We can feed you a lot of PAP* now. - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 7, 2010 - All Publications/Website. facebook · twitter · Email Alerts ... We can feed you a lot of PAP* now. Chem. Eng. News , 1978, 56 (7), p 9...
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alotofPAP now

In case you haven 1 m a d · its acquaintance yet. the full name is pere-Amlnophenol; PAP for short. PAP and some of its derivatives are used in a wide variety of applications including antioxidants, resins, dyestuffs. inhibitors and pharmaceuticals It's been in short supply because of the enormous demand (one of its derivatives is used in two of the country's leading pharmaceuticals) But now there's plenty Now you can explore the almost limitless possibilities PAP may offer in your applications Not only that, we can help you with technical research assistance Call Marilyn Sofka now at 1-800-325-7155 for more information or write Mallinckrodt. Inc , Chemical Division, PO Box 22648. St. Louis. MO 63147 A steady diet of PAP could be very good for you CHEMICAL DIVISION



Feb. 13, 1978 C&EN