News vance science and technology, has an nounced establishment of a national clearinghouse for computer software written by scientists and engineers at colleges, universities, and nonprofit laboratories. According to John P. Schaefer, president of Research Corporation, the new clearinghouse, called Re search Corporation/Research Soft ware (RC/RS), will spur progress by making sophisticated computer pro grams readily available and will pro vide a new source of income for hardpressed research institutions. The clearinghouse also will provide a con duit for transfer of technology from academia to industry. RC/RS is inviting scientists and university administrators to submit computer programs of interest to aca demic, industry, or government re searchers. Upon receipt of the soft ware, RC/RS will copyright it and will promote its use through nationally distributed catalogs and other market ing efforts. Software buyers will pay a fee or royalty for use of the programs. Most of the income generated will be re turned to software authors and their institutions; RC/RS will retain a
smaller share to cover its expenses. Mark Ogram, RC/RS software pro gram manager, emphasizes that soft ware contributors incur no obligations other than provision of debugged pro grams and operating instructions. RC/RS assumes the costs and respon sibilities of protecting intellectual property rights, publishing software operating manuals, and licensing soft ware to users. Contributors also are permitted to purchase the software of other authors at a discount. To submit software or to request catalogs on available software, contact Mark Ogram, RC/RS, 6840 East Broadway Blvd., Tucson, Ariz. 85710; 602-296-6400.
ties in recognition of outstanding scholastic achievement. This year's 416 awardees were chosen by the chemistry departments of their re spective institutions. In addition, stu dent awardees will receive the Analyt ical Division newsletter throughout the year. The undergraduate awards are designed to encourage the recipi ents' interest in chemistry, particular ly analytical chemistry.
Third International Symposium on HPLC of Proteins, Peptides, and Polynucleotides
Undergraduate Awardees to Receive ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY The Division of Analytical Chemis try of the American Chemical Society has named the winners of the 1983 un dergraduate awards in analytical chemistry. The awards, consisting of
issues of ANALYTICAL
starting in October and ending in May, are given annually to chemistry students at U.S. colleges and universi
The Third International Sympo sium on HPLC of Proteins, Peptides, and Polynucleotides will be held Nov. 14-16,1983, in Monte Carlo, Mon aco. One hundred eighty papers will be presented on the following topics: • column technology and support materials • preparative isolation • HPLC of polynucleotides • peptide mapping by HPLC • separation of optical isomers by HPLC • membrane proteins • affinity chromatography by HPLC • HPLC analysis of amino acids
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