We need your help!

Page 1. You can help us by taking just a few minutes to complete the following very short survey. This is a voluntary survey ...
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We need your help! You can help us by taking just a few minutes to complete the following very short survey. This is a voluntary survey and all responses are confidential. Thank you for your cooperation. The American Chemical Society Committee on Community Activities

1. Did you learn something new or interesting at the event today? j k l m n


j k l m n


j k l m n

I don't know

2. Would you like to attend another event like the one today in the future? j k l m n


j k l m n


j k l m n


3. Before coming to this event today, I thought that chemistry was: Bad





j k l m n

j k l m n

j k l m n

j k l m n

j k l m n

Choose one:

4. After attending this event, I now think that chemistry is: Bad





j k l m n

j k l m n

j k l m n

j k l m n

j k l m n

Choose one:

5. When I get home, I am going to share what I learned about chemistry with other people: j k l m n


j k l m n


j k l m n


6. I am a _________: (choose one) j k l m n

boy / man

j k l m n

girl / woman

7. My age is ____________: (choose one) j k l m n

6 years old or younger

j k l m n

10-12 years old

j k l m n

16-18 years old

j k l m n

7-9 years old

j k l m n

13-15 years old

j k l m n

older than 18 years old

8. Do you have any comments or suggestions about today's event that you would like to share? 5