We Can Help Solve Your Materials Analysis Problems - C&EN Global

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We Can Help Solve lour Materials Analysis Problems More R&D and QC labs use Micromeritics proven instruments to characterize physical properties of materials than any other manufacturer in the world. Fast B.E.T. Surface Area

Particle Size Distribution

Surface Area Analyzers: For applications requiring fast, accurate analyses. Measure specific surface area from 0.05 to 1,500 m2/g. Low cost, rugged and easy to pperate. No calibration required. Typically outgas and analyze two to five samples per hour. Surface area is automatically displayed in m2 by a digital readout.

SediGraphs: Provide precise, fast and flexible particle size distribution for particles from 0.1 to 100 ^m diameter. The Micromeritics SediGraph automates the classical method of particle size analysis based on Stokes' law of sedimentation which permits a wide analyses range without liquid-liquid or liquid-surface interfaces and without easily-clogged, fragile orifices. Data is automatically plotted as cumulative mass percent versus equivalent spherical diameter on an easily read graph. The analyzer operates unattended and yields results in minutes. The SediGraph can use both aqueous and organic liquids. Results are compatible with other sedimentation data and accuracy and repeatability are better than ± 1 %

Electrophoretic Mobility & Zeta Potential Surface Area, Pore Structure & Chemisorption

AutoSieve 5900: World's first Automatic Wet Siever. Microcomputer operated. Measurement range is 500-38 urn. Analysis precision is superior to traditional manual methods and is typically completed in 20 minutes. The AutoSieve does wet sieving, calculates percent retained on each sieve and passing finest sieve, prints out results, washes sieves and then flushes system for next analysis—ALL AUTOMATICALLY. Sieves are easily interchanged in groups of three.

AccuSorb: The most accurate, versatile surface area and pore structure analyzer available. Measures specific surface areas from 0.001 m2/g up. Chemisorption capability available. Uses any noncorrosive gas or vapor as adsorbate. No calibration required. Simultaneously outgas four samples with built-in vacuum system and subsequently analyze these samples in sequence. Auto-ranging, digital readout of system pressure from 0.0001 to 1000.0 mm Hg.

DigiSorb: Automatically measures adsorption and/or desorption isotherms and calculates pore size and surface area data. EVERYTHING except sample weighing is automatic. Analyzes up to five samples without reloading. Automatically outgasses additional samples for subMercury Intrusion Porosimeters: Both sequent analysis. Operates 24 hours a day, manual and automatic models determine 7 days a week and up to 4 days unatpore volume/pore size of porous, solid tended. Automatic shut-down and restart samples to 26mm dia X 28mm and to 15cc routines protect the samples and data of powder. Measure intrusion volume to 1.8cc and pore size from 500 to 0.003um dia. during temporary power failure. Surface area, isotherm, pore volume and pore size Safe, completely hydraulic pressure results are computed and then printed and systems. The AutoPore 9200 features plotted by a data terminal. Optional completely automatic microcomputer automatic chemisorption of H2 and CO on controlled operation and data acquisition, Pt-group metals and 0 2 on silver. reduction and printout.

Pore Size, Volume

Zeta Potential Analyzer: Studies flocculation and dispersion; particle-liquid systems behavior; zeta potential. Easy, accurate determination of particle mobility in liquid-particle systems to 50 volume percent solids. Zeta potential, the effective surface charge on the particles, is determined from the mobility measurement and the liquid dielectric constant. Measures colloids to particles about 1 mm diameter.

Density Helium Pycnometers: Measure the absolute volume of powdered or solid materials. Easily handles reactive or hygroscopic materials. Allows porosity determination when sample'has a regular shape or known bulk volume. The AutoPycnometer is microcomputer controlled to automatically calculate and read out the density. Analyze up to 10Occ of sample typically in 15 minutes.

Materials Analysis Lab Micromeritics offers a fully-equipped laboratory staffed with highly qualified particle technology personnel to aid customers in characterizing materials. Professional, confidential assistance is available on a contract basis.

Esi micromeritics

Solving Your Materials Analysis Problems Micromeritics Instrument Corporation, 5680 Goshen Springs Road, Norcross, Georgia 30093. U.S.A. (404) 448-8282. Telex: 70-7450. CIRCLE 59 ON READER SERVICE CARD

Jan. 19, 1981 C&EN