We operated the7670A automatic sampler 24,000 times to prove its

In our own laboratories, we have re- peatedly performed 24,000 continuous injections—equal to two years of con- tinuous use—without a major failur...
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We operated the7670A automatic sampler 24,000 times to prove its reliability In our own laboratories, we have repeatedly performed 24,000 continuous injections—equal to two years of continuous use—without a major failure and with amazingly little wear. Hundreds of GC labs are taking a dramatic yet inexpensive first step toward automation by installing the 7670A Automatic Sampler on their GC's. There's a good reason: each GC equipped with a 7670A can operate unattended overnight and on weekends, more than tripling its output. If you're contemplating the purchase of an automatic sampler, you should know something about its reliability. Now that a year has passed since its introduction, we can tell you quite a

lot about the reliability of the 7670A: 1—Hundreds of customer laboratories around the world have found the 7670A to be completely reliable, even when used around the,clock. We know because all service calls during the first year are at our expense, and warranty service has been virtually nonexistent. 2—Ourdesigners have a hard-nosed theory for automatic samplers: automation is required, reliability is demanded, precision is essential. To test their theory, we measured the analytical performance of the 7670A before and after 1000 continuous cycles. In all cases, we found that component concentrations agreed within ± 0 . 2 %

and absolute retention times within ±0.01 min. (We used a CiZ to C i 8 methyl ester sample and measured the results with a 3370 GC Integrator.) Call the nearest HP sales office to learn how an investment of $3250 for the 7670A can improve the precision as well as productivity of your GC lab. Or write for our new 4-page data sheet. Hewlett-Packard, Route 41, Avondale, Pa. 19311. In Europe: 1217 MeyrinGeneva, Switzerland.