Waveguide capillary flow cell for fluorometry [Erratum to document

display gives high values to substituents in positions 3 and. 4 (16 and ... The separation is not complete and the graphic display ... Naka-ku, Hirosh...
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NO. 18, SEPTEMBER 15, 1988

moderate, and strong inducers, respectively ( 4 ) , is given in Figure 5. Since the substituent assignment used for the display gives high values to substituents in positions 3 and 4 (16 and 8, respectively), most of the strong inducers are located in the upper right-hand corner of the display. Most of the inactive and weak inducers are in the lower left-hand corner. The separation is not complete and the graphic display helps to illustrate the complexity of structure-activity relationships of chlorobiphenyls. The adaptation of the technique to classes of compounds such as chlorinated dibenzodioxins,dibenzofurans, chlorinated naphthalenes, and chlorinated biphenylenes is simple. The coordinates U and V will be calculated from the substitution patterns on the two benzene ring moieties of the compounds.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT I thank W. G. McMullon and F. Cunningham for preparing the figures. LITERATURE CITED Zitko, V. Chemosphere 1983, 12. 835-836. Safe, S.CRC Crit. Rev. Toxicol. 1984, 13,319-393. Bedard, D. L.; Wagner, R. E.; Brennan, M. J.; bberl. M. L.; Brown, J. F., Jr. Appl. Environ. Microblol. 1987, 53, 1094-1102. (4) Goldstein, J. A. In Halogenated Siphenyb, Tetphenfls, Naphthelenes, Dibenzcdioxins and Related Products; Kimbrough, R. D., Ed.; Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press: Amsterdam 1980; pp 15 1- 190.

RECEIVED for review February 22,1988. Accepted April 25, 1988.

CORRECTION Waveguide Capillary Flow Cell for Fluorometry Kitao Fujiwara, J. B. Simeonsson, B. W. Smith, and J. D. Winefordner (Anal. Chem. 1988, 60, 1065-1068). The address of Kitao Fujiwara should read as follows: Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Hiroshima University, Naka-ku, Hiroshima 730, Japan.