waters associates - ACS Publications - American Chemical Society

Series A strip chart recorders, ac- cessories, case ... man High VoltageElectronics Corp. 460. The Spring ... Michigan illustrate the serious problems...
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NEW required reading on the Separation of Pesticides from Waters

Pesticide Residues 10-Minute Clean-up Describes use of HighSpeed Gel Permeation Chromatography for 10-minute "clean-up" of pesticide residue samples prior to quantitation.


Rapidly Determine Carbaryl in Pesticide Formulations Describes High-Performance LC as a precise, rapid, and direct method for the determination of carbaryl (1naphthyl N-methylcarbamate) at all levels and in all formulations. CIRCLE 2 3 2 O N READER SERVICE CARD

Insect Growth Regulators ppb Residue Determination in Animal Waste and Tissue Reports development of an analytical m e t h o d w h i c h utilizes liquid chromatography to quantitate residue evels ( p p b ) of insect g r o w t h r e g u l a t o r s in animal waste and tissue. CIRCLE 233 ON READER SERVICE CARD





Series A strip chart recorders, accessories, case specifications, chart drives, and options are detailed in a 24-p catalog. Esterline Angus Instrument Corp. 454 Flow meters and accessories manufactured by Gil mont are among the instruments featured in a 32-p catalog. Ace Scientific Supply Co., Inc. 455 Two new catalogs of filtration products feature analytical filter paper, membrane filters, ultra filters, and Polyflon paper. Toyo Roshi Kaisha, Ltd. 456 A 6-p catalog features the full line of analytical electronic balances. Digimetric 457 Instrumentation for aerosol and velocity measurements is featured in a 4-p short-form catalog. Thermo-Systems Inc. 458


An 84-p laboratory furniture catalog contains information on lab furniture, fume hoods, and service fixtures. Lab Fabricators Co. 459

A symposium sponsored by the Division of Pesticide Chemistry of the American Chemical Society with Samuel D. Faust, Chairman.

A new 12-p catalog describes the full line of high-voltage power supplies including solid state, regulated and unregulated, rack mounted, miniature, modular, and series regulated. Spellman High Voltage Electronics Corp.

460 The Spring 1976 Plastic Ware catalog, 48 p, offers over 140 different varieties of plastic utensils and apparatus. ColeParmer Instrument Co. 461 Publication JJ-59, a 30-p catalog of products for liquid scintillation, lists applications, general instructions, sample preparations, physical properties, and specifications for liquid scintillation counting chemicals. Eastman Kodak Co., Dept. 412-L, 343 State St., Rochester, N.Y. 14650 A 24-p revised infrared components catalog features specific lenses, windows, filters, and laser reflectors. Janos Optical Corp. 462


137 Maple Street, Milford, Ma 01757 Telephone (617) 478-2000 The Liquid Chromatography


Fate of Organic Pesticides in the Aquatic Environment

For more information on listed items, circle the appropriate numbers on one of our Readers' Service Cards


Chemical contamination of the Great Lakes and evidence of DDT in Lake Michigan illustrate the serious problems presented by organic pesticide pollution in aquatic environments today. This u p - t o - d a t e collection of thirteen papers gathers together scientific evidence on the distribution and stability of organic pesticides in aqueous systems. These studies report the latest and most challenging research o n : occurrence; recovery by l i q u i d - l i q u i d extraction; confirmation by mass spectrometry and N M R techniques; interaction w i t h particulate matter and w i t h natural organic polyelectrolytes; sorption by organic clays; herbicidal residues; photodecomposition of picloram and other pesticides; chemical hydrolysis and oxidation of parathion and paraxon; persistence of carbomate insecticides; and degradation of diazinon chlorinated hydrocarbons. If you are a pesticide chemist, i n dustrial engineer, or ecology expert, you will f i n d this book invaluable. 2 8 0 pages w i t h index. Cloth $10.50 Postpaid in U.S. and plus 4 0 cents elsewhere.

(1972) Canada,

Order f r o m : Special Issues Sales A m e r i c a n Chemical Society 1 1 5 5 Sixteenth St., N . W .

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