Two remedies for dissolution testing headaches. Ours
It's true, with the Waters'" Automated Dissolution/HPLC System you won't experience any of the headaches associated with performing dissolution testing. We have eliminated the need to use analytical spectrometry techniques for dissolution analysis and quality control. It is the only system that integrates online dissolution testing and HPLC analysis to perform complete drug product release studies. N o w for the first time you can execute extended dissolution profiles, content uniformity
studies and composite drug assays on a single automated system.The system is ideal for dosage forms containing either single or multiple active ingredients. So, if you're looking for a fast, permanentremedyfor the headaches of performing dissolution testing, then take our advice-check out the new Waters Automated Dissolution/HPLC System. For more information circle the Reader Service Card or call 16171 478-2000 extension 3112. © 1987 Millipore Corporation CIRCLE 219 ON READER SERVICE CARD
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