
preciousman-hours. Auto- matedmonitoringof the artificial environment measures and iden- tifies trace contaminants down to the parts per quadrillion l...
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O M A R S Project, 2002. Ten years in planning a n d 28 months under construction, the second Orbital Manufacturing a n d Research Station (OMARS) went o n line with little public fanfare. Its purpose: z e r o - G manufacture of enzymes, a n d continuing study of the long-term effects of life in space. Without H PLC, O M A R S w o u l d n ' t have gotten off the g r o u n d . The space-tough, high tensile strength polymer c o m p o s ites used t o construct the station were engineered using specialized G P C characterization methods. HPLC analysis of a m i n o acids a n d other nutritional elements led t o the development of super-efficient hydroponic produce that helps keep the project self-sufficient. On-line HPLC streamlines the genetic manufacturing process for maximum yield, a n d robotized Q . C . sampling saves precious man-hours. A u t o mated monitoring of the artificial environment measures a n d identifies trace contaminants d o w n to the parts per quadrillion level, to guarantee the safety of the orbital scientists. A n d instantaneous t w o - w a y data transmission links the HPLC p o w e r in space with the best minds o n Earth.

putting our technology to work in new w a y s , in new applications. From G P C characterization of space-age polymers to fast purification of bioactive proteins; from sensitive ion analysis of acid rain to metabolic m a p p i n g of therapeutic drugs. N o one can predict exactly where HPLC will b e fifteen years from now. But w e plan to be there with y o u . Whether you need an a n a lytical result or a purified product, w e can offer a range of solutions tailored to your needs a n d budget. A n d a guarantee you can't get anywhere else: whatever your application —simple, complex or " o u t of this w o r l d " — w e ' l l keep working with you until you're successful. We've proven it thousands of times, in the lab, in the field, a n d o n the production floor. If you're putting HPLC to work, take your best shot at success a n d w o r k with Waters. For immediate applications information, call toll-free (800) 252-HPLC; in Massachusetts, (617) 478-2000. Waters C h r o m a t o g r a p h y Division, Millipore C o r p o r a t i o n , 34 M a p l e St., Milford, M A 01757. Fora free poster of this illustration, circle Reader Service Card.

Milford, Massachusetts, 1987. Waters is already meeting tomorrow's HPLC challenges. We're


© 1987 Millipore Corporation