Waters Associates, Inc

Street, Portwood, Stockport, Cheshire,. England; or Waters. MesstechnikGmbH,. 6 Frankfurt/Main,. Savignystrasse 51,. Germany. WATERS ASSOCIATES vj iuu...
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Separation times are down to a few minutes. Automatic operation is a fact of life. Others have joined us in the manufacture of instruments. Even the Journal of Gas Chromatography has changed its name. But some people are still waiting for a sign that liquid chromatography has arrived. Are you one of them? If so, you might be interested in what you're missing. With our ALC-100 fast liquid chromatograph in your lab, you could analyze thermally unstable and nonvolatile materials that GC can't touch. And you can do it directly; no need to make derivatives. You could finish analyses that your GC can only start. You could take full advantage of the lat-

est column packings, such as Durapak™, our new chemically-bonded liquid-phase attached to a solid-substrate material. You could add solvent programming. Recycle adds ultra-high resolution capabilities at will. And, with the ALC-100's modular construction and retro-fittable accessories, you could stay abreast of advances in the technology for a long time to come. So what are you waiting for? Get complete details by writing for Bulletin ALC-1001 ; it's yours for the asking. Waters Associates, Inc., 61 Fountain Street, Framingham, Mass. 01701. Telephone (617) 879-2000. In Europe: Waters Associates, Ltd., Meadow Mills, Waters Street, Portwood, Stockport, Cheshire, England; or Waters MesstechnikGmbH, 6 Frankfurt/Main, Savignystrasse 51. WATERS ASSOCIATES Germany.

While you've been waiting, look what's been happening in liquid chromatography.

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