we can get you out of formaldehyde preservatives for very little mon

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WE CAN GET YOU OUT OF FORMALDEHYDE PRESERVATIVES FOR VERY LITTLE MONEY. Formaldehyde may be great for preventing contamination of your products. But its toxicity is a concern. That's why many formulators are now switching to UCARCIDE® Preservatives. These EPA-registered biocides have relatively low volatility, odor and toxicity. They're also easy to handle and do not con­ tain or release formaldehyde. Yet they offer protection against a broad spectrum of microorganisms without the need to add other preservatives. And since a little goes a long way, UCARCIDE Preservatives are r %\ ^*ν**κ very e c o n o m i c a l t° m) ---JHrJKE^ u s e o v e r a wide ^ •-&m£SJsd*> pH and tempera­ ture range. For more information, contact your Union Carbide Sales Representative. Or write to us at Union Carbide Specialty Chemicals, Dept. L3494, 39 Old Ridgebury Road, Danbury, CT 06817-0001. UNION Well show you how little it costs to get out of CARBIDE the pickle you're in. Bi0Cldes Copyright © 1987 Union Carbide Corporation. UCARCIDE is a registered trademark of Union Carbide Corporation. CIRCLE 30 ON READER SERVICE CARD