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Let's Face It: You Need a Better Solution for. Validation Compliance. Symmetry C18 and C8. The New Standard for the Next Generation of HPLC Assays...
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Let's Face It: You Need a Better Solution for Validation Compliance.

SymmetryC18and C8 The New Standard for the Next Generation of HPLC Assays delivers the consistent performance you need Now with Symmetry™ HPLC columns from to meet your system suitability requirements Waters, there's a new standard of perforthroughout the drug development process. mance to help you speed up validation of Set a N e w S t a n d a r d new drug assays. Our new column technology for All Your HPLC Assays gives you unmatched peak symmetry for The Symmetry standard—column after column, maximum sensitivity and accurate quantitation. year after year, no matter who uses your It also gives you greater reproducibility for methods or where they're used around the more confidence in the long-term compliance of your HPLC methods. world. It's the new standard for all W e Started Over your HPLC assays. So You W o n ' t H a v e to Involved in new drug assay Starting over meant developing development? Call us now at Amitriplyline Symmetry silica from first principles— 1-800-252-4752 synthesizing new high purity silica particles from ultrapure reagents. It also meant improving every element Symmetry columns are also available in convenient of the manufacturing process—sizing cartridge columns with reusable endfittings. and surface modifying the silica, Amitriptyline [pKa 9), a precision machining and chemically challenging compound by anyone's definition, has an cleaning the steel column tube and endfittings, plus packing and testing. asymmetry measurement of 2.0 in a pH 7 mobile phase This means every Symmetry column with no amine modifiers. CIRCLE 1 ON READER SERVICE CARD Waters and Symmetry are trademarks of Waters Corporation. © 1994 Waters Corporation.


Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 66, No. 20, October 15, 1994

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