bricf discussion of the water resources of the four states.

MONTANA Two principal river systems serve the state of Montana: the Missouri River system, which covers the entire central and eastern part of the state lying east of the continental divide, and the Clark Fork and Kootenai Rivers, which are tributaries of the Columbia River and drain the northwestern part of the state. The combined flow of the Missouri River and its major tributary, the Yellowstone River, a t the Montana-Noith Dakota state line averages about 15,000,000 acre-feet per year. This is equivalent to a runoff of 1.7 inches from the drainage area of over 160,000

Vol. 45, No. 11

square miles. The consumptive use of water by domestic and industrial use in the Missouri River basin in Montana is not large when compared to the total water resources. Irrigated land is the largest user of wat'er and the approximately 1,500,000irrigated acres consume, together with the water evaporated from existing reservoir surfaces, an estimated average of 2,500,000 acre-feet per year. Large reservoirs such a,s Fort Peck near the Korth Dakota state line and Canyon Ferry near Helena consume substantial quantities of water through evaporation. As a part of the Missouri basin plan of development, many storage and irrigation projects have been authorized for construction by the Federal Government and somc arc under construction. Stream flow will continue to be depleted as these projects are constructed. Upon completion of the storage reservoirs now under construction in the Missouri River basin in Montana, there will then be 66 reservoirs in excess of 1000 acre-feet capacity and with an aggregate capacity of approximately 25,000,000 acre.feet. Works under construct>ionor authorized for construction by the Bureau of Reclamation in the Missouri River basin above the Montana-Korth Dakota state line will, it is estimated by that agency, deplete the flou- by about 5,500,000 acre-feet, per year and ot-her projects in the basin below would further deplete the hlissouri River floxve. Should major synthetic liquid fuels projects be constructed in t,he hlissouri River basin in Montana and Kyoniing, where t~hereare large coal reserves, their depletions of stream flox would be material. The Missouri River is an interstate stream and depletions by the up-st>reamstates above Sioux City are directly reflected in the flows available for navigation and for maintaining sanitary stream-flow conditions below. Should depletions above Sioux City, Iowa, for irrigation and other uses exceed about 9,500,000 acre-feet per year, the Fort Peck, Garrison, Oahe, and Fort Randall reservoirs could not be operated as planned by the Corps of Engineers for navigation. Under the Flood Control .4ct of 1944, beneficial consumptive uses have preference over navigation in all waters originating west of the 98th parallel, and future depletions could cause curtailment of navigat,ion. While the Missouri River and all its niajor tribut,aries in Montana now have surplus flows which can be appropriated for beneficial use, t.he surplus flows of some tributaries are so variable that storage works would be necessary to provide a continuous water supply-for example, the Milk River a t Alberta, Canada, the Musselshell River a t Harlowton, and the Powder River a t Moorhead cease t o flow a t times. In that part of RIontana lying west of the continental divide and drained by the Kootenai River and t'he Clark Fork there are approximately 330,000 acres irrigated. Surface water supplies are more than adequate for all existing uses except on some minor tributaries. The average annual flow of t'he Kootenai River a t Rexford, Mont., is over 7,000,000 acre-feet per year and the average annual flow of the Clark Fork a t Heron, Mont., is slightly more than 14,000,000 acre-feet per year. Even with full development of all potential irrigation projects in these river basins, there will still be surplus water available for other uses. Both of these rivers are international streams and the International Joint Commission has important jurisdiction over any development that would affect both countries. Table I illustrates bhe variability of flow of some of the most important streanis in Montana. Ground water in small amounts has been developed and used t.hroughout the state for domestic, stock, and small municipal water supplies. In the Missouri River basin in Montana there are only two known areas where ground water can be developed in large quantities. One is in the alluvium along the Yellowstone River between Hysham and the Montana-Dakota state line and the other is in an old channel of the Missouri River in the vicinity of Brockton, Mont. , which extends northward toward Hudson Bay. West of the cont'inental divide in northern Montana glacial outwashes, as well as alluvial fills, yield variable quantities of

N o n m b r 1W




water. &me g W outwsshes give pro& of yielding rather large volumes when pumped and are now under investigation. The quality of surface waters in Montans varies greath and generally invmely with the flow. The higheat concentrations ueually occur on the lower reaches of the streams, where most of the dissolved solids am due to normal leaching from the soil and rocks and from re-w of irrigation water. A8 there are no large concentrations of industry, exceptptwibly coal and other mining, pollution from sawage and induatrial wastes is not Serious, except in the vicinity of Butte and Ansconds. Sediment content of the water on the western slope is minor but on the eastem slope and in the Yellowin the plains a m , during flood flows and es@ly stone River and ita eastern tributaries, the sediment content is high. Silt can be removed by simple sedimentstion and d a c e watera in Monk& can be made nuitable for domestic w by ordinary coagulation and by filtration. Although some of the waters contain large amomta of dieaolved mlids, they can be ueed in industrial cooling towers, but might require additional kea% ment for some manufacturing pwponen. The ground water in eastern Montana is generally highly mineralized, especially that from deep wells. Ground-water samples usually have h i concmtratiom of bicarbonates and sulfates, as do the surface waters. The analyaes of water in western Montana show less total diseolved solids than in the eaetem part of the state. Chemid analyess of some of the waters in Montana are given in Table 11. AB these analyaes are of spot samples or composites over short periods, they cannot be coneidered as representing the average water quality for d a c e flows or for gmund water a t the sampling points. Analyses of the waters in Montana are 80 sporadic and few that a comprehensive appraieal of water quality over the state cannot now be made. Appropriation of Water. To appropriate water for beneficial w e in Montana, one of two methods in used. If the waters of the stream have not been adjudicated, a notice is posted a t the proposed point of diversion, and a notice of appropriation is filed with the County Clerk. If the waters have been adjudicat?d, an engineer in employed to make a aurvey of the diversion works, and the appropriator then files a petition with the County Court. The same rules apply for appropriating ground waters flowing in defined undexgmund streams. In Montans percola% ing water belongs to the land owner, but loses ita character 88 such upon entering a natural stream. Montana, unlike the other three states, does not have a centralized control over the a p p ~ p r i a t i ~and n administration of the watem of the state. Two agmcies have been established in the s t a t e to handle water matters: the State Engineer and the Montana State Water Conservatiou Bosrd. The Montana State Board of Health, altbough not primarily a water agency, has jurisdiction over public and other domestic water mpplies, sewage disposal, and stream pollution. Appmal from the b a r d must be obtained before constructing or changing a domestic water supply ~ystemor for a sewer system that empties into a stream or source of water supply. The atate statutes pro-


viae'thst sawnge or pouuting water muat be purified and r e n d d harmless, 88 dkacted by the State Board of Health, before being diecbarged into water used for a public supply.

I 1

WYOMING Four river ayaterrm drain the State of Wyoming: the Mieaouri,


Colorado, Snake, and Bear Fliver syateme.. The M h u r i River basin covers the entire central and ea& em wrtion of the state and lies

east-of the continental divide; the colorado ~ i v ebasin ~ covm the southwestern part of the state lying to the west of the continental divide, except for a d lves in the extreme western part which is covered by the Bear Rner drainage baain. That part ofthe Snake River basinin Wyomingis in theextmmenorthwwtmn part of the state. An in Montana, the flow in the varions main and tributary streams variw within wide limits. The most erratic stream flow and the d l e r annual amounts wcur in the plaina area in the eastern half of the state. There am surphm flows in all major streams in the western and northern part of the state, while in the eastern part the supply is distindly limited. The total average snnual flow out of Wyoming of the major 8treams, the Clark Fork,Yellowstone, Ba Bop, Tonye,Powder, LittJe Mimouri, Belle Fourche, Platte, Green, Bear, and S & Rivers, averages a b u t 9,300,OOO-feet per year. In the state the consumptive w of mtar by municipalities and industries is d l . About 15 t o m and cities with populations exceeding 1OOO obtain their water supplies from rivmor from the contiguons alluvial d q d t a . Tim lsrgest of these cua Canper and Sheridan. Several small t o m and Lessmie ob& domeatic supplias from springs, and Cheyenne obtsinS ground watar from the Ogdala fomntion. Most of the conmmme use of d a c e water in Wyoming is from irrigation and from evaporation from storage reservoh. There are approximat?ly I,zW,OOO acres irrigated in Wyoming in the Colorado and Missouri River h& and over lO0,OOO auw in the Bear and Elnake River b&, the consumptive w of which is estimatedto average about Z,wO,OOO acre-feet per year. AB much of thin land has been irriget.4 for many years, the greater part of the aimve consumptive w is h d y d e c t e d in the stream-90~records. Upon completion of the many authorized atorage and irrigation projects to be COILstructed in Wyoming by the Federal Government, the consumptive we will be i n d materially. Essentially all these projects lie within the Missouri River basin, and when completed, the total capacity of all major reaervoira will approach ?,WO,OOO acre-feet. The co-ptive me of all projects under c o n a h d o n and those authorized for construction in Wyoming is estimated to


T&le 11. M y n a of&I&

and Ground Water








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E N ( f I N E E R I N G C H E M IS T R Y

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Green River and other Colorw.Io River tributariea in about 1,875,000 -f& per year. Although many power and hription projects have been investigsted by the Bureau of Reclamstion in thin river basin, only one project is under construction in the Wyoming part and none am authorized. Therefore, future depletions by w o r h under construction will be minor. Present depletions by the 236,700 mrea now irrigated and by other works of msn in the Colorado River basin in Wyoming BFB estimated io average 217,000 feet per year. The beue6cial consumptive use of the Colorado River flows to which Wyoming in now entitled under the term of the Upper Colorado River Baain Compact, with allowance for salvage water, is about 1,097,000 acre-feet per year. However, the utiliaation of thia quantity of water in dependent upon the construction of several largereservoirs in the Colorado River basin. Under existing conditions without thisstorage the amount of beneficial consumptive use to which Wyoming in entitled is appmximstely 410,000 acmfeet per year in a Series of low-runoffyears such as 1931-40. A8 this lesser mount is nearly twice the estimated present consumptive use, it is appnrent that them is still a large surplns in the Colordo River baain in Wyoming that can be appropriated and baoescially used. There has been little inorease in irrigation in the Bear River basin in Wyoming during the past 50 years. Although surplua water occurs in the basin, them being an annual average of about 270,000 acre-feet flowing out of the state, storage would be necessary ta make part of thin water available for w,asall of theaummerflownsrenWfor&ting

wen. Acomgaothaebeeninthemakingforseveml


appmximate 700,000 acre-feet per year, which in equivalent to an avernge Bow of 870 cubic feet per aecond. This in but 7.5% of the a v e w annual Bow out of the state of the major streams, which average about 12,900 cubic feet per aeeond. Fmm thess value8 it is apparent that large amounta of d a c e water can be appropriated for beneficid uw. In all the major ~treanuralong the northern border there in surplus water. Bowever, not all of the water flowing northward Out of the state is available for ben&id consumptive una within Wyoming because of uses being madeof psrt of thia Bow in Montam and other d o d r e a m states. An interstate compact allocating the waters of the Yellonatwe River basin among the states of Wyoming, Montnna, and North Dakota was c o ~ u m ~ waters of mated in October 1861. The compact a p p o r t i ~the the Yellowatone, Clark Fork, Bo Horn, Powder, and Tongue R i v m among the 8tates. Of the &manw croesing the eastern border of the state, the North Plstte River is the mOa important, with an average annual outtlow of 535,000 acre-feet. The uca of the waters of tbis river is governed by a fed& court deoree and there are no mnl-?rial s w plusea in the stream during low-rnnoff yeara. The other eastem streams BFB minor water produeera. In thew, them are no large nvpluaea for development in Wyoming because the Bow has been fully appropriated and used or the web limited by an interstate Fompaet. The praent avera6e annual floor out of W e from the

years among Wyominp, Idaho, and Utah, and when collBummsted the water remumea of the Bear River will be apportioned between the stah. water in the upper sn&e River in wyomipg and eastern Idaho above Milnw, Idaho,ia fully utilized, there being an average of 575,000 acre-feet passing out of the upper basin unused, during a Series of yema of low runoff. This is about 8% of the indow above Mihar for the same perid. Them sre periods during every year when all water in the upper Snake River is diverted and used for irrigation, and storage is therefore neoessary to develop a continuoua supply from the surplns flown. The use of the flown of the upper Sn&e River betman Wyoming and Idaho in g o v d by an interstgte compact. Table111 indicates the runoff cbsracteristicaat selected pomta on several streama. Ground water is used throughout Wyoming for atoak, domestic,

Tab10111. Run& C



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Norembar 1983

. 1

INDUSTRIAL A N D ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY w artificially belong to the

and small municipal water supplies, especially in the eaaterapart


smounts is lmtricted, 88 far 88 is known, to the alluvial m along the streams and r i v m where yields up to 1000 pUom per minute may be obtained, and to wells tapping the Opllala formation in the southaastem part of the state. pumping of grmnd water from allwial til4 whose water is nearly always tributary to the s h a m , hae wentially the same effect on the stream flow as do direct divmiona from the stream. The quality of surfaoe and ground water varies greatly in Wyoming. AB in Montana, there have been no extensivestudies of water quality throughout the state, and in some streams there are no !mown analyses of the waters. Generally, the bighest concentrations of diaaolved solids an,in the lower reaches of the plains straams during low-water periods. The use and re-w of water for irrigation, coupled with n o m 1 leaohing from the mcka and soil, have reaulted in large ooncentratious of dissolved solids in some straams during low flow. In the Powder River the total diesolved solids range from 363 to 2150 p.p.m., in the Bighorn River often exceed 800 p.p.m., and in the Colorado River basin range from 308 to 4013 p.p.m. Ground water in Wyoming usualb has high coneentrations of dissolved solids, esp+cially the deep water in the plaina area. Most ssmples throughout the state show that there are large concentrations of bicarbonate and sulfates, but some surface flows in the Colorado River basin Show large conceutrations of acdium and chlorides. Sample snalpsea of some of the waters are Shown in Table IV. All of them analyees are spot samples, except for the Shoshone and Belle Fourche Rivera, and consequently cannot be e q c t e d to reflect average concentrations. AB the state is sparsely populated, with an average of about 3 people per square mile, and 88 there are few large concentrations of industry, industrial and domestic pollution of the streams is not serious, except possibly in local 1 ~ ~ near 8 8 oil d e r i e a . The sediment content of the watera of the state also ranges b e tween wide limits. The plaina stream in the eastern part of the state, notably the Powder and Big Horn Rivera, cany large valumee of sediment. These volumes, in some of the plaina streame, exceed 1 sore-foot per year per square mile of drainage

they are developed. & d o n laws enacted by the 1947 legialsture provide for making a record of claims to underground water appropriated prior to April 1, 1947, and for re&-

m. An application must be made for a permit to acquire a water right in Wyoming. The application, when approved by the State Engineer, bemmes a permit. The adjudication of rights and the issuing of certilicates of appropriation aw functions of the B d of Control, composed of the State Engineer and the four water division sunerintendents. It is the dutv of the State E n h e e r to provide general supervisiOn of the distribution of wa-ter, but actual distribution is by water commissioners under direct superviaion of the water d i d o n superintendents. Another state agency, the National Reeouroe Board, aaaista the State Engineer and makes studies to d t in the development of the water and other m u r c a of the &ate. U d i c aUrtaoe watern, no spec& reference is made to ground waters in tha sfate constitution and the only court decision that bas been made on ground water held that percolating waters d e ~~



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6.6 8.1 7.5 8.1 7.8 7.7

istration of all w e b completed there-

NEW MEXICO Nearly all of New M&w is covered by parts of three d r h basins, the Arksnsaa and Colorado River baainn and the Rio Grande basin. The northenatem and eastcentral parts of the state are drained by tributaries of the A r h s a s River. The Rio Grande basin covers the central and the Colorado River basin covers the westem parte of the state. Most of the aurfaw and known ground-water lmources of the state have been developed w k surplus surface water is available in fully. The only any quantity is the northwestem part, wbich lies in the Colorado River basin. The total annual flow out of the state avera&ea A large part of this outflow is conabout 3,500,000 -feet. tributed by the Rio Grande and San Juan River fmm Colorado, averaging about 3,500,000 acre-feet per year. The quantities of water diverted for domestic and industrial w in New Mexico are not large, and the consumptive use from these is of minor importance. Moat of the consumptive usn is from irrigation, there being approximately 765,000 m a irrigated in theatate with an eStimated average annual consumptive me of about 1,300,000 acre-feet. Large quantities of water are loat by the noubeneficial consumptive w by wamloving or p k b phytic plank, such as salt cedars, and by evaporation from large reaervoh. Tbeee reaervoh, plus one which baa been authorised and one which is under construction by the Corps of Engineera in the Rio Grande basin, have a combined capacity of approximately 4,700,000 acr+feat. Tbe use of water in all major streame in New Mexico ie governed

8P. Cond.. K X 101


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after with the State Engineer. Later adjudication of tbeae rights and the establishment of priority were also provided by these statutes. The Wyoming State Board of Health has jurisdiction over sewage disposal and pollution of the watera of the state by sewage or industrial wastes. The atatutea provide that sewage or other polluting matter shall not be diecharged into or on the banks of any stream unlesa it hae been puri6ed and rendered harmleea, when the water is to be uaed for domestic purposee. A mufw turing or industrial plant cannot be constructed on a watershed of a public water supply system unleas the water supply is pmtected from pollution by sanitary precautions approved by the State Board of Health. The s t a t u t e also provide that nothing shsll be pIaced in streams which is deleterioua to fish or rendm the water impure or Unft for stock or other purposes for which water is appropriated and uaed.








101 19 111

180 81 28s 204 17s 134

337 36 916 590 214






874 7.5



156 a9





448 24.8


a9.3 a9.4







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1.m 1.80








Table V. Runoff Characteristics of Selected Streams Mean Drainage Flow, Area, Cu. Feet/ Sq. Miles Sec.

Stream Cimmaron River, Guy, N . M. Canadian River below Conohas Dam, N . &I. Rio Grande a t Lobatos, Colo. Rio Grande below Elephant Butte Dam, h. M. San J u a n River a t Rosa, N. M . San J u a n River a t Shiprock N. If. Pecos River a t Red Bluff,

N. M.

Minimum Flow, cu. Feet/Sec. Annual Monthly Daily





























by interstate compacts, and on the Rio Grande and Colorado Rivers there are international treaties with Mexico regarding the use of water. In addition, the use of surface and ground water is governed by state laws and judicial decisions. As stated previously, the only area with material surplus surface water is in that part of the Colorado River basin served by the San Juan River. The discharge of this river at Shiprock, N. M.,for the lou:water period 1930-41 averaged 2410 cubic feet per second or 1,746,000 acre-feet per year. Plans for the utilization of part of this water have been under way for several years by the Bureau of Reclamation, Bureau of Indian Affairs, and the state of New Mexico, whereby a portion of the surplus flows would be diverted to the Rio Grande basin. -4fter allowance for the existing consumptive use in the San Juan River basin, and for the consumptive use of committed projects, there still remains about 287,000 acre-feet per year by which amount New Mexico could deplete the San Juan River flows in a series of low-runoff years without the proposed Colorado River storage project. With this project, about 574,000 acre-feet per year could be consumptively used by future projects. In the above values an allowance has been made for salvage water betxeen the point of use and the Colorado River Compact Station, Lee Ferry. I n determining the larger value, an allowance has also been made for S e w Mexico’s share of evaporation from the storage project reservoirs. On the San Juan River, storage generally would be required by any project requiring a continuous water supply, as existing rights a t times use all flows in the river. If, however, a project were located below the lowest point of diversion, there might be sufficient return flow and inflow to meet the proposed needs. Discharge characteristics a t various points are tabulated in Table V. Ground water in substantial quantities has been developed in several areas in the state-namely, in the high plains in the eastern and southeastern part, in the Roswell artesian basin, in the alluvial fill from shallow wells along the Pecos River, in the

Table VI. Location


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Alimbres Valley, in the Estancia Valley basin, in the Aniinas basin in southwestern New Mexico, and in the Bluewater area. There is a possibility that a reliable ground-water supply can be developed in the S t Augustine Plains in eastern Catron and western Socorro counties, and in other areas, but existing data are inadequate to make definite conclusions. In addition to the above ground-water sources, the alluvial fills along the major streanis are potential sources of ground water. As the water in these fills is tributary to the main streams, the pumping of water from them would, in effect, be equivalent to using water directly from the adjacent streams. The quality of water in New Mexico varies within wide limits from the mountainous waters which normally contain moderate amounts of dissolved solids to the lower reaches of the plaiiis streams where the use and re-use of the water for irrigation have, along with normal leaching, imparted many dissolved solids t o the water. As there are no large concentrations of industry in the state, pollution of the waters from this source is not serious. Sediment content of the mountain streams is of minor importance, but in the plains streams the sediment content is often very high during flood flows, because of the erodible characteristics of the soils and scanty vegetation. Many chemical analyses have been made of the waters of the major streams in New Mexico from R-hich the average quality has been determined by years for several years. Analyses of the Pecos River flows for the 1944 water year reveal a dissolved solids content ranging from approximately 200 to 19,870 p.p.m. The waters have a high sulfate content and sometimes a high chloride content. To the west in the Rio Grande at San Acacia, the dissolved solids content ranges from a low of 183 to a high of 1631 p.p.m. with an average content of approximately 350 p.p.m. In the San Juan River the weighted samples for the 1944 water year show an average dissolved solids content of 233 p.p.m., the major constituents being bicarbonates and sulfates. Ground-water quality is also variable throughout the state, the dissolved solids content for two random samples being 270 and 948 p.p.m. Table VI s h o w the chemical composition of surfacc and ground water a t several locations. If there is unappropriated water in a stream, licenses may be issued by the State Engineer of New Mexico after applications t o appropriate water, certificates of construction, and proofs of application of water to beneficial use have been received and approved by him. Such appropriations are limited to the availability of water and cannot be exercised to the detriment of anyone having prior, valid, and existing rights on the stream system. Adjudication of the rights is made by the courts upon a suit brought by the Attorney General or private parties after the State Engineer has made a hydrographic survey of the stream involved. The state statutes provide that the waters of underground streams, channels, artesian basins, reservoirs, or lakes having reasonable ascertainable boundaries are public waters and subject to appropriation for beneficial use. The statutes also provide for the control and development of artesian and ground-water area-

Analyses of Surface and Ground Water SP. Cond.,


X 106

Surface water 100 Canadian R near Sanchez U. 200 Pecos R. belbw Alarnogord; Darn, N. >f .a 645 Peoos R. a t Red Bluff, N. M.a 33.8 San Juan R. a t Shiprook, N. 52.3 Rio Grande a t San Acacia, N. M.a Ground water Wells a t Albuquerque, N. M. Wells a t Clovis, K.M. Wells a t Roswell, N. M. a Weighted analysis for water year 1944; others spot samples.

Dissolved Ca

M g

93 366 451 39 53

42 54 174 8 9.7

31 30


19 21 46







850 26 48

174 95 140 101 156

384 1020 1710


2.1 1 0


18 90 1290 6.6 22

713 1660 4600 233 348

96 40 81

180 234 2 10

130 24 389

17 10 117





1.3 1.5


8.8 3.4

491 270 948


, .


N0nmb.r 19%


with reasonable ascertsinsble bouadariea by the State Ebb. It ia important to note that the atate laws permit a chauge in method of uae and in point of usa, and thus it might beposaible to develop a h water supply for induntrial uae in l v ~ where ~ ~ l there ia now no surplus by the purchase of both valid &&flow and storape righte. The State Department of Public Health hae jurisdiction over the Sanitary quality of public waters and aewsge diapmal. The diachage of offennive substances, iujurious or dangerous to health, into watera used for domestic purpoees can be wrrected by an order from the director of the D a p d m e n t of Public Health. Plans for public water mpplies, eewsge dispossl plants, or the dispoeal of any offennive matter must be submitted to tbe State Department of Public Health sud approved by the director prior to wnatruction. Other acte relating to water may be found in the state fieh and game laws.

I N 0 Moat of this within the c o l u m b ~River basin, The remainder, or southeasternpart, lies within the Bear River basin. by the followAll of the area in the Columbia River basin ia ing major tributaries, listad in oder from north to south: K w tenai, Pend Oreille, S p a b e , Cl-ater, Salmon, and Snake over nivm. water mouroe8 in I& and the than in any of the other three uses are mu& exisa t a h . h g e surpluses ocw in all -or rivers in the state with the exception of the upper Snake River and the Bear River. for the The greatest uae made of the Id& water -urm M& of this irrigbrigation of app-tely a,m,000 during the tion is in the snake River basin, u88 of -tion water low and the is high. other irrigatedare- in the state lie in the Salmon River -M, and in the Clark b-, where mme 106,000 acreages a Fork and s p a h e River b&, whm irrigated. All -ted a about SVW -ual out5,0~),000a m f e e t per year wntraated to flow from the state in exof W,OOO,OOO -feet ~ B T year.

Tabl. VU. Runoff Characteristbs of S.l.0t.dStnanu

K ~ t e n r River i at Libby. Mont. C k k Fork at Hemn. Mont. S p o b River a t Paat F& Idsho




Swulding I d d o Sdmon Ri& at Whitebird, Idaho


River Lt Milner, 1d.h snake River a t weber, 8-e

10,240 21.800








3.880 9,670




























Bear River near pre.ton.


17,800 818


Total M o w into Idaho of the two interstate and international streams, the Kootenai and Clark Fork, ex& an avezage anuual flow of 7,000,000 and 14,000,000 acre-feet, and the avannual outflow exceeds 10,000,000 and 16,000,000acre-feet, respectively. The average annual flow of the Spoknne River at Poat Falla, Idaho, near the Washington-Idaho atate line, is nearly 4,500,000 acre-feet, and of the Clearwater River at Spalding, Idaho, also close to the atate line, ia 10,800,OOO &feet. At whitebird, Idaho, the average annual flow of the Salmon River ia slightly over 7,800,000 acre-feet. The combined outflow from the atate of them NVarS, which m e Central and northern Idaho, ex& an a m a p e Of 38,000,000 -feet per Year. Thew parts of the atate are largely foreated mOU~bhBwhere the economy ia chiefb based upon mining and lm&g, and after the construction of all poten- -ation pmjeets in the above five river basins the depletion of the river flown themfrom will d l be minor. The Snake River in soutbern Idaho hae large surplua flows in ita lower reach below Milner, the average annual flowout oi the atate being about 19,000,000 acre-feet. The tributary stream flow in Idaho in this reach has, howwer, been utilized to vSrying degrees, with the B o i i River flows being utilized to a greater extent than the flows of the other tributaries. A t Milner the average annual flow ia sligbtb less than 2,000,OOO acre-feet, but in the low-runoff Period of 1931-40 averaged 575,000 acre-feet per year or about 8% Of the W O W above that point. It is reported by the BUreaU of h C h a t i O n that the entire Mtural flow in the basin above Miner for m a y yearn hsa been diverted for irrigation during July, Aand h p b b e r , and that the natural flow been augnented by s t o w e of about 4,000,000 acre-feet. It fore apparent that the development of a fim and wntinuoua water supply from the surplus flows of the upper basin would require storage works. T6e Bear River, the largest stream in the nation not reaching an m a n , draina small parta of weatern Wyoming, southewtun Idaho, anduorth-cmtml Utah. About 480,000acrea areirrigated in the entire basin. The mewme of the surplus flow in the basin ia the water flowing into Great 8alt Lake, averaging about 1,000,OM)acrefeet per year. I d o w of the Bear River into Idaho averages about 270.000 acrefeet and outeow about E40,OOO acre-feet annually. During the late summer and early fall months, the water remurma are fully appmPriated and used for irrigation. To pannit greater utiliaation of the flown, plans have been formulated by the Bureau of Reclamation and, if realized, little aurplus would be left. Runoff ChSracteriStica at some points on the major Idaho stream are eummarized in Table VII.

Table VIII. A n a l p u of &I&

and Ground Water




R X 10'

ds 9.4


38 a8

.. .. ..


.. ..

18 85

4a 216

Mz 1.a


6.9 1.7

3.5 17 a9

a.5 4.5 I4

10.7 18.9






HCOi 28




1.93 209

8.8 5.8 15

74 108 254 144





37 24

NO' 9.l' 0.'50










Diaaolsed Solid. 57 152 23.3 268







Ground water resources in two areas in Idaho are extensive. The Snake River plain, extending across the state on either side of the Snake River, is largely the result of lava flows filling the original valley. It is estimated that 4,000,000 acre-feet per year flow through the lava on top of the basement rock in the upper basin and are discharged from the springs between Milner and Bliss. The depth to ground water varies from a few feet to over 1000 feet in the Snake River plain, where numerous wells supply domestic and irrigation water. The second large ground-water area is an extensive glacial outwash lying between the Spokane and Fend Oreille Rivers in the western part of the state. The underground flow through this material is estimated a t 1000 cubic feet per second, and wells from i t yield up to 1000 gallons per minute per foot of drawdown. Throughout other parts of the state, alluvial and glacial fills in the valley supply adequate water for domestic and stock needs. Water quality throughout Idaho is variable, as in the other three states. Known published data on water quality are few. These show that the quality of ground water ranges from less than 100 to more than 2100 p.p.m. total dissolved solids, and that surface waters are generally of better quality. Analyses of samples of water from various locations are shown in Table VIII. The Idaho statutes provide that “the right to the use of the waters of rivers, streams, lakes, springs, and of subterranean waters, may be acquired by appropriation.” An appropriative right can be obtained by applying to the Department of Reclamation €or a permit, or b y diverting and applying the water to beneficial use. Adjudication of the rights is by the courts. In Idaho the direction and control of the disposition of water from streams is vested in the Department of Reclamation. Under Public Law 845 the Department of Public Health has been designated the “state water pollution agency.” The degree of treatment for sewage treatment works is governed by the discharge, character, and usage of the outlet stream. Pollution has been declared by the statutes to be a nuisance, the suppression of which is vested in the local boards of health. To protect fish life, substances tr-hich drive away or kill fish may not be introduced into streams or lakes.

SOURCE OF DATA The basic data used herein have been obtained from the literature included in the following bibliography, except for certain unpublished data including that in reports not yet publicly issued. Because the values cited throughout this paper on stream flow, quality of water, irrigated acreages, and the like have frequently involved compilations from a number of references and have often required additional calculations for putting them into the form used, it has been inexpedient to insert specific bibliographic citations throughout the text. However, for the use of those persons interested in analyzing any of the basic data, the following tabulation indicates the general subjects covered by the listings in the bibliography. Item Reference Numbers (8,18, 37, 39) Water supply and stream flow (18, 34, 36-38,$0) Ground water 116, 18, 36,38,Sf) Qualitv of water 3, 8, 18) Rater”1aw 10,21, 1 4 , 16) Domestic water and sewage laws ( 1 18) Consumptive use of water ( 7 : 17, 1 8 ) Precipitation and weather records Potential, proposed, and authonzed water use (8-6,IS,18,19-25) project@ These documents in general contain extensive information on the water resources of the regions covered by each report. Q

Vol. 45, No. 11


BIBLIOGRAPHY (1) Blaney, H. F., and Criddle, W. D., “Consumptive Use of Water in the Irrigated Areas of the Upper Colorado River Basin,” provisional, U. S. Dept. Agr., April 1949. (2) Colorado Water Conservation Board, “Interstate Compacts,”

1946. (3) Corps of Engineers, Department of Army, “Missouri River Basin,” House Document S o . 475, 78th Congress, 2nd Session, 1944. (4) Corps of Engineers, Department of Army, “The Synthetic Liquid Fuel Potential of Montana,” Oct. 31, 1951. (5) Corps of Engineers, Department of Army, “The Synthetic Liquid Fuel Potential of New Mexico,” Oct. 31, 1951. (6) Corps of Engineers, Department of Army, “The Synthetic Liquid Fuel Potential of Wyoming and Idaho,” Sept. 10, 1951. (7) Creager, W. P., and Justin, J. D., “Hydroelectric Handbook,” 2nd ed., New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1950. (8) Engineering Advisory Committee to Upper Colorado Compact Commission, “Final Report,” Xov. 29, 1948. (9) Hutchins, W. A., “Selected Problems in the Law of Water Rights in the West,” U. S.Dept. Agr., Misc. Pub. 418 (1942). (10) Idaho Dept. of Public Health, “Pollution Control Lam,” undated. (11) Idaho Dept. Public Health, “State of Idaho Sewerage Standards,” Bull. 2 (1944). (12) Missouri River Inter-Agency Committee, “Missouri River Basin Development Program,” June 1952. (13) Missouri Inter-Agency Committee, “Progress for Land and Water Resources Development of the Missouri River Basin,” Third Annual Revision, Sept. 22, 1949. (14) Montana State Board of Health, “Montana’s Laws, Rules and Regulations Regarding Public Water Supply, Sewage Disposal and Stream Pollution,” undated. (15) Montana State Board of Health, “Public Water Supplies in Montana,” C‘L‘TC. 10 (Sept. 1, 1945). (16) New Mexico State Health Department, Bureau of Public Health, “Regulations Governing Water Supplies and Sewage Disposal,” undated. (17) U. S. Dept. Commerce, Weather Bureau, “Climatological Data,” various publications. (18) U. S. Dept. Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, “Annotated Bibliography on Hydrology,” Bull. 5 (June 1952). (19) U. S. Dept. Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, ”Colorado River,” House Document 419, 80th Congress, 1st Session, July 1947. (20) U. S. Dept. Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, “Columbia River,” February 1947. (21) U. S. Dept. Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, “Department of the Interior in the Missouri River Basin. Progress Report,” July 1949. (22) U.S.Dept. Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, “Missouri River Basin,” May 1950. (23) U. S. Dept. Interior, Bureau of Reclamation,” Missouri River Basin,” Senate Document No. 191, 78th Congress, 2nd Session. 1944. (24) U. S.Dept. Interior, Geological Survey, “Geology and Water Resources of the Mud Lake Region, Idaho,” 1939. (25) U. S. Dept. Interior, Geological Survey, “Ground Water in the United States,” W a t e r Suppl2/ P a p e r 836-D. (26) U. S. Dept. Interior, Geological Survey, “Industrial Utility of the Public Water Supplies in the United States,” 1932. (27) U. S. Dept. Interior, Geological Survey, “Publications of the Geological Survey,” May 1948. (28) U. S. Dept. Interior, Geological Survey, “Quality of Surface Waters in the United States,” various water supply papers. (29) U. S.Dept. Interior, Geological Survey, “Surface Water Supply of the United States,” various water supply papers. (30) U. S.Dept. Interior, Geological Survey, “Water Table Fluctuations in the Spokane Valley and Contiguous Areas, Washington-Idaho,” W a f e r S u p p l y P a p e ~889-B (1944). (31) Wyoming ,Dept. of Public Health; “Wyoming Compiled Statutes, 1945. RECEIVED for review -4pril

13, 1953.

ACCEPTED September 14, 1953.