Water Supply for the Manufacturer

clear vision of the end to be attained and a thorough under- standing of the many pitfalls in the way of the chemist. LABORATORIES. OF PARKE, DAVIS & ...
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The carrying out of its assay methods must be done with a clear vision of the end to be attained and a thorough understanding of the many pitfalls in the way of the chemist. LABORATORIES O F P A R K E , DAVIS & CO. DETROIT


Before locating a new plant or industry, a large amount of preliminary information is necessary. Having decided that market conditions, transportation, labor and power are available and acceptable, a thorough study of water conditions must be made. This should determine the quantity, quality, and cost of this material necessary in the production of power, for strictly manufacturing operations, for drinking, for cleaning and for fire. Sum up all possible requirements and add from 50 to IOO per cent for emergencies and for growth. If possible, two independent sources of supply should be obtainable . Information of the character demanded can be obtained from a commercial laboratory that has specialized in this direction, or from a consulting engineer who has a laboratory a t his disposal. Such a study should be begun a t least a year in advance of building operations. Seasonal changes are such that both quality and quantity of water may vary greatly form month to month, if the proposed source is a river, small stream or spring. Having employed a man or company to make the necessary observations and analyses, the proposed sites can be visited and the requirements pointed out and discussed. If water is to furnish the power of the mill and maximum and minimum flow data are not available, they must be obtained from the government or from original experiments conducted with a weir. Special forms of this device are now sold with recording gauges that read in cubic feet per second. If records have not been kept and the expense of the instrument is more than is thought necessary, actual velocity and depth studies can be undertaken at stated dates each month. If the minimum of these readings shows the passage of the required volume of water, the questions of quantity are dismissed for power, fire and cleaning. Such water is rarely exactly fitted for power and technical purposes. There is, however, a considerable area of granite or related rock in the United States, the run-off from which is soft and clean. The Adirondacks, the White Mountains, and the Catskills all afford an abundance of soft water. The plants along the streams running from these highlands have many advantages due to this kind of water supply. I have found the hardness to average about fifty parts per million. Shale rock areas in New York state a t an altitude approximating 1400feet also afford very good water, with a hardness between 100 and 120 parts per million. Limestone areas generally produce hard water. Such a belt runs through the United States from eastern New York to the Mississippi river and south; hardness 150-2000 parts per million. Before use in a power house, this class of water should be softened by chemical means. The cost of treatment varies from a fraction of one cent to twenty cents per thousand gallons. The quality requirements for manufacturing purposes vary with the nature of the business. Textile mills demand a great volume of soft water, free from iron and sediment. Canned goods concerns need a water under a hardness of 1 7 0 parts per million, clean and sanitary, low in organic nitrogen. Power producers and steel plants need large volumes of soft water, free from sediment and oil, and cold for condensing purposes. Paper presented at the Milwaukee Meeting of the American Chemical Society. March, 1913.

1701. 5 , NO.7

Many industries use water for rinsing. Laundries must avoid water containing iron; in addition it should be soft and clean. Nor can iron tanks be used in storing water for laundries; but wood and concrete are always available. I n f k t , very few operations of manufacturers require hard water and in such cases, the necessities are generally well understood. If a stream cannot be appropriated for a site, a lake may be considered. The Great Lakes serve hundreds of plants. The water has a hardness of from go to IOO parts per million. As cheap sources with enormous volume, they are unexcelled. All lake water carries sediment which can be treated according to the needs of the business. One grain of alum per gallon cleans the usual run of lake water a t a cost of less than $2.00 per million gallons. Smaller lakes in the eastern states are usually on high ground and necessitate a water works system between the source of supply and the plant on the railroad. New York state includes within its borders hundreds of such natural reservoirs. The water has a hardness of approximately 100 parts per million. !Next to lakes, small streams and isolated springs may be considered. The annual maximum and minimum supply must be definitely determined before any plans are made to use such water. Large streams with a large average flow fifty years ago are often dry in midsummer now. Perhaps the industry does not need a large volume of water daily, or must be situated in a town or city. When there is no choice of location, bad water must be corrected mechanically or chemically. If there is a choice between two or more towns, the question from the water investigators' standpoint is what kind of a supply and what equipment exists a t each place. A complete history of the water works company, plant and equipment should be worked up, short, but showing location and extent of water-shed, storage capacity, piping, pumping plant and the financial standing of the company itself. The quality from a sanitary, mineral and bacteriological standpoint should be made a part of the record, the result of personal investigation and not from published records.

No modern mill superintendent can tolerate a scant supply o r a poor distribution system. We all know of towns where the water pressure varies from 20 pounds to zero. Insurance rates are unduly high and fire losses are numerous. Few small towns afford supply in quantity sufficient for big business. My clients operating canning factories require from 50,000 to 100,000gallons of good water per day for special uses; woolen and cotton mills from z,ooo,000to 5,000,000. Canals and rivers flowing through such towns are the only inducements for large users. City water costs from 3 to 1 5 cents per 1000 gallons; IO cents is not unusual. The bill for this item alone may amount to $30 to $50 per day. Such a fixed factory cost is not unheard of but i t cuts down profits with regular and insistent demands. If a town will furnish clean, soft water a t IO cents per thousand gallons to a concern using not more than 50,000 gallons a day, the chances are that the use of such is desirable rather than an attempt to find other sources with certain overhead expense and uncertain results. This statement applies also to wells, fully discussed in my previous paper before the Institute. DRINKING WATER

No two sanitarians will agree concerning the standard to be set for potable water. I n this paper I suggest three types with possible limits of purity. Many thousands of people are drinking each of the three grades daily, with apparently no ill effects. These tentative standards are as follows:

July, 1913

T H E JOLTRLVALOF I S D C S T R I . 4 L A N D E-VGIiYEERISG C H E S l I S T R Y Parts per million

Free ammonia.. . . . . . . . . Alb. ammonia. . . . . . . . . . Nitrates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nitrites. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chlorine, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oxygen consumed.. . . . . . Total solids.. . . . . . . . . . . . Colonies Der cc. . . . . . . . . .

B . Coli. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .





0.05 0.10 2 .oo 0.005

0.10 0.15 2.50 0.01 20.0

0.08 1


0.000 2.00 1 .oo

100.0 100.0 0.00



2 .oo 500.0 500 . o

Presence 10 cc. amts. Sediment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . none slight Color . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . none slight Odor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . none yes winter above 45 F . 40' F. Temperature . . . . . . . . . summer below 60' F. 80' F.


3-5 500-4000 1000-20,ooo

Presence 1/10 cc. amts. heavy yes yes very cold very warm

With increased attention to sanitary details everywhere, the manufacturer can well afford to add a clean, pure supply to his factory equipment. If it is impossible to obtain potable water, it should be prepared. I n case the supply is muddy, it should be filtered; if polluted it should be passed through sand and charcoal

or distilled and then passed through charcoal. I t must be remembered that water distilled from an impure source, organically, cames ammonia and sometimes other gases. Charcoal gives such water a pleasant taste and removes odor. Do not attempt to condense steam from an ordinary boiler for drinking purposes. Rather pass steam through - a copper _ - coil in a tin-lined kettle. Condense also in tin. Such water must be cooled before drinking. When a manufacturing corporation can afford to do so, it should build and operate its own water works. Ten, fifteen, or twenty miles is not a prohibitive distance to go for a good supply. The initial expense will be small compared with the additional resources of the plant that has all of the clean, soft water needed. To accomplish such a purpose, it may be necessary to buy several hundred acres of cheap land. This should be fenced and all people and animals kept out. Having an abundant supply, a corporation may add to its income by selling water. If water of a poor quality, but soft, is available near the concern, a purification plant on a large scale can be built to good advantage. Here water may be filtered or softened to the degree required by the average use to which it is put. DILLAYE BUILDING SYRACUSE, . ' h Y. i




THE EYNON-EVANS FLANGED BLOW-OFF VALVE A Philadelphia concern has placed on the market an angle flanged blow-off valve, an illustration of which is shown below. The principle involved is that of protecting the packing inside the shield before the grit, scale and other blow-off products are permitted to pass through the valve from the boiler. The lower end of the shield also acts as a valve, thereby permitting of the removal and inspection of the packing while the blow-off valve is in service with full boiler pressure. The body and yoke 13 are cast in one piece, and are made extremely heavy. A nickel ring, 3 , is secured in the iron body, the interior diameter of which is the same as that of the interior of the bronze shield 2 , forming a continuous surface for the reception of the packing. This packing is so placed in the ring 3 and shield z that it prevents leakage from the inlet to the outlet and around the stem: it can be adjusted or compressed by the nuts to the desired density while the valve is in service. The hand wheel 14 withdraws the pistons with packing from the ring 3 into the shield 2 . The shield z is operated by the wheel numbered I I.

Rotating the small wheel 14 causes the packing with its piston to rise or open until the shoulder on the follower piston strikes the bottom of the hub 12. The packing is now inside the shield 2, protected from the blow-off products. Rotation of the wheel 11 causes the shield z to rise until the shoulder, just below the thread, strikes the bottom of the threaded bushing 7. After having rotated the wheel 1 1 to open the valve, and it is now desired to close it, the shield is rotated until it strikes the ring 3 . The small wheel 14 is then rotated and the packing is returned to fit inside ring 3 , making, i t is claimed, the valve absolutely tight. To open, the small wheel is raised first; to close, the large wheel is lowered first.

THE INFLUENCE OF SULFUR ON THE STABILITY OF IRON CARBIDE IN THE PRESENCE OF SILICON. The value of the heat treatment of the iron-carbon alloys depends mainly upon the manner in which the cementite and pearlite carbide are affected. Especially is this so in connection with the alloys richer in carbon, such as the various cast irons, and Hatfield (Eng., 95, 683) therefore endeavored to make a thorough study of this phase of the subject, as a result of which he recorded some experiments made to ascertain the manner in which sulfur affects the stability of iron carbide. The influence of sulfur has received considerable attention from the time of Percy onwards, and it is now accepted that, providing the other constituents of normal cast irons remain constant', any considerable increase in sulfur results in an increase in the combined carbon content-in other words, the presence of carbon prevents the entire breaking down of the carbides during the cooling of the iron. I t is generally understood that in ordinary cast irons the amount of sulfur present (rarely exceeding 0.06%) has little influence upon the carbon. Wiist has published the results of some experiments which, however, showed that the influence of sulfur was increased by any decrease in the silicon content of the iron. These experiments are considerably amplified by the data contained in a quite recent paper by Coe (Brit. Foundrymen's Assw., 1912). Hatfield concludes from his experimental investigations that : ( I ) Sulfur increases the stability of iron carbide a t high temperatures. ( 2 ) I t is most probably the small percentage associated with the carbide crystals that accomplishes this action. ( 3 ) Coe's deduction that the sulfur separates as sulfide a t the freezing point is not strictly correct, as a small and essential proportion is apparently retained in the cementite carbide. (4) The action of sulfur is of a chemical nature, and Levy's suggestion that the action is mechanical and is attributable to the existence of sulfide films does not receive support. ( j ) Silicon in a large measure neutralizes this action of the sulfur, probably by forming a silicon sulfide. (6) Manganese neutralizes the action of the sulfur present in such materials as mentioned.