Water-Soluble Defect-Rich MoS2 Ultrathin Nanosheets for Enhanced

May 30, 2019 - (42) Wu et al. demonstrated that MoS2 NSs with exposed edge sites prepared by a microdomain reaction method achieved a small Tafel slop...
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Letter Cite This: J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2019, 10, 3282−3289


Water-Soluble Defect-Rich MoS2 Ultrathin Nanosheets for Enhanced Hydrogen Evolution Jianfang Zhang,†,‡ Yan Wang,*,† Jiewu Cui,† Jingjie Wu,*,‡ Yang Li,† Tianyu Zhu,† Huirui Kang,† Jingping Yang,† Jian Sun,† Yongqiang Qin,† Yong Zhang,†,∥ Pulickel M. Ajayan,§,∥,⊥ and Yucheng Wu†,∥,⊥ †

School of Materials Science and Engineering, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio 45221, United States § Department of Material Science and NanoEngineering, Rice University, Houston, Texas 77005, United States ∥ Base of Introducing Talents of Discipline to Universities for Advanced Clean Energy Materials and Technology, Hefei 230009, China ⊥ China International S&T Cooperation Base for Advanced Energy and Environmental Materials, Hefei 230009, China

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ABSTRACT: In this work, we report a facile cryo-mediated liquid phase exfoliation method to synthesize water-soluble defect-rich MoS2 ultrathin nanosheets (d-MoS2 NSs) with the assistance of NaBH4 in the solvent. The as-prepared d-MoS2 NSs show enhanced electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) performance in comparison to that of MoS2 NSs due to surface hydrophilicity and abundant active edge sites. The formation process of the d-MoS2 NSs with exposed edge sites is illustrated by investigating the influence of exfoliation time on their structural morphology. The optimal water-soluble d-MoS2 NSs display excellent HER activities, including a low overpotential of 71.5 mV at a current density of −10 mA cm−2, a small Tafel slope of 58.3 mV dec−1, and good cycling stability.


rich MoS2 ultrathin NSs with exposed active edge sites by adjusting the amounts of thiourea during the solvothermal process.18 Yan et al. developed ultrathin MoS2 nanoplates with abundant active sites by the solvent-dependent method and achieved high HER activity with a small Tafel slope of 53 mV dec−1.42 Wu et al. demonstrated that MoS2 NSs with exposed edge sites prepared by a microdomain reaction method achieved a small Tafel slope of 68 mV dec−1.43 Li et al. utilized a chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method to grow edge-enriched MoS2 nanoplatelet thin films.44 Wan et al. also employed a CVD method to synthesize fractal-shaped singlelayer MoS2.45 The as-synthesized MoS2 with a large number of exposed edge sites showed superior HER activities compared to the triangle-shaped MoS2. However, all of the above methods suffer some drawbacks such as harsh conditions, being tedious process, and low yield.46 Therefore, an effective and scalable route to synthesize MoS2 NSs with a defect-rich structure to expose more active edge sites is urgently required. Liquid phase exfoliation is demonstrated to be a facile method to prepare MoS2 NSs.47−49 However, the synthesis of edge-

ydrogen is regarded as one of the most attractive energy resources in the future to replace fossil fuels.1,2 Electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) from water splitting is accepted as a sustainable method to generate hydrogen.3−5 Generally, Pt and other noble metal-based catalysts have been demonstrated to possess the highest electrocatalytic activity toward HER. However, the high cost and scarcity of noble metal-based catalysts restrict their widespread application.6−8 Therefore, there is a need to explore earth-abundant, low-cost alternative catalysts with high HER activity. Molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) has been extensively investigate for HER due to its natural abundance and low Gibbs free energy for hydrogen adsorption.9−16 Normally, bulk MoS2 exhibits low HER activities because its basal planes are catalytically inert.17−19 It has been shown both theoretically and experimentally that HER activities of MoS2 mainly arise from the edge sites of the two-dimensional MoS2 layers.20−28 As such, effort is being focused on increasing the density of edge sites in MoS2 in order to improve its HER activity.22,29−37 However, developing a simple and large-scale technique to directly synthesize MoS2 nanosheets (NSs) with a high density of edge sites still remains a challenge. Recently, several methods have been reported to be able to synthesize defect-rich MoS2 NSs with a high density of active edge sites.13,26,38−41 For example, Xie et al. synthesized defect© 2019 American Chemical Society

Received: April 19, 2019 Accepted: May 30, 2019 Published: May 30, 2019 3282

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.9b01121 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2019, 10, 3282−3289


The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters

Figure 1. (a) Schematic illustration of the synthesis process of cryo-mediated liquid phase exfoliation and (b) the formation mechanism of the defect-rich MoS2 NSs.

Figure 2. Characterization of the d-MoS2 NS: (a,b) TEM images, (c,d) HRTEM images, (e) SAED pattern, (f) identification of active sites/edges, (g) AFM image, (h) height, and (i) schematic model structure.

abundant MoS2 NSs via a liquid phase exfoliation method is rarely reported in the literature. Herein, we synthesize water-soluble defect-rich MoS2 ultrathin NSs (d-MoS2 NSs) through a facile cryo-mediated liquid phase exfoliation method with the assistance of NaBH4. The NaBH4 is first used in liquid phase exfoliation. Pretreatment in liquid nitrogen facilitates the efficiency of liquid phase exfoliation by weakening the interlayer van der Waals force between MoS2 layers. NaBH4 in the solvent continuously releases H2 gas that not only enters the MoS2

interlayer to cause abundant edge sites on the basal plane of MoS2 NSs but also alters the surface property from hydrophobic to hydrophilic in nature. The resulting d-MoS2 NS has more exposed active site edges and is water-soluble. As an electrocatalyst for HER, the d-MoS2 NSs exhibit a small overpotential of 71.5 mV at a current density of −10 mA cm−2 with a low Tafel slope of 58.3 mV dec−1. The synthesis process and formation mechanism of the dMoS2 NS are illustrated in Figure 1. First, as shown in Figure 1a, bulk MoS2 powders are immersed in liquid nitrogen for 6 h. 3283

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.9b01121 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2019, 10, 3282−3289


The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters

Figure 3. SEM images of the (a) MoS2 NS and (b) d-MoS2 NS. (c) XRD patterns and (d) Raman spectra of bulk MoS2, the MoS2 NS, and the dMoS2 NS. XPS spectra of the MoS2 NS and d-MoS2 NS: (e) Mo 3d, (f) S 2p.

addition of NaBH4 show a different morphology. The TEM image reveals a complete and unbroken NS structure with a lateral size of about 2 μm, with the HRTEM image showing a lattice spacing of 0.27 nm, corresponding to the (100) faces of MoS2 (Figure S1a−c). The hexagonal pattern of the diffraction spots in Figure S1d also reveals the (100) and (110) faces of MoS2. The AFM image (Figure S1e) shows a different morphology compared to that of d-MoS2 NSs. Although some holes are generated on the MoS2 NSs, they are more intact in nature and larger in size compared to that of the d-MoS2 NS, which has more step edges. The thickness of the MoS2 NS is measured to be 2.2 nm, which is slightly larger than that of the d-MoS2 NS (Figure S1f). These results suggest that NaBH4 can reduce both the lateral size and layer thickness of d-MoS2 NSs. The morphologies of MoS2 NSs and d-MoS2 NSs shown by the SEM images of Figure 3a,b clearly indicate that they are very different. In the presence of NaBH4, the MoS2 NSs are broken into smaller pieces. The crystalline structures and surface chemical states of the MoS2 NSs and d-MoS2 NSs are analyzed by XRD, Raman, and XPS. Figure 3c shows the XRD patterns of the bulk MoS2, MoS2 NS, and d-MoS2 NS. Compared to bulk MoS2, the MoS2 NS and d-MoS2 NS show only one (002) peak at 2θ = 14.4° in the XRD patterns, demonstrating the successful exfoliation of MoS2 NSs. It should be noted that the (002) peak of the d-MoS2 NS is wider than that of the MoS2 NS, as shown by the enlarged plot in the

The cryo-pretreated MoS2 powders are immediately dispersed into the IPA/H2O mixture solvent after being removed from liquid nitrogen. For the formation of d-MoS2 NSs, NaBH4 is added into the solvent during the liquid phase exfoliation process. As illustrated in Figure 1b, H2 gas from NaBH4 penetrates and enlarges the interlayer spacing between the MoS2 layers, causing them to be easily exfoliated into NSs with a large number of holes formed on the exposed Mo and S edges. As shown in Figure 2a,b, TEM images reveal the morphology of the d-MoS2 NS with numerous defects. The lateral size of the NSs is found to be from tens to hundreds of nanometers. Obvious holes can be observed in d-MoS2 NSs with exposed edge sites. The lattice spacing of 0.27 nm from the HRTEM in Figure 2d corresponds to the interlayer spacing between (100) surfaces of MoS2. The selected area electron diffraction (SAED) pattern reveals clear diffraction spots with a hexagonal pattern, corresponding to the (100) and (110) faces of MoS2. Figure 2f shows the HRTEM image at the edge of a d-MoS2 NS. With the aid of Mo and S atoms superimposed over the micrograph, the presence of abundant Mo and S edges can be clearly seen. The AFM image in Figure 2g clearly shows the presence of a large number of holes in the d-MoS2 NS. The thickness of the d-MoS2 NS is measured to be about 1.5 nm, as shown in Figure 2h, indicating a single or double layer of the dMoS2 NS. On the basis of the TEM and AFM results, Figure 2i illustrates schematically the model of the d-MoS2 NS. In contrast, MoS2 NSs prepared by a similar process without the 3284

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.9b01121 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2019, 10, 3282−3289


The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters

Figure 4. TEM and AFM images of d-MoS2 NSs prepared with different exfoliation times: (a,e) 1, (b,f) 3, (c,g) 5, and (d,h) 7 h.

clear dividing line in the solvent. The d-MoS2 NSs can be completely dissolved when the volume ratio of IPA/H2O drops to 0:1. It can be seen from the top view of the solvent that the MoS2 powders are not dissolved in pure H2O (Figure S5). During the liquid phase exfoliation process, by adding NaBH4, hydrogen bubbles are generated and released from the solvent. Ultimately, the d-MoS2 NSs are evenly dissolved in pure H2O. The contact angles of water droplets on the surface of MoS2 NSs and d-MoS2 NSs are also measured (Figure S6 and Video S1). MoS2 NSs show a hydrophobic surface with a contact angle of about 109.8°, whereas d-MoS2 NSs are hydrophilic with a contact angle of almost 0°. These results suggest that NaBH4 contributes to making MoS2 NSs water-soluble by changing their surface properties. We also investigate the influence of liquid phase exfoliation time on the morphology to get further insight into the formation mechanism of d-MoS2 NSs in the presence of NaBH4. From the TEM images of d-MoS2 NSs obtained from different exfoliation times ranging from 1 to 7 h, it can be seen that the lateral size of d-MoS2 NSs decreases with increasing exfoliation time (Figure 4a−d). The same results can also be observed by the AFM images in Figure 4e−h. After liquid phase exfoliation for 1 h, d-MoS2 NSs exhibit a large area of NSs with some small holes. It is believed that the generated holes are attributed to the H2 bubbles released from NaBH4 during the liquid phase exfoliation process. With increasing exfoliation time, the holes become larger such that the NSs are broken into smaller pieces. At 7 h, most NSs are broken into nanodots. All of the above results show that water-soluble dMoS2 NSs with abundant exposed edge sites can be fabricated by cryo-mediated liquid phase exfoliation in the presence of NaBH4, which is expected to exhibit higher electrocatalytic activity toward HER. In order to confirm our expectation, electrochemical tests were carried out to study the HER activity of the water-soluble d-MoS2 NSs prepared with an exfoliation time of 5 h. The dMoS2 NS catalysts were loading on a carbon cloth (CC) by a dip-coating method with a mass of 1.0 mg cm−2. For comparison, MoS2 NS catalysts with the same loading mass were prepared by the same dip-coating method. The SEM

inset of Figure 3c. The Raman spectra in Figure 3d further confirm the existence of the ultrathin NS structure of the MoS2 NSs and d-MoS2 NSs, with the separation between the E2g and A1g peaks being smaller than that of bulk MoS2.47 Figure 3e displays the typical Mo 3d XPS spectra of the MoS2 NS and dMoS2 NS. The peaks at 232.6 and 229.5 eV correspond to the Mo 3d3/2 and Mo 3d5/2 of Mo4+, respectively, while the peak at 226.5 eV is due to S 2s.33 The small peak of Mo6+ at 235.8 eV is also observed in the two samples, which can be attributed to the slight oxidation of the surface region when exposed to air.50 The S 2p XPS spectra of the MoS2 NS and d-MoS2 NS can be divided into two peaks at 162.3 and 163.5 eV (Figure 2f), corresponding to the S2− 2p3/2 and 2p1/2, respectively.33,50 It is worth pointing out that d-MoS2 NSs become watersoluble with the addition of NaBH4. Previous reports have indicated that MoS2 powders are more likely to dissolve in mixed organic and water solvents. However, in our work, MoS2 powders can be completely dissolved in pure water in the presence of NaBH4. For comparison, we also prepared d-MoS2 NSs by using IPA and H2O with a volume ratio of 1:1 as the solvent mixture. Interestingly, MoS2 powders can be well dispersed into IPA/H2O solvent during the liquid phase exfoliation process (Figure S2a), while a clear segregation of IPA and H2O appears after the synthesis process (Figure S2b). As shown in Figure S2c, after removal of IPA, d-MoS2 NSs can be evenly dispersed in H2O. After centrifugation at 4000 rpm for 30 min, the d-MoS2 NS solution displays a brownish black color and remains stable for a long time (Figure S2d). The yield of d-MoS2 NSs is estimated to be about 0.34 mg/mL, which is more than twice that of MoS2 NSs (0.16 mg/mL). The UV−vis spectrum of d-MoS2 NSs shows higher absorption than that of MoS2 NSs due to the darker color of the solution (Figure S3), which suggests a higher concentration of d-MoS2 NSs in the solution.47,51 In addition, to further confirm the water-soluble d-MoS2 NSs, we adopted a series of IPA/H2O mixture solvents with different volume ratios of 1:0, 4:1, 1:1, 1:4, and 0:1. As shown in Figure S4, after the liquid phase exfoliation process, d-MoS2 NSs become completely insoluble in pure IPA. When increasing the volume of H2O in the mixture, d-MoS2 NSs are gradually dissolved into H2O with a 3285

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.9b01121 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2019, 10, 3282−3289


The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters

Figure 5. Electrochemical performance of the MoS2 NS and d-MoS2 NS electrodes: (a) polarization curves, (b) Tafel plots, (c) Nyquist plots, (d) Cdl, (e) polarization curves initially and after 2000 CV cycles at 100 mV s−1, and (f) time-dependent current density curves measured at an overpotential of 100 mV.

catalytic activity.17 It should be pointed out that the d-MoS2 NS electrode prepared with an exfoliation time of 5 h achieves the smallest Tafel slope compared to those prepared for 1, 3, and 7 h (Figure S8). The charge transport and kinetics of the electrode are investigated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), and the Nyquist plots are shown in Figure 5c. The charge transfer resistance value (Rct) fitted by the equivalent circuit is about 26.1 Ω for the d-MoS2 NS electrode, which is smaller than that of the MoS2 NS electrode (37.6 Ω), demonstrating the fast charge transfer capability and superior kinetics process.45 The enhanced charge transport and kinetics can be attributed to the water-soluble property and more exposed active sites of the d-MoS2 NS electrode. The electrochemically active surface areas of the d-MoS2 NS electrode can be evaluated from double-layer capacitance (Cdl), where Cdl can be measured by CV at different scan rates (Figure S9). As shown in Figure 5d, the Cdl of the d-MoS2 NS electrode (4.7 mF cm−2) is about twice that of the MoS2 NS electrode (2.4 mF cm−2), indicating the larger surface areas of the d-MoS2 NS electrode. Moreover, the stability of the catalysts was measured by continuous CV tests for 2000 cycles

images and the corresponding EDS mapping show that the catalysts are uniformly dispersed on the CC (Figure S7). In addition, pure CC and 20% Pt/C electrodes were also evaluated for reference. Figure 5a shows the polarization curves of these electrodes. The 20% Pt/C electrode exhibits the best HER performance with a small overpotential of 45.6 mV at −10 mA cm−2. The pure CC electrode shows a very low current density, indicating negligible electrocatalytic performance. The MoS2 NS electrode displays moderate electrocatalytic activity with an overpotential of 230.8 mV at −10 mA cm−2. As expected, the d-MoS2 NS electrode delivers excellent electrocatalytic performance, comparable to that of the 20% Pt/C electrode, with a small overpotential of 71.5 mV at −10 mA cm−2. The d-MoS2 NS electrode also shows competitive electrocatalytic activity toward HER compared to that of previously reported HER catalysts using other forms of MoS2 (Table S1). The corresponding Tafel plots are shown in Figure 5b. The 20% Pt/C electrode delivers the smallest Tafel slope of 30.9 mV dec−1. The d-MoS2 NS electrode shows a much lower Tafel slope of 58.3 mV dec−1 than that of the MoS2 NS electrode (176.7 mV dec−1), revealing its improved electro3286

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The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters at a scan rate of 100 mV s−1 under a wide potential window ranging from −0.4 to 0.1 V vs RHE. The current densities show no obvious degradation in the polarization curves of both d-MoS2 NS and MoS2 NS electrodes after 2000 cycles (Figure 5e), confirming good stability of MoS2 catalysts. Besides, the durability of the catalysts was also checked by chronoamperometry test under an overpotential of 100 mV for 20 h. As can be seen in Figure 5f, the d-MoS2 NS and MoS2 NS electrodes exhibit relatively stable current density of −2.5 and −20 mA cm−2, respectively, further demonstrating long-term stability of MoS2 catalysts for HER. The Faradaic efficiency of the d-MoS2 NS electrode was measured by comparing the volume of H2 gas generated and the quantity of charges passing the electrode at an overpotential of 150 mV for 2 h. The measured volume of H2 matches well with the calculated value, indicating that the Faradaic efficency of H2 production is nearly 100% over this time period (Figure S10). All of the above results indicate that the d-MoS2 NS electrode possesses high electrocatalytic activity and good durability toward HER. The enhanced electrocatalytic performance of the d-MoS2 NS is due to the defect-rich structure and water-soluble nature of the d-MoS2 NS, which accelerate the reaction kinetics between the electrode surface and electrolyte and provide more exposed active edge sites to improve the intrinsic electrocatalytic activity. In summary, water-soluble and defect-rich MoS2 NSs are synthesized by a facile cryo-mediated liquid phase exfoliation method with the assistance of NaBH4. Pretreatment in liquid nitrogen promotes the liquid phase exfoliation process. The presence of NaBH4 in the solvent not only creates abundant active edge sites on the basal plane of MoS2 NSs by releasing H2 gas but also alters the surface property from hydrophobic to hydrophilic in nature. As a result, the as-prepared water-soluble d-MoS2 NS electrode exhibits excellent HER performance with a low overpotential of 71.5 mV at a current density of −10 mA cm−2 and a small Tafel slope of 58.3 mV dec−1, as well as good cycling stability.



This work is financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51772072, 51701057, U1810204), the Natural Science Foundation of Anhui Province (1708085ME100), and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (PA2019GDQT0022, PA2019GDQT0015, S201910359043). We would also like to acknowledge financial support from the 111 Project “New Materials and Technology for Clean Energy” (B18018). Dr. Y. Wang and Dr. J. W. Cui would like to acknowledge financial support from the China Scholarship Council during their visits to Prof. P. M. Ajayan’s group at Rice University for collaborative research.

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The Supporting Information is available free of charge on the ACS Publications website at DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.9b01121. Experimental section, additional characterization data including TEM, AFM, SEM, UV−vis spectra, photographs, and electrochemical tests (PDF)


Video of a water droplet on the surface of a nanosheet (MP4)


Corresponding Authors

*E-mail: [email protected] (Y.W.). *E-mail: [email protected] (J.W.). ORCID

Yan Wang: 0000-0003-1479-1715 Jiewu Cui: 0000-0003-4613-4795 Yong Zhang: 0000-0002-7625-2234 Yucheng Wu: 0000-0002-1549-0546 Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest. 3287

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DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.9b01121 J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2019, 10, 3282−3289